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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 12 KB, 251x200, brave_witty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3949724 No.3949724 [Reply] [Original]

Was he the bravest philosopher of all time?

> implying Heidegger or Derrida would ever fight in battle
> inb4 but muh pacifism

>> No.3949732


>> No.3949747

>liking anything after Brahms

>> No.3949748

Well, he did demand to be stationed in an area that was known for being under constant attack because he wanted to feel alive -- or something like that.

>> No.3949787


you what

>> No.3949804

And he impressed everyone with his feats of bravery even though he hated them all for being inauthentic plebs.

Gotta love Witty.

you don't have a clue

>> No.3949813

can someone explain why people are saging on topic threads?

>> No.3949818

A sage just means you don't want to bump the thread, and implies nothing about the reason. That doesn't necessarily mean the thread is bad or off-topic. It can be because of that, but it can also be because your own post is off-topic or doesn't contribute significantly to the discussion.

>> No.3949824

It's usually just an attention seeking polemic.

>> No.3949826

Seconded. Dunno why sage necessary.

>> No.3949829

So it doesn't contribute significantly to the discussion, then. By the way, I'm not saging to be a dick. I'm saging because I'm not really contributing to answering OP's question.

>> No.3949864

dumbasses who complain about others saging seem like the attention seekers to me.

>> No.3949899

You realize that the more sages in a thread, the sooner it will 404?

Sages contribute to premature thread pruning.

>> No.3949917


>being in charge of a light reflector
>masturbating frequently

That sure is bravery

>> No.3949965

this, or Spinoza.

>> No.3949990

>only listen to Meistersinger out of Wagner's oeuvre
>30 times in a few months

>> No.3949998

Kripke's up there. He fights da powah. But yeah it's probably Witty or Socrates.

>> No.3950001


Not anymore than not posting in the thread.

>> No.3950004
File: 46 KB, 199x286, wittgensteinwantstheD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but Kripke sucks

>> No.3950006

Maybe, but it irrelevant. I don't think I have ever heard anything less relevant than this about Witts.

>> No.3950023


That is irrelevant. He still has the cahones to directly contradict the majority of analytic philosophy on its own terms. I'm a big fan of Kripke. Why don't you like him? You don't like Quine or continental hacks, do you?

>> No.3950029

I know nothing about music theory but I constantly find myself listening to more Brahms than Wagner.

Is it the more traditional forms provided by Brahms that draws me in more or is the overly adventurous and bombastic nature of Wagners music that keeps me away?

>> No.3950034

the whole "skeptical solution" reading of Philosophical Investigations is, I think, a tremendous violence to the central teachings of that text. I haven't engaged with the rest of Kripke's oeuvre, though.

and no Quine sucks. but I probably have more of an affinity with "continental hacks" than you might admire.

>> No.3950044


>I haven't engaged with the rest of Kripke's oevure, though

Well there you go. You should read up on him. He was pretty much the AntiQuine.

>> No.3950047

I may at some point; what's a good entry point then that's not Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language

>> No.3950054


Definitely Naming and Necessity. Have fun. I loved Kripke when I first read him a few years ago. It's technical, but very clear, and he presents some views that are, as I said, very contrary to that of the typical analytic philosopher.

>> No.3950114


Reading this guy as a philosopher is like buying a car just to use its radio.

>> No.3950132

His decision of going to the war was intended as a form of suicide.

Wikipedia and Monk's biography are not the best sources.

>> No.3950134

So was Witt right or he just misunderstood basically any topic he reached upon?

Talking about Gödel specifically here.

>> No.3950149


and you're a better one?

>> No.3950165
File: 165 KB, 773x1024, filosofo-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still listening to romantic-nationalists-metaphysics

I hate you.

>> No.3950166

Marx, Socrates, Buddha

>> No.3950187

Diogenes of Sinope
Augustine of Hippo
Heraclitus of Ephesus

if i could choose a philosopher i would like to fight with. i'd choose aristotle, because i respect him.

>> No.3950192
File: 83 KB, 402x402, Marquis-de-Sade-9469078-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marquis de sade

I don't agree with everything he said about morality, and such, but I do acknowledge his bravery in a society ruled by christian prudes.

