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3947738 No.3947738 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that Marxism and a philosophical concept has absolutely zero traction in the mainstream?

Anarcho-Capitalism these days is a far, far larger movement than Marxism/Socialism is in the modern world. When was the last time you saw an actual Communist opinion piece in the mainstream news or a Communist on the news on TV giving an interview? Pretty much never.

On the internet, how often do you actually run into Communists or Socialists in comment sections or on forums? It's pretty rare, yet Anarcho Capitalists are everywhere, to the point they often just spam comment sections and forums to absolute death.

Marxism tends to be one of the main doctrines of philosophy today that is still massively popular among academics, yet why does that not at all translate into the mainstream, where philosophy that is essentially batshit insane and ignorant like Anarcho Capitalism/Libertarianism, is often represented in the mainstream and far-right organizations like Libertarian think tanks, often dominate editorial and opinion pieces in newspapers while getting huge amounts of airtime on TV?

>> No.3947744

who cares about TV?

>> No.3947743

Because "those commies killed people and did horrible things to their citizens!"

>> No.3947745
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>> No.3947760

Hundreds of millions.

TV and newspapers (and the mainstream media) are still by far the major source of information for most people.

Most modern Communist organizations went through "Reformation" in the 1970s, most Commie organizations are nothing like the Soviet oriented groups of the past.

I just find it striking, that far-right organizations get so much time in the mainstream media, yet Communists get nothing.
The only time I saw a commie on TV was that fucktarded leader of the CPUSA on Glenn Beck, letting Glen Beck rip him a new asshole without defending himself or Marxist ideology.

>> No.3947813

Maybe in America. There's plenty of socialists in Europe. Socialism is more at home in Europe, I guess. We're a small continent with a lot of people and we like things orderly with control and large governments and welfare states and such. Libertarianism fits the sort of 'git from muh land' 'from muh cold dead hands' etc. cowboyism Americans seem fond of, especially if they own a thousand acres and need a truck to visit the neighbours. Of course anarcho-capitalism is even more of an empty pose than radical communism and is perhaps even more delusional.

>> No.3947817

Because the Marxist political movements of Communism and Social Democracy were gradually coopted by the capitalist class, communism by military/bureaucratic dictatorships and democratic socialism by the prevailing petite bourgeousie officials, and sold to the plebeians through propaganda as inherently flawed.

>> No.3947847

> in the mainstream Murrica


And it's because they've been wrong 4/4 times they called for the collapse/implosion of 'late' capitalism.

The teleology is weak but it's an excellent analysis of capitalism.

>> No.3947912
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People probably get sick of being wrong all the time.

>> No.3947944

any Marxist worth anything doesn't really spew teleology anymore.

>> No.3947952
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This must be an american thing, and you should be grateful that it remains that way. In Brazil, we have nothing but marxist-propaganda-spewing-intellectuals, it's quite horrifying.

When was the last time you saw an ancap on TV, by the way? Anarcho-Capitalism is delusional and only has followers on the internet, most libertarians are not even ancaps, but austrian, monetarists etc.

>> No.3947971

Because Marxism/Communism/Leninism/Trotskyism/Stalinism/Pol-Potism have all been proven to not work in the real world, so people kind of just gave up on it.

>> No.3947975

Whereas anarcho-capitalism has never and will never and can never be tried so people can safely use it as a posing device.

>le free market will fix it

>> No.3947978

You are right, but I think that at the moment he´s being studied more in the USA than here in Europe, am I wrong? I hope they won´t come up with a more retarded interpretation than the previous ones

>> No.3947987

When will there be a resurgence of fascism?
(Italo-fascism that is, not nazism)
Or if there is, where is it going on?
I don't believe fascism or any form of communism are viable in the US.

>> No.3947989

Fascists are rising everywhere in Europe, but they're probably doing best in Greece. See Golden Dawn.

>> No.3947996

Because mega corporations are now nations and they make the rules.

>> No.3948002

Brazil has a big students concentration, most of them are real orthodox communists.

>> No.3948003
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i know right? living in the west is so oppressive. it's a shame we can't be more like the glorious nations of cuba, venezuela or north korea.

>> No.3948007

the pomp and pageantry of italian communism would look absurd in the 21st century

>people would never buy it

>> No.3948022

It's funny when I see murrikans talking about marxism or socialism, because they literally have no experience with these systems. I wonder what they would think if they could come to South America and see what kind of crap this hard-left ideology has given the continent.

It's like seeing a kid trying to stick a fork into a wall plug, you know they aren't to blame for wanting that, but it's stupid anyways.

>> No.3948023

Venezuela would be doing very well if it weren't for oppression.

>> No.3948021

I'm sorry, but I don't know of a single country that actually uses anarcho-capitalism. And I have never, ever seen an anarcho-capitalism interview or comment anywhere. Nor have I seen its flag. Nobody worthwhile likes anarchy because anarchy does not facilitate a good profit. I don't know what you're on about. And /lit/ is nothing but fucking intellectually smug Marxists, so I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.3948025

>"it's a shame we can't be more like the glorious nations of cuba, venezuela"
>"this is what they told me to say"

>> No.3948031

Though I object to anarcho-capitalism = libertarianism. Americans still have a huge government. anarcho-capitalism is absolute privatisation of everything, and as far as I can see from the last time I was there (last year) America is moving towards the left at the speed of sound. Their government gains more control over the people with every new law, so I don't see op's point of view as being...right.

>> No.3948032

Because the Soviets ruined communism for everyone, forever. Marxism could work, but all the governments that have tried have fucked it up without even being truly Marxist.

>> No.3948035

you win.

>> No.3948042

As opposed to what?

>> No.3948039

or maybe they could come to South Africa and get their asses raped by an angry crowd of their fellow proletariat workers.

>> No.3948047
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>ever not oppressive

i know! if it weren't for all this capitalist propaganda and the jews who control the media the truth would be exposed and the world would see cuba venezuela and north korea for the workers paradises they REALLY are!

>> No.3948055

Remnants of the Red Scare + Anarcho-Capitalism's rugged individualism jells with most Americans' philosophy of "git off mah land" and "u leeches need 2 quit TAKN may money and GIT A JOB"

I do think you're exaggerating how popular anarcho-capitalism is over in America. Libertarianism is getting more mainstream traction, but anarcho-capitalism itself is still a very tiny fringe movement that's tucked in away in a small corner of the internet.

>> No.3948066

NK is the only shit country there


>> No.3948072

So what actually is the difference between communism, marxism and socialism?

>> No.3948078
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>> No.3948081

I like it

>> No.3948083
File: 305 KB, 1536x1152, o-CUBA-IMMIGRATION-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's not like cubans ever flee their own country on makeshift rafts or anything

>> No.3948084

My God, truly these dwellings have been built by the Lord himself.