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File: 151 KB, 1539x1000, 1364507490218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3944728 No.3944728[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did you grow out of overly sentimental kitsch trash such as this painting?

>> No.3944747
File: 27 KB, 460x276, Blackadder460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"In this moment, I'm anispeptic. Not because of any frasmotic pericombobulation. But because, I am compunctuous by my contrafribularities."

>> No.3944748

don't think you know what kitsch means

>> No.3944770

It's gaudy and boring.

Richman's kitsch is just as kitsch as the poorman's.

>> No.3944780

Movements that disregard the classics of their form as pompous "kitsch", or unworthy of study tend to perish of cot-death; dead within a decade and soon branded as kitsch themselves.

Disco is dead, and yet, Chopin lives.

>> No.3944781

Disco never died, the world still grooves. I shit on the piano.

>> No.3944782

Kitsch means mass-produced bad art.

>> No.3944786

Shitting on Pianos is so kitsch.

>> No.3944790

around 1850 or so

>> No.3944823


>> No.3944834

In this moment, I am Sunhawk. Not because of any phony /lit/'s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my tripcode.

>> No.3944850
File: 65 KB, 797x598, Gen_Melchett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3944855
File: 299 KB, 1571x1044, sea_life_park_baby_dolphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3944918

Boring doesn't define kitsch.
Low brow, low quality, and mass production define kitsch
You don't seem to know what gaudy means, either

>> No.3944936

Renaissance art and the like bores the hell out of me. I much prefer conceptual art. There is some bizarre current in modern American "thought" (if one can consider it thought) that Renaissance painting is the pinnacle of man's artistic achievement because of its technical mastery. What a bore. Any low- or middle-brow American is likely to express this meager opinion when confronted with any conversation pertaining to art, and they will probably throw in a quick "I just don't GET modern art, I mean even I could draw a square! Where's my million dollars?"

>> No.3945031
File: 39 KB, 340x358, artists_shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, anyone who can't appreciate the intellectual value of a piece like this is a massive ignoramus who probably doesn't even have a liberal arts degree.

>> No.3945036

give me a plaque that says that an artist worked for three years in a particular room over any michelangelo or el greco anyday

>> No.3945046

>Renaissance art and the like bores the hell out of me. I much prefer conceptual art.

Truly dark times.

>> No.3945048

Renaissance art was conceptual as well.

>> No.3945057


I'm sure you are the type who at Renaissance exhibits nudges the next guy over and goes "Isn't this stuff AMAZING? I mean look at how detailed it is! You don't get stuff like that anymore!". Also to leave your mouth: "I don't get this Rothko stuff. I mean what's the big deal with a square?"

>> No.3945064
File: 22 KB, 550x226, creedlightsonoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The content of this work is almost nothing: a gallery with bare walls in which the lights turn on and off in intervals of five seconds. This piece is based on a cycle of repetitive contradictions: each five-second phase is denied by the next. Creed controls the fundamental conditions ofvisibility within the gallery and redirects our attention to the walls that normally act as support and background for art objects. He treats the gallery as a medium to be molded, manipulating the existing lighting to create a new effect. Akin to John Cage's influential 1952 sound piece 4''33"—a four-minute, thirty-three-second composition of silence—Creed's witty, sensorial work subverts the normal spatial and temporal parameters of viewing experience.

This won the Turner Prize. Scruton was spot on about modern art.

>> No.3945066

How do you determine if "art" beyond the visual arts is kitsch? Mass production is no longer a criteria in that case.

>> No.3945070
File: 55 KB, 730x525, tracey-emin-my-bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A consummate storyteller, Tracey Emin engages the viewer with her candid exploration of universal emotions. Well-known for her confessional art, Tracey Emin reveals intimate details from her life to engage the viewer with her expressions of universal emotions. Her ability to integrate her work and personal life enables Emin to establish an intimacy with the viewer.

Tracey shows us her own bed, in all its embarrassing glory. Empty booze bottles, fag butts, stained sheets, worn panties: the bloody aftermath of a nervous breakdown. By presenting her bed as art, Tracey Emin shares her most personal space, revealing she’s as insecure and imperfect as the rest of the world.

>> No.3945074

Only a degenerate modern artist would have a bed that disgusting.

Produces filth, rests in filth.

>> No.3945101
File: 486 KB, 1188x1629, 1302610916310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rothko was the opposite of a conceptual artist. Conceptual art is shit like this, >>3945064
or >>3945064 that exists solely for people to write essays on.

>> No.3945187

I don't care much for devotional painting or all of Renaissance painting, but Rothko is le degenerate as fuck. The 'abstract' scribblings of these artists differ from those of a child only in motivation, with the former consciously trying to shatter artistic orthodoxies and attain greatness; in short, the difference is in the pretentiousness of motivation.

Now we see clay penises doused in shit, supposedly reflective of our modern condition, plastic mastodonic vaginas, one line on an empty background and such stuff. These aren't works of art but the products of people who are suffering from a kind of artistic tourette's syndrome, occasionally and accidentally blurting out objects that they demand others call art. It's degeneracy.

>> No.3945201
File: 125 KB, 474x400, 1327251456471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isn't this stuff AMAZING? I mean look at how radical it is! You don't get stuff like that from the renaissance!

>> No.3945209

>I'm sure you are the type
Nope, why do you think there is only one type of person that can appreciate renaissance art?

>> No.3945222
File: 45 KB, 640x427, 2302531056_f842b4f801_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i bet your the kind of pleb faggot who doesn't appreciate Turrel

>> No.3945252

turrel's stuff is cool because it's physically hurt a lot of people
that's what i call aesthetically impactive

>> No.3945296


lel do you even german?
Kitsch is a german word and assuming english speaking countries use the german definition of the word, all of your describtions are wrong.

OP had it right, kitsch means overly sentimental.
Films or books that are called kitsch, often contain a story that emphasizes romance too much.
Kitsch in art usually means art containing overused, kind of romantic symbolism like hearts, angels and shit like that, but it could mean anything overly sentimental, like OP said.

>> No.3945315


It's hard for me to demand that you remove yourself from your high horse, when your mount appears to be absent legs of any kind.

>> No.3945316

I would like to take a second to point out that The Death of Socrates isn't renaissance art, it's Neo-Classical. About a hundred years between them guys. And regardless, I love contemporary art and classical art, this thread is pure shit post.