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3950544 No.3950544 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3950548

>and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on

>> No.3950557

>blah blah blah Khmer Rouge
>blah blah blah denied professorial position but people still pay me billions of trillions of slovakian dinars to stand on a rostrum and say quirky nonsense for five seconds
>no response to charges of being a fraud

>> No.3950562

Well, what do we learn.
a. Zizek refuses to base (empirical) claims on evidence.
b. You can simply listen to what people say, that suffices. You don't need to proof that gulags existed, but just look at public discourse.
c. something about cynicism, which is hard to deal with, because it has nothing to do with chomsky position. except yes, he believes that people should be told that if institution X does something reprehensible it should be reported accuratley. he never makes the point that people in power are total cynics, but indoctrinated.
d. popularity of postmodern, lacanian, whatever is not given within academia, but chomsky was obv. talking about influence on the left, not in the academia as a whole.

>> No.3950566

I've never heard Zizek say anything do anything particularly new or intelligent.

>> No.3950568

if zizek is so smart why can't he repair that lisp?

>> No.3950604

>I mean, my God
Every time.

>> No.3950605

>Žižek has a lisp
>Stallman programs in LISP
>both are unkept neckbeards

I'm seeing a connection here...

>> No.3950606
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>> No.3950865

when i say it /lit/ libtards swear at me
when lord and saviour źiźęk says its suddenly common knowledge

fuck this board

>> No.3950963

you're a bit dense?

>> No.3951238
File: 26 KB, 304x316, capsage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making fun of Zizek and Stallman

>making fun of LISP

>> No.3952280

Laughed way harder than I should have. Thanks, man.