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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 400x234, elisabeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3951513 No.3951513[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literary hookup thread

post name, a/s/l and what you're looking for.

Pic if you have one.

Elizabeth Bennett, 19/F/Regency England

looking for an eligible man of at least three thousand a year, to be my romantic counterpart in life. Willing to travel

>> No.3951521
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25/ M/ yorkshire

>> No.3951523

also, I'm looking for dat pussy

>> No.3951540
File: 7 KB, 213x237, darcyfitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fitzwilliam Darcy M/28/Pemberly,near Lampton, Derbyshire

Interested in a mistress that gives good head, 10,000 a year

>> No.3951539
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Queequeg 29/m/south pacific

Missed connection: Lost track of you when our cruise ended abruptly. Call me, Ishmael...

>> No.3951543

change that to "wife" and I'm down: this is me:>>3951513

I swallow.

>> No.3951555


>> No.3951563
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21 M Omegle

We connected to each other, and although you disconnect from me fairly quickly, I thought you were interesting. you told me about your stone guard parents who don't let you do anything you want. My name is Darwin. I'd like to talk to you again, if that's O.K. with you--and your parents, should they read this.

>> No.3951567
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Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.

>> No.3951571 [DELETED] 

18 m Spain
we can watch Fellini's filmography together

>> No.3951574

There's nothing indirect about it. if you've got the money, i've got the kneepads. Also, I'm considered a wit, in a small way.

>> No.3951609
File: 5 KB, 270x187, darcyfitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You expect me to account for opinions which you choose to call mine, but which I have never acknowledged. Bring your kneepads with pride and I shall forgo my prejudice in our matrimony.

>> No.3951619

If you're qt and gay I'm down. I think you missed the point of the thread though.

>> No.3951657

do you by any chance have a douchebag aunt or anything i should know about?

>> No.3951671

Humbert Humbert, old/masculine/The Glorious United States of America

Looking for a prepubescent qt3.14 whose monkeyish feet I can admire. Also seckxs n stuffs :3

I know things about literature. Your mom likes me. I'll rape you (nicely doe, I'll get you to want it babygirl)

Call me.

>> No.3951675
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Looking for casual public restroom encounters

>> No.3951678

Sweet. I shall see to the arrangement of our union promptly. You might also want to be aware that I take it up the ass like a lady, and my safeword is "mantilla".

>> No.3951681
File: 32 KB, 240x200, darcyfitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your conjecture is totally wrong, I assure you. My mind was more agreeably engaged. I have been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow

>> No.3951685

That is all.
I'm willing to bet nobody here is from Austria.

>> No.3951686

Charlotte Haze
Female/mid-50s/New England
would you like to board at my house? My daughter, Dolores, is so lonely...

>> No.3951688


Looking for a qt3.14 to engage in scat play and fart on me. Serious enquiries only; must appreciate my frequent jumps into autres Sprachen.

>> No.3951690

Hmm very pleased to meet you, m'lady. I would very much enjoy getting to know WHAT A SWEET LITTLE NYMPHET THAT LOLI OF YOUR IS MM OH MY MY PHALLUS FEELS RATHER AROUSED you.

>> No.3951689

Tirol hier

>> No.3951692

Holy shit. That was fast.
Vienna here.

>> No.3951693

8/10, that was actually pretty good man, made me laugh.

>> No.3951694

That was a literary joke about Joyce, wasn't it? Hehehe

>> No.3951695
File: 185 KB, 570x854, darcyfitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony, from matrimony to anal in a moment. Ahh mantilla I shall unfold that word as though it is our wedding everynight and the word shall unfold from your lips as your arse blossoms for me.

>> No.3951696

well, that's lovely. You should come at once! You sound like a man i would want to marry. Do you, perchance, keep a diary?

Oh, and my daughter will be at camp for quite some time, so we can have the house to ourselves ;)

>> No.3951702

I will murder you!
I mean.. nice to meet you!

>> No.3951706
File: 958 KB, 2184x3064, YHWH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for a betrothed virgin to defi - to purify, i mean. Any takers?

>> No.3951709

W-well isn't that lovely and totally not sexually unappealing! >tfw I'm gonna have to think about my little nymphet's flat chest while banging her whale-sized mom I'm sure it'll be delightful.

I do, in fact, keep a diary. You must never look at it though. Nothing to do with deeply disturbing pedo thoughts and other weirdness though, just muh privacy hehehe.

