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/lit/ - Literature

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3920717 No.3920717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3920720

the great gatsby sucked cock and FDR was an awful president.

>> No.3920729

The concept of a "Cosmic Race" is just as retarded as social darwinism

>> No.3920736

I feel inferior to everybody around me, all the time

>> No.3920740

encyclopedia brown is my favorite series of books

>> No.3920745
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I'm ugly and I'm proud.

>> No.3920746

I feel nothing.

>> No.3920747


>> No.3920748

I have a retardedly long list of books I want to read and have no idea where to start.

>> No.3920752

just go backwards alphabetically by author's last name. all the best authors have last names towards the end of the alphabet.


you can thank me later

>> No.3920757

I'm afraid that I'll become a sexual failure and that life may not exist after death.

>> No.3920759

im cool

>> No.3920760

and i miss stan

>> No.3920763 [DELETED] 
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I read tons of books with little girl protagonists. I have a huge stack of over 100 books with 8-13 year old protagonists hidden in my closet.

it's my secret hobby.

>> No.3920762

and this thread sucks

>> No.3920767


Interesting idea. But I have non-fiction, fiction, and informative/instructional segments of my list. Which of those should I start with?

>> No.3920768

i remember you

what are the best ones

>> No.3920770

I have 23 hours in super hexagon

>> No.3920774
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did he leave for good?

>> No.3920776

hes in the balkans indefinitely

>> No.3920780
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fuck he's gone native on us

>> No.3920782 [DELETED] 
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mmm, it's hard to choose "best." Some classics come to mind like A Little Princess and Heidi, etc, but the problem with those books is that the girl doesn't really have much of a personality. The characterization is weak. The same is true with classics like The Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland. They're good books, but the characters are blah.

It seems like characterization is better is more contemporary books. A really good recent one I read is Mockingbird, about a girl with aspergers syndrome, and "When You Reach Me," a recent Newbery winner.

I'm reading through a 8 book box set about a girl named Ramona Quimby, from her days starting kindergarten to 8 years old, and it's really great so far. You really get a sense of the girl's personality.

>> No.3920784

eenie, meenie, miney, mo...

>> No.3920810

my every actio n is a emabarasmenyt

>> No.3920814


Fiction it is!

>> No.3920826

eenie, meenie, miney, mo has served you well.

Good luck! :)

>> No.3920861

define failure, and after death there is nothing.

>> No.3920868

you're a fucking criminal.

>> No.3920886

I'm joining the airforce to learn discipline so I can pursue what I love without restraint. I'm 23, during the initial processing I was the oldest one there. I'm also a homo and everyone in the military seems to be a Christian homophone. this decision scares me.

>> No.3920888

>no gf ;___;

>> No.3920889

I enjoy hysteric and scatological humor the most and I have what many people would consider bad taste.

>> No.3920899

>A christian homophone
>"Hi, my name is Ewe!"
>"Oh, you must represent the lamb of god."
>abbot and costello routine begins

>> No.3920900

I'm glad we shared that feel.
Hey, at least it gets us reading a lot of good books, right?

>> No.3920902


what did I do!

>> No.3920916

"I go a place in my mind that I shouldn't go"

Randomly scribbled this single line down as I was coming off an intense psychedelic trip. Although a lot of the specific details were lost im my though process, I can still remember visiting a very dark and sinister place in my head.

While on the drug, I went deep into my being and saw things I didn't like. Things I wish I didn't see. It was as if a veil was lifted on my primal though process and I could see where my thoughts were coming from. Kinda hard to explain...but it revealed some scary shit deep the core of my personality

It was as if my conciousness was its own being, traveling through the different sections of my personality. I could actually see and feel each individual personality trait, and each had a distinct color and emotional response. I had ended up stopping in a bad, dark spot and I could literally feel satan's presence throughout my being. It scared me bad and I wanted to leave, but I couldn't

Wow that was random, weird flashback I just had after seeing that little note I jotted down a while ago

>> No.3920922

drug "confessions" are so boring

>> No.3920950

dude! you wrote that with a lot of typos, you should be a lot more meticulous.

>> No.3920952

everything I write I eventually throw away and I've completed short stories

>> No.3920965

I remember when 4chan was very anti-religious, back before that became associated with the new Official Enemy

>> No.3921021

I liked this thread

>> No.3921036

Anytime someone tells me about the profound insights they've had while on psychedelics, I can't help but laugh. Every single time. I get a vision of them on it and it's always something like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKqV_ybCS-I

I just can't take this kind of stuff seriously.