>> No.3950196
File: 265 KB, 1215x768, miranda-cosgrove-twitter-legs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>heretical jew
>anti-rich people
>anti-jewish tradition

>> No.3950197

Nietzsche was Wagner's greatest admirer until Wagner became a proto-nazi.

>> No.3950201


You forgot possibly gay

>> No.3950207

I know. He just realized Wagner was just a nationalist scumbag on the wake of idealism and of metaphysics. He also dismissed Schopenhauer on the same grounds because he advocated for an earthly existence, free from all trans-natural concepts.

>> No.3950210



you must be kidding

"Every miserable fool who has nothing at all of which he can be proud, adopts as a last resource pride in the nation to which he belongs; he is ready and happy to defend all its faults and follies tooth and nail, thus reimbursing himself for his own inferiority."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.3950217


>tfw you read nietzsche's anti-christ and you think proto-nazism

>> No.3950660

>nationalist scumbag
I lol'd.


>> No.3950682 [DELETED] 

Now that I think about it, probably Lenin and Trotsky.

>> No.3950686 [DELETED] 

everytime I see that drawing of sade I get the impression that he was the kind of guy that enjoyed being fisted in the ass.

i mean no disrespect, but i mean come on, i cant be the only one that sees this

>> No.3950687 [DELETED] 

>not fighting Heraclitus

>> No.3950731

>Diogenes of Sinope
You better don't choose a cynic to fight, because you would probably get your shit slapped. They've been the most tough philosophers ever.

>> No.3950800
File: 123 KB, 387x417, 1556572-likes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implicitly hating on Stravinsky, Ligeti, Xenakis, Messiaen, Reich, Branca, Feldman, Gubaidulina, Debussy, Ravel, Mahler, Lutoslawski, Ustvolskaya, Shostakovich, Berg, Webern, Prokofiev, Adams, Chatham, Glass, Cage, Penderecki, Hovanhess, Lachenmann, Zimmermann, Berio, Nono, Grisey, Part, Gorecki, Saariaho, Lindberg, and Takemitsu

>> No.3950803
File: 8 KB, 256x197, aderny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's be real though, Glass sucks

>> No.3950808


Hey now, his early operas are pretty rad.

>> No.3950818

how cute to lob Branca and Chatham in that list :3

>> No.3950816


pls go

>> No.3950822

this sounds like cheap jangle / surf rock

idk I've not yet listened to those, just his cheesy soundtrack stuff and the yawny melodramatic piano solo stuff etc.

>> No.3950825


Einstein on the Beach is where it's at.

>> No.3950827
File: 9 KB, 248x350, Manuel_DeLanda_3cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying Symphony No. 6 and An Angel Moves Too Fast To See aren't god-tier post-punk texturalism

>> No.3950835


(also Akhnaten and the early ensemble works like Music with Changing Parts)

>> No.3950836

I'm not fond of Glass either but Einstein on the Beach is actually worthwhile

>> No.3950882


I didn't mean Schopenhauer was nationalist, only Wagner. But both were idealists and believed in the metaphysical. If you don't think Wagner's Der Ring Des Nibelungen is ultra-nationalist-romantic music, you are both morons.

>> No.3950905

You mean he composes music besides killing innocent children?

>> No.3950906

Brave? I dont see how he was brave... that'd mean he actually fought or tried to undermine others and all he did was showing that such a thing was not even worth it cause they were all fighting their own shadows.

I cant really think of a "brave" philosopher... I dont see how that adjective could fit a philosopher.

>> No.3950916

>You mean he composes music besides killing innocent children?

Kill yourself. And if you've reproduced, take your progeny with you.

>> No.3950934
File: 18 KB, 620x348, 1357147793822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top lel I was only kidding m8

>> No.3951808
File: 66 KB, 620x620, angry maggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is /lit/. Serious business. There's no place for jokes.

>> No.3951816

>I cant really think of a "brave" philosopher


>> No.3951826



>> No.3951854 [DELETED] 

my response to you is very original
kill yourself

>> No.3951857 [DELETED] 
File: 508 KB, 620x620, top llol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top fucking lel