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/lit/ - Literature

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3945378 No.3945378 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, I just got my first short story accepted for publication, and since /lit/ is my default fuck-around page for in between bursts of writing, I just wanted to hop on here and say thanks.

>> No.3945380


>> No.3945389

> talking bird
> not sure if should kill with fire or capture and sell for money
> also accepting ideas for use in obtaining bitches
> please send replies to PO Box 547, Kenning, Missouri

>> No.3945395

I told you, anon! Fanfiction was the way to go!

Congratulations, bro, sincerely.

>> No.3945399

Will you officially accredit me?

>> No.3945400

Congratulations! Which wordpress e-zine accepted it?

>> No.3945425

Ah, yes. There are the sarcasm-bathed responses I was expecting. Feels good, man.

>> No.3945435

link us to it you disgusting faggot

we love reading published authors

>> No.3945440

at least link us to the publisher

>> No.3945445

Well done mate.

>> No.3945449


It hasn't been printed yet, I only received the acceptance letter the other week.

>> No.3945462

I know, but who is publishing it?

>> No.3945467

Forgot the link, sorry.


Not a huge publishing company, but my story will be alongside pieces by Caitlin R. Kiernan and William F. Nolan, so I consider it a pretty good first step.

>> No.3945531


Thank you.

Though I am kind of scared of this reasonable, friendly response. I have that 'someone is lining up some sniper sights on the back of my head right now' feeling.

>> No.3945550


It's okay. Generally lit is nice about these particular things. Congratulations.

>> No.3945562

Congratulations anon. Now what's the genre and general premise?

>> No.3945577


Speculative fiction/sci-fi, about a near-future society where disease has been abolished, so hipster kids go to 'sickbars' to sample the physiological effects of diseases that have been wiped out for some time, in the hopes of having an 'authentic' experience.

>> No.3945582

gj bro

>> No.3945584


Nice! Where's it being published?

>> No.3945594

Gorilla Press? I haven't heard of it before, but I'm psyched it's an actual physical press, and I'm being paid for it.

>> No.3945593
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Put it on a google doc so we can see it.

>> No.3945601

ebook when?

>> No.3945603

Who? Bahahaha. Nobody cares about your shitty sci-fi wordpress e-zine publication.

>> No.3945607

0/10 read the thread.

>> No.3945611

Don't know if there will be an ebook version. I didn't read anything about one. Suppose I should hope there will be one, though, to put the stuff out to a wider audience.

>> No.3945612


I remember seeing this premise in an actual book some time ago.

I think I saw it when I was still browsing io9 in a book review of sorts. How did you come up with this idea, man?

>> No.3945614

Okay, sorry.

>Gorilla Press

Who? Bahahaha. Nobody cares about your speculative sci-fi print zine bullshit publication.

>> No.3945625

I was sick. Lololol

Really, though, I was sick with a horribly nasty flu/head cold, the kind where you feel like you've been hit all over with a meat tenderizer. I had just watched that movie Modify, and was pretty interested in the whole idea of pain as a useful sensation, even one to seek out and try more of. The two ideas sort of melded from there into an idea of a place where you could get sick on purpose. just to see what it was like.

It wouldn't surprise me if someone had done it before, pretty well every sci-fi idea has been done before. I'd love for someone to track it down for me, actually- I'd like to see what they did with the idea, see where it dovetails with mine.

>> No.3945628

> one troll
> all kinds of support, questions, congratulations

Who are you guys and what have you done with /lit/?

>> No.3945672


Same guy here.

Found it:

What do you make of it?

>> No.3945691


That sounds like a very cool concept. I love stuff that plays with our addiction to celebrity like that. But mine isn't about diseases that belonged to anyone specifically, it's about going to a bar and jacking into your favorite strain of late-stage syphillis, or encephalitis, or just a 24-hour flu if you don't feel like going crazy that night. The symptoms can all be shut off at the user's whim. It's more about the silliness of trying to be 'authentically retro' or 'vintage'.

I will definitely watch that movie, though.

>> No.3945704

How much were you paid?

Trying to see if it's worth the trouble of trying to publish any of my short stories.

And do you still have to do a whole sample packet for short works? The pitch or whatever. I forget what it's called.

Also: Agent. Do you have one? If so, how much profit did you make after his/her bullshit?

>> No.3945705
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.noitacilbup eniz-e sserpdrow if-ics yttihs ruoy tuoba serac ydoboN .ahahahaB ?ohW

>> No.3945710


Don't expect to get paid for your writing until you're well-established.

>> No.3945714

3 cents a word, 165 bucks roughly. Not a massive amount. And no, I didn't have a sample packet, nor do I have an agent. They did a call for short stories, I had one that fit the theme, I submitted it.

>> No.3945715

>because OP is so established.

>> No.3945716

That sounds horrible and interesting at the same time.

>> No.3945720
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>> No.3945727

To make even part-time-ish wages with that it'd take a lot of luck with finding the correct short story calls and like one story each week.

>gonna keep the dayjob
>>May cash in for some bonus bucks sometime though.

Thanks OP.

>> No.3945737

Oh yeah, I'm definitely not doing it for the paycheck, heh. Though it'd be nice to get a novel out there at some point and set a little in savings from an advance. That's quite a few steps past where I'm at now, though.

