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File: 171 KB, 400x296, wittg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3919327 No.3919327[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you grew out of philosophy?

25 here. Took me some time but finally I've stopped trying to jump my shadow and can move on.

>> No.3919330

it took me developing schizophrenia to see just how useless the entirety of philosophy is.

>> No.3919337
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15, then i found science and atheism

>> No.3919339


30 maybe?
When I stopped feeling inadequate for not being able to conquer sophistry.
And when I read Derrida. I mean, c'mon...

>> No.3919350


everyone I talked to were first year university philosophy students and I hated them all. I didnt ever want to sound like they did

>> No.3919351

Can someone tell me who the guy between Foucault and Marx is supposed to be?

>> No.3919353
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>> No.3919354


>> No.3919357

Looks like a filthy British Empiricist to me.

>> No.3919360

ITT: Idiots who don't understand eloquently written thoughts try to make themselves feel better

>> No.3919362

Yeah but which one?

>> No.3919363


>> No.3919364
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That aint grewing out of it, that's avoiding it.

>> No.3919371

this post does it for me. i no longer have an interest in philosophy.

>> No.3919377
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I haven't even grown IN to it yet.

>> No.3919386

I was all into the discussion of it, and even read about it

no longer

>> No.3919666

So what replaced philosophy if you grew out of it?

>> No.3919674

Life, Mr 666.

>> No.3919678

I said fuck it and became a hedonist.

#YOLO is the true meaning of life.

>> No.3919680

>growing out of philosophy
>implying everything you do isn't based on an underlying personal philosophy

>> No.3919681

Would Epicureans approve of YOLO#?

>> No.3919690
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>Mr 666.

>> No.3919691

>thinking before action
>nothing occurs without thought

>> No.3919731

>when you grew out of philosophy?
i seriously doubt anyone in this thread has even read much philosophy at all, let alone taken any serious courses in a serious university. youre 18, uneducated and think youve grown out of something you know nothing about.

>> No.3919742


>> No.3919757

So, that's the new religion in town right? What are the requirements? Being good at hand... i mean, manual jobs?

>> No.3919764

Analytic philosophy sure kicks the shit out of postmodernism and existentialism. Read Dennett at least. Of course there is a juvenile approach to the philosophy of science, but those youngsters and pop-sci icons don't invalidate everything.

>> No.3919768

Derrida is horrible. Not even real philosophy.

>> No.3919775

18, when I found Baudelaire and Keats.

>> No.3919855


>> No.3919862

12 when I read the bible

>> No.3919872

>implying that 99% of our worldy actions are instinctual

Take some 2C-B, and you'll understand what it's like to think about every action before you perform it.

>> No.3919878

Halfway through studying it at university I got bored with it and then picked up reading literature instead.

Certain areas of philosophy still interest me, but the passion I used to have for it is gone.

>> No.3919936

That's insanity.

>> No.3919951


Wait, there are people on this board who do things without thinking? I know that doing things without thinking is what dumb people do but I didn't think people like that browsed this board.

>> No.3919959


Some people are athletic, tubs.

>> No.3919972
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you can't grow out of philosophy, you can only choose not to question things any longer and stick to a set of life stances and worldviews for the rest of your life, like an animal or a member of the mob

stay pleb faggot

>> No.3919975

>growing out

I don't think you should ever grow out of questioning and trying to understand the world around you.

There is something to be said about realizing that you can't know everything though.

>> No.3919978

If you don't die first, you will become an adult and this phase will end.

>> No.3919987

Then everyone should aim for dying before becoming an adult, because that's worse than death.

>> No.3919990

No, it's acceptance.

>> No.3919994


But why must one stop questioning and learning? I feel like that's a sad form of existence.

>> No.3919996

You just stop asking the same questions over and over and getting the same answers. It's called maturing.

>> No.3919999

You stop questionning with philosophy when you realise that it became a masturbation on circular logic. Then you moved on to something more meaningful, art, for instance.

>> No.3920000

An aged philosopher is either a monster of stamina or a charlatan.

>> No.3920001


I've figured after having existential crises that hedonism is the only correct path, but i feel guilty.

>tfw you were raised in church

>> No.3920002

I feel sorry for them, and a little awed by their existence.

>> No.3920003

Rejecting philosophy is a philosophical viewpoint

>> No.3920005

Taking a shit is not a philosophical viewpoint.

Either way, things are wasted.

>> No.3920007

So does that mean that to be considered an adult one should have gone through a period of philosophical wandering?

What if someone skips this phase and just grows up accepting the world around them? Many people are like this today, and they lead regular, ADULT lives--with jobs and kids and the ability to vote.

