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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 49 KB, 540x720, qa-with-noah-cicero-author-of-ibest-behaviori.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3944404 No.3944404[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

"But the alt way, is that you live differently. If you go into an alt person’s home and watched how they lived, they are eating alt food from Whole Foods, there isn’t even a television, especially not with cable."

>> No.3944406

>"I'm so alternative because I follow the guidelines that other alternative people have set before me."

>> No.3944408

>I care more about my image than my work
>please take me seriously

>> No.3944784

If you want more Noah Cicero rage, here is an 11 minute video of him explaining the history of philosophy, in an extremely pretentious way. He really doesn't know what he's talking about regarding philosophy


>> No.3944795

> no tv
> food from whole foods

so being a yuppie is alt? i guess it really IS hip to be square!

>> No.3944821

Well, I know it will never live up to your evening of Kardashians and ready meals.

>> No.3944828

I think I'm pretty "alt", I have a bunch of TVs but i don't watch them, and i don't have cable. I shop at Wal Mart, which is also a chain store like whole foods. I eat a lot of bologna sandwiches, which is ecologically friendly, since they recyle many parts of the animal that primitive cultures discard as inedible. And I watch cartoons from japan which improves my understanding of other cultures. Or at least the ninja schoolgirl parts of those cultures.

>> No.3944836

i don't have a tv and i only eat organic food, i guess i'm "alt" and i didn't know it! so do i get a discount at urban outfitters or something?

>> No.3944841

>i only eat organic food
Oh, you poor fool. They really got you good, didn't they.

>> No.3944846

no i just can't concentrate if i eat food that's jam packed with chemicals, dyes and other bullshit... if i felt like i could eat a box of hohos and wash it down with red mountain dew and still do anything productive i would...

>> No.3944851

just don't spend 5 more dollars on the bunch of bananas labelled "organic"

>> No.3944853

What's that got to do with the organic food sham? Just don't eat packaged or processed foods. You can still have grains, fruits, vegetables and whatever else you want, it doesn't mean that you have to be tricked into buying the organic versions.

>> No.3944856

organic food is also jam packed with chemicals, and organic chemicals, which are the most dangerous kind. TNT, Cholesterol, all the simple sugars and carbohydrates and most deadly poisons are organic chenmicals, including many nerve gasses and chemical weapons.

>> No.3944858
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>> No.3944862

Actually, organic fertiliser has been show to be slightly more carcinogenic than clean lab-grade fertiliser, and this transfers into the food.

>> No.3944864

Alt lit is bull shit. It's basically a bastardized version of the beatniks who write even shittier poetry and literature, think they're cool for acting "postmodern", and know nothing about academic pursuits whatsoever. Tao Lin's the only one who writes semi-decently, and he's not even an active part of the movement. Fuck cicero and his disgusting hog jowls and hammer-and-sickle tattoo. Fuck Roggunbuck and his middle school humor. Fuck Butler and his gay haircut.

>> No.3944866
File: 21 KB, 300x400, noahvid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"So that's the beginning of philosophy! We don't know what fucking words mean!"

>> No.3944865

yeah that's why incidents of cancer have gone down so much since the introduction of industrialized food production!

>> No.3944863

well really it depends on the certification

organic in a decent country is certified for no heavy metals or petrochemicals

normal food does have it, ferterlizer for example can have things like lead and mercury in it, it is regulated to different levels depending on the standard

man organic debate is a joke, its always fucking parrots with no specifics

food without contaminants is better, if you do not understand this basic concept you are stupid

this does not mean all organically certified food is better or worse than any other, all food is different and most of it is or isn't certified by varying testing methods

I will say fuck USDA the certification is next to worthless

>> No.3944868

I think that is probably the most stupid thing I ever heard. But now I know how to reply next time a qt asks me "what are you reading anon?"

>> No.3944869

It actally makes sense if you think about it. Capsacin, the stuff in MACE is from peppers, evolved as a way of preventinp mammals from eating them and their seeds. Birds (the preferred vector) can't taste the stuff. Nature has had billions of years to evolve ways to kill us, make us sick and give us cancer. It's to be expected that organic stuff would do a better job that adulterated and manufactured foods. Hell, there's stuff in a lot of foods tht you couldn't legally sell without hazard warning labels that gets sold in produce stands because it's organic

>> No.3944873

You would be wise to read up on carcinogens. If food A is 'slightly more carcinogenic' than food B, it doesn't mean that either are necessarily going to give you cancer.

The organic food fad has only really peaked in the past decade or so anyway. Who knows what the masses of children raised on organic foods are going to be like in their 60's?

>> No.3944874
File: 709 KB, 1500x1956, benbrooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no alt lit husbandu

>> No.3944875

Go to bed, Ben.

>> No.3944876

wow man pepper spray is made from peppers? no fucking way! i guess peppers must be carcinogens! maybe when STEM make fun of english majors they have a point.

