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3928569 No.3928569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the most offensive piece of literature you've ever read?

>> No.3928577


Nothing I've read has ever offended me.

I don't think I've read enough.

captcha: mift stotam

>> No.3928582

Me, too.

>> No.3928595

A treatise on the non-faggotry of OP

>> No.3928593

This is honestly the most offensive disturbing book i have read: The Gas - Charles Platt

Please read this and attempt to find something worse

>> No.3928601

Probably Sade for the heaps of graphic incestuous snuff paedophilia etc etc etc

>> No.3928600

peter Sotos maybe?

>> No.3928607

I was never offended.

Maybe I should read de Sade but I would probably just get a hard on

>> No.3928609

Empire by Orson Scott Card. Laughably bad to insultingly bad.

>> No.3928613


10/10 would laugh again

>> No.3928617

Probably some shit on tumblr or deviantart

>> No.3928618

The Bible

>> No.3928620

Your thread made me realize I barely ever read anything offensive. Sade is the worst I came accross in this respect. Of course there are different kinds of offensiveness.

>> No.3928622
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>> No.3928630
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>> No.3928626

yeah, sotos is the only guy that comes to mind where i've actually been like "wow, fuck you"

i've never read a full book by him though, just excerpts online, the interview in apocalypse culture, and part of an anthology

supposedly his dick is covered in scars because he used to jerk off with newspaper article cutouts about missing children. cool life peter. also he got kicked out of whitehouse for having aids

>> No.3928631

Probably not. Sade, despite the sexual depravation he descries, is not very hard-on-inducing. His prose is more flowery than you'd expect and his characters often go on tangent about morals and natural order. The Sade I read felt like Voltaire gone crazy.

>> No.3928634

Thomas Nagel, while we're on the subject. Fucking otherkin.

>> No.3928642
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That's so fucking bad

>> No.3928662


>and fucks and kills and kills and fucks

>> No.3928677

Georges Bataille is pretty gud.

>> No.3928679

So fucking terrible.

>> No.3928680

>We do not find in Sotos the customary delusions about childhood misery and wounded lives. For this latter-day homo sacer, wounds are not to be healed but poked and worried until they bleed. Sotos is literature's outcast, carrying stigma like a rat carries plague.

>> No.3928698

The God Delusion

>> No.3928699

This is just...

How did this get published.

>> No.3928704


Quite easily, apparently.

>> No.3928725


If you think The God Delusion is offensive then i suggest you read some Hitchens.

I love both authors though

>> No.3928759

The Bible and the God Delusion were both pretty offensive.
Agnostic master race

>> No.3928774


Let's get the ball rolling

>> No.3928787

>"If I hear so much as another fart," the half-man slithered his exposed penis across the rickety wooden walls and held up a gnarled finger, "this goes up the arse it comes from."

>> No.3928791


It's like Eyes Wide Shut, and she doesn't know what hoi palloi means.

>> No.3928799

>oneiric dream.

Now this is offensive.

>> No.3928800

Considerations on Representative Government by John Stuart Mill

It made me realize that liberalism is just the continuance of slavery through other means.

>> No.3928801

I was expecting the "Dicks, Pussies and Assholes" speech from Team America to pop up. Would fit so naturally.

>> No.3928803


You don't like pleonasm?

>> No.3928806
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>> No.3928807

Offensive? Probably some feminist hogwash book I flipped through at one time or another.

Offensively bad? Some book by Zizek, I'd wager.

>> No.3928813
File: 502 KB, 615x480, sotos (from his zine 'pure').png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this definitely

>> No.3928818


Like Nabokov if Vladimir had a lobotomy and forgot how to write with subtlety.

>> No.3928830

well what's interesting about sotos, especially in pure, is that all of it is based on his research on actual murders/rapes/serial killers... the events he describes aren't fictional

>> No.3928836

>decent looking bitches that have read the Marquis and even partly comprehended him

7/10 would not read but would drink with

>> No.3928841


>> No.3928856


>> No.3929376

I agree with you, but I didn't find it that offensive. It felt a bit conservative circlejerky and made broad baseless assumptions, but it doesn't even compare to say watching ten minutes of fox news. I suppose it did take considerably more of time.