>> No.3920009

>growing out of philosophy
>not growing out of /lit/
>not growing out of the internet
>not growing out of your room

all is upside down

>> No.3920013

They are probably boring people.

Nothing wrong with that, though.

>> No.3920014

18. I was trying to use philosophy to try and find peace with myself that common culture made me feel inadequate but philosophy was not as peaceful as I wanted it to be.

>> No.3920018

If you have to think about actions before you perform them you are hesitating, and therefore failing.

>> No.3920020

So, that's why Asians (and women) are bad drivers!

>> No.3920022

i prefer to live life instead of read what other people think about it.

>> No.3920025
File: 3 KB, 124x93, prettybad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy doesn't refer to a single pattern of organized thought, you fucking knuckle dragging piece of mongoloid shit spewed from a donkey's asshole. It's an umbrella term, encompassing numerous possible definitions. To add, its complexity surpasses any puerile quality which someone could simply 'grow out of'.

Go back to /b/, you failed abortion.

>> No.3920044

You sound trapped, in a mind prison.

>> No.3920100

>i prefer to live life instead of read what other people think about it

-Stella from How Stella Got Her Groove Back, walking away after encountering a handsome yet distant man reading a book by the pool
theater full of middle aged women hoot and cheer wildly

>> No.3920113


I still read the Tao te Ching but I trashed the rest of philosophy a long time ago.

>> No.3920130


Im completely fit. You think that athletes don't do a lot of thinking? Of course they do. Every sport is about rapid decision making.

>> No.3920132

These two responses are golden and you, my dear OP, are a faggot.

>> No.3920191

But philosophy IS taking a shit.

You do not take the philosophical words(shit) to heart, you find out what the philosopher experienced(ate) to make those words.

>> No.3920204

You're talking about examining shit.

>> No.3920211

Yes, I am. You must figure out what the bear ate so that you may eat what it ate and become a bear also.

>> No.3920216

After awhile, you've seen em all.

>> No.3920225

8/10 m8, jimmies almost rustled

>> No.3920253

I've actually thought about this. If death brings freedom from suffering, then why shouldn't everyone just kill themselves?

>> No.3920273

Philosophy is what led me to science.

I could never understand how (modern) philosophers can function without a proper scientific background; I remember how my high school philosophy classes (which were mostly on ontology for some reason) used to send me into (internalised) bouts of rage because they never actually answered the question of "Yeah but how do you actually KNOW that?".

So it's more accurate to say I never grew into it in the first place.

>> No.3921283


This. I have 0 respect for Philosophy tbh. Other than it being what led to science back in Ancient Greece, it's a useless, pretentious circlejerk for talentless hacks who can't into science/art (the only two fields that deserve respect).

I kinda fucking loathe Philosophy with a burning passion

>> No.3921291

Pro-tip: Feyerabend demonstrated that Science follows exactly the same rules as Philosophy.

>> No.3921299

'Science' is a subset of 'philosophy', bru.

>> No.3921305


And it's the only one that really seems to be onto something.

>> No.3921313

So, you believe you're above philosophy?
why? because your thoughts are more profound than anyone else, or because you've already decided where you stand?

>> No.3921340

>ancient greece


philosophy isn't the kind of thing you grow out of. to begin with, that supposes it's infantile which is a bit of a silly way to look at things. secondly, philosophy is a broad set of research programs, theories, praxes, and ways of understanding things. To discount the whole enterprise is mind-bogglingly arrogant. And as other anons have said, it is to take a position within philosophy anyway.

if this the new way of being an edgy teenager, god help us. i much preferred it when you were existentialists or nietzscheans or whatever.

>> No.3921349


I'm thinking "You only live once" is exactly the answer to that. It might be a slightly depressing outlook on life to someone who's used to something more grand but this one life is the only thing we know for sure we have.

>> No.3921421

>ancient greece


How fucking retarded are you? Philosophy in AG, the transition from mythos to logos is what led to Science as we know it.

In the original sense of the word Philosophy, sure. And as I said it's the only good thing that's come out of Philosophy. Nowadays no one understands science as a subset of Philosophy, come on.

>> No.3921499

The project of Philosophy implies a correct (or at least better) way to act, see things, etc..

This is silly. You are wasting your time.

>> No.3921507

people who say they stopped doing philosophy are still doing philosophy, they are just no longer doing it self consciously

there is no NOT doing philosophy, there is only un-conscious philosophizing and self conscious philosophizing

>> No.3921514
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>> No.3921526

pretty much, i also don't know why someone would claim to stop it
did they grow tired, or did they decide exactly where they stand?