>> No.3944878

"contaminants" is a loaded word though. there are plenty of food additives that are actually highly nutricious and provide valuable trace minerals for your diet, while also impeding mold growth and bacterial proliferation. You're an idiot if you buy home baked bread with no preservatives and let if sit at room temp for more than 48 hrs without eating it. It's flushed through with myceliums bearing thousands of different aflatoxing by that time. Just byproducts of the never-ending, billion year war between fungi and bacteria, but your digestive system is collateral damage. A little bit of calcium citrate will prevent that while nourishing you and preserving the absorbable vitamins and nutrients in the bread, but its a chemical presrvative, so fuck that.

>> No.3944881

peppers are indeed carcinogens, and actual poisons. lots of foods have lethal doses, including carrots, chocolate vanilla and pepper. The lethal dose of potassium chloride ( a natural salt used in preserving foods organically) has a very low lethal dose.

>> No.3944882
File: 373 KB, 717x479, lolitonickcaveiwasblownaway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too warm :(

>> No.3944883

what about pasteurized milk? scam by the man or just prevents disease? you decide!

>> No.3944888

Did Nick Cave actually say that about your book, or is that just a random Nick Cave quote plastered there to deceive prospective readers?

>> No.3944887

the sun is a carcinogen you god damn ass clown

>> No.3944891

I eat tuna almost every day, and have just read the FDA reports of mercury levels in tuna. I guess I'll be in wonderland quicker than I thought.

>> No.3944892
File: 92 KB, 951x1500, lolito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implyign it's worth risking getting sued for
>what are showbiz parties

Doesn't mean he read it, probably didn't even open the cover

>> No.3944893

Raw milk is delicious, but can be very dangerous. pasteurization isn't a scam.

>> No.3944897

did you even read my fucking post i said heavy metals and plastics you nitwit, what the fuck are you on about

shit like BPA lead mercury cadmium arsenic thorium thalium barium plutonium uranium etc

the environmental scientist definition of contaminant, the real and only one

>> No.3944898

>believes in pasteurization
>claims to be alt


>> No.3944899

>the sun is a carcinogen you god damn ass clown
Yes, and that's why normal pale people don't sit in the sun all day every day.

>> No.3944902

look mate you're *really8 starting to peeve me so I suggest you gtfo this thread right now before you embarass yourself even more.

Environmental science are beta science, they're results are usually invalid and their methodology is tantamount to junk science. Please educated yourself next time you decide to wander in here and post your rdiciulous lies and misinfo.

>> No.3944904

and that's why normal people don't eat barrels of peppers every day

>> No.3944906

wether it is a scam or not it still destroys any good bacteria the milk may have had along with the bad

its a dead lifeless food, and dairy should never be dead and lifeless

if you arent drinking your milk raw you should be making yoghurt out of it

otherwise you are a consumerist hack

>> No.3944910

get a load of this cunt

go piss up a rope

>> No.3944911


how does it feel to be a wacko?

>> No.3944914

>" Please educated yourself "

>> No.3944916

feels science
greek yoghurt master race

>> No.3944921

>buys into the greek yogurt scam

that shit is just an attempt by the bilderburger group to save the euro

>> No.3944922

I respect Roggenbuck for not giving a fuck and just doing whatever, although I don't find anything interesting about what he writes

Cicero on the other hand is the fucking worst

>> No.3944925

>careing about circero and rogainbuck or w/e

if u stop trying so hard to be cool you won't even have to know those losers exist

>> No.3944927

>not spending every waking hour trying 2bcool

>> No.3944930

Capsiacin is not just pepper spray it is also an effective medicine


many of humanities favorite drugs are self defense chemicals

caffeine is a natural pesticide that paralyzes and kills insects feeding on the plants

>> No.3944938

well, duh! that's sort of my point. Most of the natural environment will kill you in too high a dose or in the wrong combination.

I'm the one encouraging rational moderation, here not the organic crazy.

>> No.3944949

weirdly enough I, the guy who you're responding to here, teach environmental science, I have degrees in field biology and specialize in agricultural science. I know what contaminants are. and the list is quite a bit longer than the one you post, and almost all the things on it are natural byproducts of biological processes. You're talking about industrial pollutants pretty much exclusively.

>> No.3944960

hey, check nicotine! want a good organic pesticide? soak cigarette butts in soapy water. Only one insect can survive it at all. It's also insanely deadly to other animals.

>> No.3944975

sure it isnt xenu or the freemasons instead?

>> No.3944982

lol i kno rite get a load of these conspiracy kooks next thing they'll be saying the nsa is spying on everyones emails n shit lol

>> No.3944993

you have to admit it is kind of crazy that the boston bombers' uncle used to live with the cia operative who planned the iran contra affair...

>> No.3945040

We are talking about Borges and Eco in the other threads and you here, paying attention to these people.

They are "using" the board. Tao Lin used /lit/. Notice how there aren't threads about him anymore. He was using the board to promote his books. I bet he paid people to start those fucking threads.