>> No.3929829
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You would think it would get old, but you guys keep reaching new horizons.

>> No.3929832

You felt the need to respond...He won, and you lost.

>> No.3929834

the bible

5 years later still mad

>> No.3929841

'Hogg' by Delaney is just disgusting.

>> No.3929846

The little bit of 120 Days of Sodom that I read. It was just... ewwwwwwww.

>> No.3929862

Huh, the prose is actually pretty readable. Goes down smooth. The attempted political commentary, though, is self-parody-tier.

>> No.3929865


So edgy...

Go back to /b/.

>> No.3929871

Not anywhere near as bad as I'd have expected.

>> No.3929876

In general I agree: could use a little color, and some personality. but it's workmanlike and even leads you a bit. If i'm her editor I'd keep reading to see if it got any better,

>> No.3929889

I'd guess it's already been edited to within an inch of its life...

>> No.3929899

>being "offended" by stuff

Grow up, will ya?

>> No.3929907


>> No.3929908
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>> No.3929910

Paulo Coehlo

Offensive because so fucking bad.

>> No.3929996
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>be about to criticise the ludicrous, juvenile attempts at profound political commentary
>get to identity of narrator
>3rd year college student
>majoring in film

>> No.3930010

>They will fuck you to get one over you.

I laughed

>> No.3930099

If you've asked me 8-10 years ago, I'd answered Nikanor Teratologen (Nick the Teratologist). But he's an eDgY hack that just don't know when to not flaunt his "knowings" (that is basically all the time).

Most books by Jonas Gardell (no he hasn't been translated to english. Yet.) Because he has a such keen eye for how bad and petty we treat each other. I'd say that he's the closest swedish equivalent to Bret Easton Ellis.

He's interesting for me, because he has grown up in and lives in the same city as I and is only 13 years older than me. So we've seen the same tax-funded schools from the inside.

Apocalypse Culture? I've got the 2nd edition. Pretty disturbing as a whole. But no 1st place.

And didn't Sotos get kicked out of Whitehouse for not being able to STFU about...stuff?

>> No.3930124

>and if I told you I managed to penetrate, pardon my French, this club
Y'know, I didn't expect the musings of a porn star to be entertaining

>> No.3930151


and the few excerpts of bible that i have read because people apparently believe in it. seriously what the fuck

>> No.3930159

But is it entertaining because of bad or good? :-S

>> No.3930164

You know, I really don't know. I can see the flaws but this is readable prose which is more than I can say for a lot of books.

I definitely want to read more, so if we judge it in that regard... good?

>> No.3930171

The problem is that Marina Ann Hantzis didn't drop her porn-name. After quitting porn forever.

>> No.3930173

I don't know why, but A Prayer For Owen Meany just really pissed me off in a way that few books do.

>> No.3930180

Brand name recognition

>> No.3930224

Why's that a problem?

>> No.3930229

there's a paragraph from Chesterton where he said sometimes it's more valuable to read bad books than good ones, because while from good books you learn about the subject, from bad books you learn about the author and the of the climate of popular culture at the time.

>> No.3930232

>agnostic master race
le fedora tip mate

>> No.3930242

toothless crap, not even erotic

Jane Austen is more erotic.

He manages to make a great evil seem mundane. What a shitty author.

>> No.3930244

The Vagina-Ass of Lucifer Niggerbastard I guess.

I love the bit where Wunjo realises towards the end that whites are the only racial group he hasn't used slurred for, and so crams a cheeto-stained fistful of "honky"s and "peckerwood"s towards the end.

>> No.3930253

imo it's impossible for modern literature of the last 100 years to be offensive, because there is no strong morality to offend.
It's hard to be offensive when "everything is permitted".

this is why you get sterile shit like this >>3928630 which isn't offensive at all, it's just juvenile and banal. The most offensive art probably came out of the Middle Ages, because that's when people were really open to being honestly and truly offended. Nowadays to be "offended" means to mildly irritated for a brief moment and people who are "offensive" get snide looks are remarks. Back in the Middle Ages they would torture a person to death if he was too offensive.