>> No.3921531


You don't replace it or grow out of it. You basically shop around and pick the ideas that you agree with the most and live by those principles. Personally, I chose to live my life according to the Bible, but that's just me.

>> No.3921576


you're correct, philosophy did lead to science. but the previous poster talks of science IN ancient greece. to claim science existed in ancient greece is either to be outrageously broad with one's definition of science, or just plain ignorant.

>> No.3921583

>to claim science existed in ancient greece is either to be outrageously broad with one's definition of science, or just plain ignorant.

tell that to Thomas Kuhn

>> No.3921608


I disagree. Sometimes he's horrible, and sometimes he's a stormcloud for your comfortable assumptions. Archive Fever is a great book. Lit crit. definitely got more interesting because of deconstruction.

>> No.3921622


The interrogative mood of Socrates in Plato's dialogue + taxonomic impulse of Aristotle = at least one of the alphas of scientific inquiry. No scientific study begins without a question.

>> No.3921654
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well yeah I guess that's near what Kuhn's on about

>> No.3921657

>Nowadays no one understands science as a subset of Philosophy, come on.

True, but science only tells you how things are in a very narrow way, it says nothing about what we should value and do, how we should live and act. Besides the line between science and philosophy is still highly blurred.

Remember when Hawking said that philosophy was dead? He was doing philosophy at that moment. Very bad philosophy, but philosophy all the same

>> No.3921659

This FFS.
People ITT haven't 'grown out of' Philosophy. They've taken a philosophical stance. And thus stopped philosophizing- but the stance they took was philosophy.

>> No.3921664


Kuhn is NOT taken seriously in the philosophy of sciene. Neither are Popper, Lakatos, or Laudan.

NOBODY does theorys of scientific change anymore.

Stop thinking this tripe is thoughr provoking.

Read some fucking Carnap or Van Fraassen instead.

>> No.3921665


Also he is just restating Hume's problem of induction.

>> No.3921668

lol you're trying to tell me Kuhn's outdated and you bring up Carnap of all people? give me a break.

also I really don't give a shit about what does and does not get taken seriously in the academy - that this is an arbiter of import is the prime example of the tripe that contemporary (analytic - but not just analytic) philosophy has become.

>> No.3921731

Philosophy is best served as a supplement. I do think those who loathe philosophy seem to think people believe it exists in a vacuum, where as it is largely far more intangibly linked to, well, everything.

I have a friend who hates philosophy. I think he sees it as nothing more than reading a book; that the words exist merely on the page rather concepts which permeate everything.

Of course, I don't deny that the study of philosophy is quite pointless in 20XX given that it won't get you anywhere alone. It's just not 'practical'.

>> No.3921748

probably 12 or so. it was right after i tagged my first pussy, m8.

>> No.3921905

Finally! A post I can agree with!

Those who study philosophy in a vacuum are wasting their time, as it's useless unless used in conjunction with other disciplines. From my own experience, philosophy majors are walking echo chambers that do nothing but regurgitate the lectures and outlooks of their professors.

I'm friends with a number of English and Math majors, and those that read philosophy in their spare time (or use it in conjunction with their studies, in the case of English major studying theory) are really good at making different philosophical perspectives "come to life".

Personally, I don't think philosophy should be taught in schools or universities. Every individual is fully equipped to become a scholar on their own.

>> No.3921913

Stoned anybody lately?

>> No.3921921
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>> No.3921930


Not him, but, well if he lives by the bible he endorses a whole lot of weird and cruel shit.

But naturally we ignore those parts.

>> No.3921935


Oh, another fedora adolescent who decides to ignorantly bypass the fact that the Bible is historically sequential.

Go back to licking Sam Harris' asshole.

>> No.3921937
File: 109 KB, 464x888, what the bible says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


muh bible

muh freedoms

>> No.3921943


I grew out of "when did you grow out of..." threads when I was 19.

>> No.3921947


This makes me love Jesus even more. Haha.

>> No.3921948

Sickening levels of adolescent fedora detected in this sector.

>> No.3921950
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How come that's your only comeback to everything? Anyone who doubts or points out the flaws in the bible is a fedora-wearing adolescent loser? It's getting kind of stupid at this point.

>> No.3921951

implying the last paragraph isn't full of great metaphors

>> No.3921954


the jesus stuff is all actually quite reasonable. i suggest you look into it.