>> No.3951710

let's fuck

>> No.3951711
File: 29 KB, 409x511, VIRGIN MARY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hay

>> No.3951715


Oh, my, i can feel my wooden new-englander heart being wooed. Why don't you come now and take care of business (;

>> No.3951718

gay thread, you should be all ashamed of yourself

>> No.3951722
File: 5 KB, 150x150, marybennet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary Bennet
18/f/Regency England

Quiet. accomplished in my small way upon the pianoforte, draw well and suck cock with adequate skill. Also heavily pierced and tattooed, mostly with scenic landscapes of italy and classical erotica after Ovid and the Decammeron.
Fuck safewords.

>> No.3951723

>>3951702 wasn't me, sweetcheeks.

Your Humby-hubby would never do such a thing <3 We'll die old and peaceful in each other's arms or when you run out of the house like a maniac after stumbling upon my diary full of >tfw no qt prepubescent gf stuff .

I'll see you soon bayubbz

>> No.3951725
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>> No.3951727
File: 1.01 MB, 1840x3264, IMG_20130718_231105_290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post name,
Oliver Goodman.


>and what you're looking for.
Just casual sex. Male or female, I don't mind.

>Pic if you have one.

>> No.3951731 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im looking for a girl thats kinda like me that woud be maybe intrested in dating or at least just a friend to talk to that lives close enough to where i can se them and she has anime and manga interests. I play guitar tooand my favorite non-Japanese band is Nirvana.
also my ideology is nihilism, it's very deep and interesting but i'll explain it to you if you suck my dick
bye ^^

>> No.3951736 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 212x258, Max-Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a picture of me!
このサイトについて - 翻訳!

>> No.3951743
File: 6 KB, 182x277, darcyfitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mhm. Perhaps you can be my mistress on the side as I have already married a woman by the name of Elizabeth, you dont happen to be related to Elizabeth Bennet?

>> No.3951746

fucking hell, did you actually read the book?
elizabeth's whole shtick is that she is very skeptical of how materialistic marriage has become. while around her, everyone is marrying for bad reasons (money and status in the case of Charlotte Lucas, sex in the case of her parents and Lydia) that ultimately leave them unsatisfied, Elizabeth marries out of genuine love, friendship, and admiration for Mr Darcy. He just happens to be stinking rich and sexy as fuck, but hey she got lucky.

>> No.3951751

iranman here. some people know me from the kharms threads. obviously im cursed to live in iran. things i like :

Cinema - David Cronenberg / Takashii Miike / Park Chan-wook / Ken Russell / Nicolas Winding Refn / Kim Ki-Duk / Takeshi Kitano / Tarsem Singh /...

Writers & Poets : Daniil Kharms / Bohumil Hrabal / Ernst Jandl / Dean Young / Dino Buzzati / Mikhail Bulgakov / Thomas Pynchon / Alexander Vvedensky / Velimir Khlebnikov / ...

Music : Technical Death Metal / Dark Ambient / Glitch / Breakcore / Deathcore and Metalcore / Future Garage / IDM / 8-bit / 2-Step Hardcore / Atmospheric Post-hardcore / Djent / Grindcore / Super Eaurobeat

Art - Gustav Klimt / Hieronymus Bosch / Marcel Duchamp / Max Ernst / Zdzislaw Beksinski

Video Games - Guilty Gear X2 # Reload / Nightfall Mysteries-The Asylum Conspiracy / Machinarium / Phantasmat Collectors Edition / F-zero GX / Eliminate Down / Gley Lancer / Thunder Force IV / M.U.S.H.A / LSD: Dream Emulator / Bad Mojo / Phantasmagoria 2: A Puzzle of Flesh

im also interested in paranormal and unexplained. i workout (both lifting and body weight training) and i like athletic bodies. i never found a female human being interesting enough to get in a relationship with, im 30 years old.

>> No.3951756


Did you get the book translated? What happened? If you made a lot of money out of it, you owe /lit/ a royalty cheque.

>> No.3951764


yeah ive done it and its getting published right now. i will make a thread and post the cover when its out. sure i owe /lit/ alot for this. i will pay back one day dude

>> No.3951783

perhaps you are unfamiliar with the literary device known as " ironic lampoon". A type of subversive satire in which the character of a person or type is portrayed as the opposite of what is normally expected, even as an exaggerated opposite.
brave men are cowards, generous men have selfish moitves and the most coy and discreet virgin is revealed to be posessed of the sensibilities of the most accomplished courtesan.
it is considered a low type of farce.

>> No.3951790
File: 168 KB, 1260x1085, 1355912330648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obviously im curse to live in Iran
top lelke mate

>> No.3952490

Partyminded Yogi seeks Commissar, pref "New Party" for extreme interrogation sessions and reconstruction of party faith in the light of the Great Leader's guiding hand. (M/37/Leningrad, do not call before 3am).

>> No.3952537
File: 135 KB, 250x376, 250px-Mowgli-1895-illustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18/m/British Raj, India.