>> No.3921037

i really need to pee but i'm too lazy to leave /lit/ so i have to grind my vagina into the wooden chair... for now.

>> No.3921042

Are you r-real a g-girl?

>> No.3921044


I mean really a girl. I g-get so nervous around pretty girls. You are p-pretty right??

>> No.3921047

i just want someone i can talk to and spend time with and touch. and ideally talk about science fiction with but i'm not, you know, trying to demand too much or anything

>> No.3921049

I have the body of a twink, but I'm a straight guy and wish I looked manlier. Do any women like the twink look?

>> No.3921051

literary fiction is boring.

>> No.3921052

oh this isn't something i've had 'on my chest' or w/e for any point in time but it might be interesting a lot of the time when i read i sort of roleplay and pretend im like reading it as a critic right after the book came out

>> No.3921053


Which would you rather:

1) A concubine who didn't speak and didn't write and never communicated. She would just watch TV all day, eat, and fuck whenever you wanted.


2) A platonic best friend for life who always wanted to hang out, as much as you wanted, and always enjoyed talking science fiction with you and read all the books you read?

>> No.3921054

I have been trying to develop a system of revolutionary struggle where needless violence does not occour,
for it i have been ostracized from society
and subsequently placed in a position of pure alienation
I will most definitely die alone
If cowardice did not shy me away from suicide than I would currently be trying to devise a way so that it "meant something" -symoblically-
I will almost certainly die alone.
At this point I have given up on sex and am merely searching for someone who will come to talk to me on a bi-weekly basis
I am the character from the new Godard film who no longer speaks the same language
The earth is not a prison,
the internet just may be

>> No.3921060

I could pretend to be a girl and Luke it.

>> No.3921072

second option.

without even really having any doubts about it, honestly. that's not a difficult choice.

>> No.3921075

Either works really, with 1 you just get friends with 2 you just prostitutes. 1 seems like it'd date pretty fast though, whereas prostitutes, well, those things are timeless.

>> No.3921076

How feminine could you potentially look? I might be interested.

>> No.3921077

Prostitute option is probably more time/cost efficient too. Those fucking south americans in the 70's knew their shit.

>> No.3921079
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also, fucking this.

>> No.3921083

Berlinguer was not the kind of Communist to do that sort of thing (attacking socialists in the media or whatever). If ever there was a communist who would not have done that, it was Enrico Berlinguer. I strongly suspect he was totally sincere when he said that quote with none of the meanings you attribute.

Enrico Berlinguer ruled.

>> No.3921085

I don't know much about him
its from Baudrillard translated from english into american
i think whoever wrote it probably took some poetic liscence
personally I think in the states
the Dem Soc-s and the Soc Dems ought to be alligned
based purely on the necessity for numbers
but thats a whole other issue entirely

>> No.3921087

Well, yeah, I agree with you, but at the same time, the social and political contexts are totally different. As evidenced by the fact that Berlinguer was the head of a party which was a significant factor in electoral politics. It's a whole different ballgame here and now.

>> No.3921088

I was getting it off my chest
it needed to begotten
| didn't want to be divisive

>> No.3921089

>Video freezes right when he says "This... is cinna stix"
>I will never stop laughing

>> No.3921090
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>> No.3921094

I keep trying to sit down with my laptop every night and read a few chapters out of my reading list. I'm a careful reader; I make notes on passages, look up words I don't know, and search for pictures of art or buildings described I can't visualize. These last few months I've been extremely lazy, only doing this once a week at most. I have a stack of unread books that keeps growing with every passing week. I'm not in college, I wanted to be well-read on my own time. So I usually open 4chan instead or do some other mindless activity, and my regret grows with each passing day. I'll be 32 this year, and I haven't made a good scratch on all the wonderful books I want to read before I die.

>> No.3921105

I am so much older and so much younger than everybody that I know.

>> No.3921114

Last week I went to the bookstore and bought a copy of "A Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Man" and the elderly British man working the counter lit up when he saw it. He told me that the book had "a wonderful sermon" and asked me if I was Catholic, and I was pretty stoned so I just said "naaaaaaaah." He looked so disappointed and stopped making conversation.