>> No.3921955
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"Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

Jesus said unto him,

>Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

>On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."

matt 22:36-40

>> No.3921960


If a philosopher, Hegel or Russell or whatever, was this inconsistent in what he said and believed then no one would take him seriously and he would have no credibility. You can't say "love everyone" one day and "kill those who work on the sabbath" the next. That kind of invalidates the good stuff.

>> No.3921963


>anyone who doubts or points out flaws in the bible

but you're not doubting, you've already convinced yourself that you're correct. you're not pointing out flaws, you're ignoring context.

have you ever spoken with a biblical scholar?

>> No.3921966
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>> No.3921967


You're moronic because you're applying an modernist epistemological regime to a pre-pre-pre modernist text. Bible doesn't even have a singular author, so why should we expect consistency. Please don't reproduce.

>> No.3921970


You haven't convinced yourself that you are right?
Have you ever doubted yourself? Because it doesn't sound like it. I'm not saying I'm correct but I'm definitely saying the bible is a bunch of nonsense which is blatantly wrong, and it's a bit of a cop-out to just say that everything is metaphorical. The bible is an interesting piece of literature but hardly anything you should use to back up your beliefs; it's not more 'right' than the Bhagavad Gita or The Quran or any other holy book.

>> No.3921972


Wow, I fucked that post up royally, didn't I? Haha. It was meant for le edgy atheist.

>> No.3921974
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>I'm not saying I'm correct
>but I'm definitely saying the bible is a bunch of nonsense which is blatantly wrong

>> No.3921977
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But I get all confused here because a lot of christians say it's the word of god, and a lot of christians say it's all metaphorical, and a lot of christians say it's all real, and so on and so on.

As an outside observer who has been virtually free of religion since childhood, what the fuck am I supposed to say to all this? It's absurd, and any thinking being should recognise that.

Pic is another le edgy atheist.

>> No.3921985


Would you do us all a favour and read some theory on history?

>> No.3921987


Sure, go ahead, what should I read?

>> No.3921988


Dude, do not listen to people. People are flawed.

Read the Bible. Meditate on it. And find your own path, whatever it may be.

If you put your eyes and your hopes on human, they'll deceive you, frustrate you, and break your heart.

>> No.3921991


I don't think you understand what I meant. I meant that I don't know what the truth is when it comes to god and worldviews and so on, but I definitely know that the bible, the quran and the holy books contain very little truth in them and is not where you should be looking for it.

>> No.3921992


Start with the debate between Descartes & the Port Royalists and Vico.

>> No.3921994


you should speak with an authority and arrive at your own conclusions. if you want to read russell thats fine, but you should also read aquinas. speak with a jesuit.

>> No.3921997
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>I don't know what the truth is when it comes to god and worldviews and so on
>but I definitely know that the bible, the quran and the holy books contain very little truth in them

>i don't know
>but i definitely know

>> No.3922017
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>> No.3922041
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>> No.3922051

Why does it have to be the same questions, again and again?

This is a 1st year undergrad idea of how philosophy works. You are not proving the meaning of existence every day, philosophy is enquiry, in its broadest sense.

If there is any sense to be gleaned from the notion of "giving up on philosophy", it must be the idea of a person who has decided they already have discovered everything worth learning about the universe, and are content to continue in whatever vein they had so far adopted: an unexamined life from here on in.

Naturally, this tends to happen to people as they reach old age, though this is by no means a rule: keeping an active and interested mind is one of the best-proven keys to a longer, happier life.

>> No.3922073

You are not a very intelligent person. I am not that anon, but let me try to help you out:

"I don't know where the best explanation of Gödel's incompleteness theorem is, but I am definitely sure it it is not in Tao Lin's new novel Taipei"

Or even closer:

"I don't know what the perfect, and that I mean most peaceful and universally acceptable solution to race issues across the globe may be, but I am definitely sure it is not to be found in Hitler's Mein Kampf"

>> No.3922074

I'm 21 and on the path to doing it professionally, i hope i'll never grow out of it. It's the best thing that ever happened to me (aside from booze).

>> No.3922108

>tfw philosophy/pre-law major
>tfw listening to bleps talk about it
>tfw you realize the most popular "modern" philosophers are the ones with the best prose and most convoluted ideas

Good thing I won't have to make a living out of this shit since I won't become a scholar

>> No.3922111
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but do you really know these things? or do you just believe them?

>> No.3922119

>that dead language pun

>> No.3922256

I don't think I'll grow out of it; that would really surprise me.

>> No.3922277

Everything you do is philosophy.

>> No.3922320
File: 324 KB, 500x686, xtremelysexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#woah #deep #mindfuck

>> No.3922616

Clearly you've never tried 50% of sports if you think every sport is about rapid decision making.