>> No.3930262

1984? I haven't read anything offensive, but if you want to, you can try 50 Shades of Grey or Mein Kampf. Also, Karl Marx has pretty deep stuff, but if you dare to read that, remember that it DOES'T work, no matter how good it sounds.

>> No.3930263

Interesting. You think the puerility is deliberate

>> No.3930266

Probably not, actually, but the fact that the character probably isn't all that mature/intelligent provides a nice cover for it.

>> No.3930273

I once made an earnest attempt to read through the infamous fanfic, My Immortal. I stopped a third of the way there, it was bad to an amazing degree. Not offended, really just amazed someone could write that

>> No.3930275

Snuff by chuck palahnuik. The idea behind the contest made me cringe.

>> No.3930276

>Back in the Middle Ages they would torture a person to death if he was too offensive.

Oh, and they'd do it in front of an open crowd. They'd make a festival of it.

The worst you can expect from being offensive in the Modern Age is people being "passive aggressive" towards you. Not only that, but to be offensive in the Modern Age you have to go to extreme lengths like writing something like this >>3930244
>The Vagina-Ass of Lucifer Niggerbastard
and even then you're not even a millionth as offensive as a guy in the Middle Ages would be if he claimed something so "harmless" as suggesting that orthodox Christianity had its theology a bit messed up in places.
Nowadays in academia you can suggest any blasphemous theory you like as long as you present it well.

>> No.3930285

One last post to illustrate my point and I'm done.

If someone reads something today, then they do this >>3930275
they "cringe".

They "cringe" and then they put it away and forget about it.

If something was offensive in the Middle Ages then the offended would often be prepared to pick up a sword and do something about it.

>> No.3930293

Their Eyes Were Watching God
Zora Neale Hurston
I've had to read this book twice for school and I resent it for being so beloved in academia.

>> No.3930295

Have you really read any of the books you mention in this post ? This seems dubious.

>> No.3930297

Yikes, your edgy's showing

>> No.3930298

The Collector

>> No.3930300

More fool them.

>> No.3930322


You're right, but I fear you confuse the ability to be offended with the strong response to offense. People in the Middle Age would burn heretics, but that's also because burning people was a legit way of dealing with problems back then. Violent, gory, absurd stuff were commonplace in Middle Age literature. Their literary productions were, on a whole, much more daring and lively and bloody than ours. You can wonder to what extent people were genuinely afraid by what they read, at any rate it is likely that they were more sensitive to the possibility of a story to be true (like a child would be) than we are now.

Yet depictions of crimes, horrors and immoral behaviour were accepted, as it seem.
Now think about how the establishment in nineteenth century Western Europe would react to immorality. It seems that people were often genuinely shocked by such puny things as adultery. Flaubert was tried, not because he wrote a novel about adultery, but because he did so without including any comment about how immoral adultery is. In terms of sheer biggotry the nineteenth century far outstrips the Middle Age, so even if the punishments were much more gentle, it would be my pick for Gold Era of offensiveness.

>> No.3930338

Would you recommend it?

>> No.3930352

True, but...
...it's such a blatantly transparent marketing strategy. And yes, Cary Grant's real name was Archibald Alexander Leach. But he never quit acting forever.

Nice tagline for a savy marketer! :-)

Our blasé age - I consider it a challenge! B-)

>> No.3930358

Flaubert being tried for no condemnation? Sounds like some bizarro Star Trek-episode. Some blue and orange morals!

>> No.3930380


>> No.3930422

1984, the others were suggestions I've heard from friends. Except Mein Kampf, my wits tell me it could be offensive.

>> No.3930427

It's actually not that bad. I mean, for Sasha Grey.

There's a lot of cliche and even some grammatical errors but no where near aa bad as I thought it'd be when it was announced.

>> No.3930544

That's what I thought. Mein Kampf is probably less offensive that you'd think. Once in a "what I read/what I expected/ what I got thread" a guy said he read Mein Kampf, expected something that would annonce mass extermination, and got Hitler giving candies to his dog in a green meadow. As for Marx, everyone who has never read him says "it's good on the paper, but it doesn't work in practice" without further examination. Those who have read him are generally more specific and articulate.