>> No.3945750

Not if your story is good enough. First time writers get published often. If you mean skill wise/ perfection wise, then that's up to you. Just take the necessary steps. Commissions are typically 10,000-15,000 for new writers with one year to completion. For first timers it's wise to finish your manuscript first though and spend that year with your editor, refining yourself.

>> No.3945778

Oh, I've got a good set of three or four novel first drafts from 50-90% completed. With novels, though, it's so hard not to nitpick everything to death. With a story, it's pretty easy to polish it until I'm confident it's the best it can be. With novel-length stuff, it's harder to pull that off.

I definitely need to pair up with a good editor. That'd help me immensely.

>> No.3945811

Trusted peers who do a lot of reading are excellent for pacing/flow advice. Any creative friend will be helpful with story structure. Almost any English professor will be helpful with syntax and outstanding grammar errors. Just remember this though when it comes to grammar, "Imperfect" grammar can be a part of your writing voice which is the most vital part of any novel. Don't turn your manuscript into a textbook!

And remember, dialogue can have improper syntax and all that. It can be a good way to give the third dimension to some characters.

>> No.3945831


This is good advice in general, but I'm definitely not worried about my voice. My prose is actually the stuff I feel most confident about. It's the pacing and plotting that sometimes trip me up with the long stuff, and even then, it's not because it's objectively BAD- it's just not the pro-quality I want it to be at yet. I can tell when something is...off, when I read it, and it takes a lot longer to make it all 'on' when it's a longer piece.

>> No.3945840


That's the email I use in these cases. Send me a message if you'd like and we can spit some ideas back and forth. Great writers come in packs.

>> No.3945875

> anonymous
> send me your stories


>> No.3945903

You go, OP :3 Congrats.

>> No.3945910

Not the stories he's sure are keys to his future. More like helping refine old work so he learns the mechanics. Learn by doing. However I won't be hurt if I don't get a message. This is my good deed for the day.

>> No.3945919

How did you get paid? Money or magazine issues or a pat on the back?

Are you happy with that?

>> No.3945922

Eh, I'll bite.

>> No.3945923

Never mind, I read the thread and found out

>> No.3945926

Awesome, the talking bird is back. I've settled on catching you with a net and selling you to the highest bidder.

Here's hoping a private owner wins the auction and not a medical company!

>> No.3945941

I'm hoping I get a few contributors' copies on top of the paycheck.

And it's an anthology, not a magazine. Like the Mammoth Book of Horror or Year's Best Sci Fi 14, etc, etc. An actual book, for whatever that's worth.

>> No.3945946

how did u get published i was thinking of writing some shit but i always hear fags whining about how hard it is to publish something but i have my suspicions that the people who whine about the impossibility of getting published actually just suck at writing

>> No.3945954

Yeah, writing isn't as easy as wanting to write. Pretentious wording, elementary wording, and cliche premises are the killers.

>> No.3945968

no but i'm saying where did u send the shit like do u just spam it out or did ur jewish uncle hook u up or sth

>> No.3945974

I wrote a story I was excited about.

I sent said story to friends, got tips on improving it.

I edited it until I was satisfied.

I sent it out.

They said yes.

Not sure what else there is to say. Sorry if that's unhelpful.

>> No.3945977

Trying to get published?
First off I'm not OP.
If you fucking read, he explained that he saw a call for short stories in a genre that he had happened to write in and he got the deal that way. Otherwise spam it the fuck out to every agent, then once a few are interested (never settle until more than one is interested) you choose the one that has more credibility; ethos.

>> No.3945986

no but like how did u know where to send, ok what i mean is did u like set out saying "im gonna get my story into 'best short ass sci-fi of 2013'" and send it to them or did u just spam it out to ever person with a printing press in america

>> No.3945991

how do u find agents to spam it to also i didnt read the whole thread lol

>> No.3945992

Ohhhh, I got you. I saw a thing a writer friend on Facebook posted about submissions and went from there.

>> No.3945993

>tfw published by your campus literary magazine but too embarrassed to tell anyone

>> No.3946001

oh i see, i didnt' know they had things like that...so it's like in art where some foundation or rich dude will be commissioning some shit and calls for artists to spam him with proposals and then he picks some shit he likes

>> No.3946007

Dude, OP here. It's a start, don't be embarrassed. Keep going.

>> No.3946005

unless the school cost 50 gees a year i probably wouldnt tell anyone either, no offense i went to a cheap school too

>> No.3946011

Pretty much, yes. There will be a proposal for a theme, and people submit stories to the editor(s) that fit that theme, and then the editors pick.

I was told that the one I submitted to had 250-odd submissions, so I got damn lucky.

>> No.3946015

what do u think abt writing for like a non-fiction things i sometimes wanna write some critique of contemporary leftism but i don't have a phd so leftist won't take me seriously since i'm just a proletarian who works for hourly wages but i always want to write some shit to these gay ass marxist journals and be like "you'll fags suck for real"

>> No.3946018

I would start with capitalization and grammar and go from there.

Godspeed, first-world rebel.

>> No.3946102

If you're using Chrome then USE YOUR FUCKIN HOME PAGE.

>> No.3946114

i don't use nsa spyware sorry

>> No.3946120




>> No.3946133

Damn it, it got away!


> 80's comedy boingle-oingle-oingle noise

>> No.3946258
