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/lit/ - Literature

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3919643 No.3919643 [Reply] [Original]

sup /lit/, how do i into existentialism?

>> No.3919651


>> No.3919650

oh look it's this thread again.

>> No.3919688

be 15 and smoke a cigarette
get a brain and read heidegger

>> No.3919716
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Look it up on wikipedia read books by the people mentioned. Hur durrrr

>> No.3919724

4 cocks at once

>> No.3919726

What's the problem with existencialism?

>> No.3919733

Just don't. /thread
Nothing to see here, folks.

>> No.3919736

That it's hard to spell

>> No.3919748

by reading Kgaard and Hdigga.
by not reading Sartre
by being a fedoratheist teen
or, by being a truly impressive thinker with original arguments

>> No.3919761

Sartre might as well be regular ass literature. idk why everyone considers his stuff philosophy. if you don't read it as philosophy, they're decent books.

>> No.3919784

Well, perhaps if being a novelist was his only intention. But I'm certain he considered himself a philosopher, and he was a firm proponent of alleged "existentialism". Heidigger for one was absolutely disgusted by him, and his typical French Marxist intellectual shambles of an attempt at deep thought.

>> No.3919791

as a fan of Nausea, I can understand why someone would be disgusted by him as a philosopher.

>> No.3919848

Just read Existentialism is a Humanism and then you can branch out from there.

>> No.3919854


is this a good video to understand existentialism

>> No.3919890

All this edge and Heidegger nut-hugging.

You guys just like Heidegger like you like Wittgenstein because they're both "3deep5u" philosophers.

If OP wants a solid introduction to existentialist literature, he should read Sartre, Camus, Marcel and Kierkegaard, not fucking Heidegger.

>> No.3919906

He's impossible! I'm reading fear and trembling right now, and I think I began too deep into his life. He's using these nebulous concepts that he never fully defines. Can anybody help me here?

What is the movement of infnite resignation? I understand it's similar to Abraham accepting that the lord is going to take Isaac, but when the "Prince" gives up the "Princess", how does she become god? I don't really get that.

>> No.3919915

>He's impossible! I'm reading fear and trembling right now, and I think I began too deep into his life. He's using these nebulous concepts that he never fully defines. Can anybody help me here?
This is why you should've read Existentialism is a Humanism first.


>> No.3919921

This one?

Wow, it looks like I could read it in an evening. Thanks for not dick waving Being and Time or something.

>> No.3919923


Why does this keep going on?

>> No.3919931


That's the one. And you're welcome.

Because lack of purposiveness and anguish, forlornness and despair are all featured in his work.

You can call it absurdism or whatever you want to call it in order to differentiate it from Sartrean existentialism if you want. That's fine.