I felt shitty about it for the next few days because he was so excited to discuss Joyce with someone and I shut him down, but then I read the book and realized that it's about Joyce losing his faith among other things. Now I can't get over how much of a pleb that old man was, since he was too stupid to realize the book was negative about Catholicism.

>> No.3921130

I tried heroin yesterday and now I'm afraid I'll do it again.

I use drugs more and more. I read less and less.

>> No.3921142

None of my smart friend read literature cuz college ruined it for them.

So I get lonely and depressed when I want to talk to them about it by they hate it.

>> No.3921143
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>> No.3921149

This is actually helping a lot. I need to remember the stigma of drug use and stop using.

>> No.3921161

As one junkie(Roxie 30s, amirite?) to another, keep it to yourself. If you use, just be recreational. I know there is no such a thing in our dualistic social atmosphere for the responsible junkie but idk, just be careful. I say this with love. I know a lot of people, especially recently, that have bit the dust.

>> No.3921163

luv you anon, i know where you're at

>> No.3921168


what does it feel like. describe it for someone who has never and never will try it.


>> No.3921178

>knowing people

>> No.3921177

Yeah I'm still gonna avoid opiates. I'm gonna keep using psychedelics and weed and amphetamines but I need to slow down.

thx bb

I didn't shoot up, but it was still pretty great. There was a rush of intense, warm pleasure that lingered for a while, then I nodded off for a couple hours and felt incredibly relaxed and slowed. It gradually tapered off, but I felt residual effects for the rest of the day.

The thing I remember most is how I felt more okay than I ever have in my life. Not giddy or joyful, but I felt like I could die I was so content.

>> No.3921183

assuming you are injection...
My junk was roxie, 30mg of oxycodone that is conveniently (almost intentionally) water soluble. You get your little blue pill with the box M's - those are the best, good day if you snag an Mbox - brake it along the perforation and throw it in a spoon. You grab your rig, pull of the lid on the top and fill said lid with water. You pull back no more than 30ccs. Spray the pill. The water surrounding the pill turns into blue magic. You use the botton of the plunger to crush the two halves very very carefully - you don't want pieces of sweet jesus oxy flying out and disappearing into the void. Then, you cook it for a brief amount of time, trying to get out the filler, and stir. Your magic puddle is anxious to be inside your viens and there is a warm home-like fire burning in your heart. You grab a piece of cotton - very small - and roll it up into a ball.
Tie off.
oooooh that warmth, you know it's coming, oh man, you're wet, i'm not even kidding.
This is my favorite, almost more than the shot itself.
You find your vein. Go for it.
The sting of the needle is subte but sadistically enthralling.
Waiiiit, pull back. REGISTERED!
You see blood! You know you're in.
You are now certain of your success.
Congratulations. This is the feeling.
Slowly, you see the blue magic entering you. You're down. You pull out and loosen the tourniquet as fast as you can - throw it the fuck off.
Lay your head back.
Exhale; open eyes. For that moment you're back in the womb.
And everything is as it should be

>> No.3921188

what kind of amphetamines?

>> No.3921193

Are you one of the refugees from 420chan's /lit/ board? I know there were a ton of opiate users on there.

Are you addicted?

>> No.3921197

I have an adderall prescription, but I use it very irregularly. I was addicted in high school but I kicked the habit and have been able to use responsibly for a few years now.

>> No.3921202

no its been a long time since I visited 420chan
I use to be. Really bad too. I thought it would be fun to type that out, it almost gave me withdraw lol.
So there's a bit of romance there, but it's really the act that hooks most people; and certainly the thrill and anticipation are as important as the drug itself. It's a ritual in a way. You take out your on blood and push it back except with chemicals.

>> No.3921206

It is unfair how incredible productive I can be with the aid of Vyvanse. I've honestly thought of trying to order it via silkroad but i'm afraid of dependency.

>> No.3921210

The trick is to use it irregularly and make rules for your use. Personally I take a minimum of four days between uses.

It's really easy to get an amphetamine prescription. Just be careful. They're more addictive than most people think.

>> No.3921252

"Acid was my favorite drug, because acid would open up my mind. Because of acid I now know that butter is way better than margarine. I saw through the bullshit."

>> No.3921258

I love having fun with things that make me feel stupid.