I like hunting and the outdoors.

Mowgli's the name. Mow to rhyme with Cow incase you were wondering. It means Little Frog.

>> No.3952547

Man, I'm seeking a Dom too, but it is so damn hard to find one. I try to hide in my room and enjoy myself privately, but I've not been picked up yet. If you do find someone, let me know how?

—Winston (M/40s/London)

>> No.3952566

The amount of horny blinds itt saddens me.

>> No.3952586


looking for a female. thats about it.

>> No.3952589 [DELETED] 
File: 462 KB, 500x650, 1373720615281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


super h00rny

>> No.3952590

Where in the UK?

>> No.3952609

Hey, Chris Hansen.

>> No.3952612


Eww, is that Elle Fanning? She's like seven feet tall!

>> No.3952611 [DELETED] 

enjoy your ban

>> No.3952619

>implying Mary wasn't a lesbian

>> No.3952634

Hi dad!

>> No.3952823 [DELETED] 


please let me know if you want to smoke pcp and listen to lamborghini crystal w/ me and you live in the austin area if you're a girl we can kiss maybe if you're a boy too depends serious inquiries only please

>> No.3952851

this is the worst fucking thread I've ever seen

>> No.3952862
File: 112 KB, 807x611, brides-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charles Ryder, 39/M/Currently Homeless

Looking for a human being to give me love, preferably someone who resembles Sebastian Flyte, face, attitude and taste-wise. I do not care if you have a penis or a vagina, so as long as you don't leave me alone to become a worthless alcoholic with a german pet in some god forsaken arabian land, or break off everything with me because you are too busy thinking about your life as a catholic girl in a protestant world and then you turn sour because of the way and also you should really resemble Sebastian... he was the forerunner.

>> No.3952867

this is v poor, charles ryder is never really homeless (as far as i remember) and also it's way too blatant, ryder's homo-lust for sebastian is always at least thinly disguised or sublimated into lust for sebastian's sister or catholicism

>> No.3952881

waait a sec is this thread some kind of joke thing

>> No.3952885

> never really homeless
You didn't get the reference.

Also, the homo-lust is still debatable until now. Waugh didn't really clear that up, and a good five years later he "hated" the book with the force of a thousand suns. As far as I know, it's a good kick because it gets people talking. Some may say that his "love" for sebastian was just a foreshadowing for Julia.

>> No.3952891
File: 7 KB, 1304x105, serious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This is serious business. I'm a boy, wanna make out?

>> No.3952898

this is the best post in this thread

>You didn't get the reference.

well excuse me

>Also, the homo-lust is still debatable until now. Waugh didn't really clear that up, and a good five years later he "hated" the book with the force of a thousand suns. As far as I know, it's a good kick because it gets people talking. Some may say that his "love" for sebastian was just a foreshadowing for Julia.

eh, i agree that it's debatable but i think it's ultimately just much easier and more coherent to assume that the narrator is variously lying about, deceiving himself about, and sublimating his boner for sebastian than it is to take everything he says at face value. the story just hangs together better that way; it's more plausible.

i definitely agree that it's not established either way and i used to argue that it wasn't a sexual thing, but honestly, i really think it just makes more sense as a story that way

>> No.3952900


>> No.3952909

the archive is back nigga, have yu added me on skype?

>> No.3952936

>well excuse me
I was referencing Ryder's talk with Hooper.

> really think it just makes more sense as a story that way
I've had an argument with this the other day with a friend. She's a purist, or so she claims, and she insists on Charles and Sebastian being nothing more than philial. She even cited a line in the book, I forgot who said it, but the line basically said that Sebastian was in love with his childhood, which is why he is always juvenile in his discretions on his first meeting with Charles, and Charles "loved" Sebastian because he represented everything which was new to him - he was glamour and the high-life. Basically, what she's saying was "they're not real people and they're symbols".

I'm kind of on the fence on this one, but I'm leaning more on "Charles is a bisexual and Sebastian is homosexual man who didn't get it with Charles." Julia even keeps asking Charles about his love for Sebastian, and she was rather jealous, wasn't she? In the boat scene in the Atlantic, what ticked me off was when Charles was making his advances towards Julia and Julia said no I can't give you love, but Charles insisted that he wasn't looking for love, to which Julia countered. That really was a sublimating point for me, as well. He just sees Sebastian in everything.

>> No.3952940

i said kiss btw, not make out, making out implies that repetitive tongue waggling and thats boring and not pleasing at all. not even w/ taschen (maybe with taschen).
im making a new account with a username i wouldn't mind using rn

>> No.3953022

okay i made it


everyone on /lit/ feel free to add me (that includes you taschen)