You've totally missed what that guy you quoted meant by "athletic". In athletics, there's not much rapid decision making.
Same goes with many other sports such as running, rowing, weightlifting, etc.

>> No.3923153

I would have said Nietzsche.

>> No.3925436


Kuhn isn't just outdated... His model for revolotion fails to explain the rise of molecular genetics. It is a bad model.

>> No.3925455

Feyerabend isn't outdated and his description has a high degree of explanatory power.

>> No.3925458

We all know why nobody replied to you. I'll do it anyway.
Truth hurts so much =(

>> No.3925463


His model is "anything goes." It isn't much of model at all.

>> No.3925471

lol op you retard i can't believe you actually bought into that shit up until you were 25. I realized when I was 17 that philosophy was all bullshit and hadn't progressed in 2000 years. I'm currently working on my 2nd phd in astrophysics.

>> No.3925485

It is accurate to the sociology of science, which is an empirical reality a sociology of science needs to hold itself against.

Scientists really don't like it because it demonstrates they're not even good inductors when it comes to actual practice.

>> No.3925499

>if the internet is really infinite than how come everyone reads the same blogs?

>> No.3925508

>muh sophistry

>> No.3925530

What do you need two astrophysics PhDs for?

>> No.3925531

>if the jest is really infinite then how come everyone laughs at the same jokes?

>> No.3925567

witty, verry witty indeed

>> No.3925596


Freely adapted from Wittgenstein:

Philosophy is a disease of the mind

>> No.3925611


i don't like people chanting happieness is the most important thing in the world. It is a lie, as is the more sophisticated hedonism, wich often leads to self-complacency and -righteousness.

>> No.3925612

wow, first time visiting /lit/ in months and I already want to get the fuck out

>> No.3925613

What's more important than happiness to you?

>> No.3925621

Why is Marx in the OP's image? He was not really a 'philosopher' aside from a few expositions here and there.

>> No.3925657

No, Epicureanism in it's core is about living in peace, in the sense that one should avoid harm and live without fear. Many people interpret the whole philosophy as some carpe diem YOLO bullshit, when it's been said by Epicurus himself, that this is not his vita vista.

>> No.3925687

What I'm wondering is: who is the guy in the scarf? I see Socrates, Kant Sartre, Nietzsche, Marx and Foucault.

>> No.3925689

Nope, Epicurus is a negative hedonist. He's YOLO like the Lonely Island song.

>> No.3925692
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>> No.3925705

You're confusing philosophy with idealism.

>> No.3925708

The guy between Socrates and Sartre is Wittgenstein. I'm not sure who the guy with the ascot is though.

>> No.3925717

Whoops yeah I definitely notice Witters. Ascot guy is vexing me though.

>> No.3925730

>be matt groening
>draw a picture of famous philosophers
>draw in a random guy wearing an ascot
>all the snobs on /lit/ scramble about in confusion as to who this guy is
>many lelz had
well played, matt. well played.

>> No.3925736

>How old were you when you grew out of philosophy?

I'll never stop questioning what I know, if I can know, and how best to know.

Giving up on philosophy basically amounts to admitting intellectual defeat to reality. It's-ironically in your case-the philosophical position that you can't know anything.

>> No.3925739

Homer Simpson really let himself go.

>> No.3925742
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>> No.3925749

Bravo, bravo! Barthes Simpson

>> No.3925752

ah thank you.

>> No.3925763

Philosophy has a road that doesn't promise an end, if you want instant gratification for 'knowledge' , philosophy is not for you.

>> No.3925850
File: 21 KB, 340x299, althusser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure it isnt Louis Althusser?

Political Philosophy is a subfield of Philosophy as is Philosophy of Economics and Philosophy of History...

Have you even read Marx? He MAINLY is a philosopher of history. Do the words Historical Materialism mean anything to you?

>> No.3925855


He cherry picked one episode from the history of science to make his point. N=1 does not a sociology of scientific practice make.

[spolier] it also ignores the role empirical observation and deduction plays when scientific change is seemingly lawful [/spoiler]

>> No.3925868

if you'd read your Althusser you'd know that he's mainly a political economist and that his philosophy of history has to be forcibly (symptomally) extracted from that. I mean there's really nothing that explicitly philosophical in the mature Marx (which, again with Althusser, is the best Marx) except for a few Flecken here and there

>> No.3925926


Why on earth are you being anachronistic?

Political economy did not exist as a discipline in Marx's time. He wrote his fucking dissertation on Hedonism and was fascinated by Hegelianism before he took up economics.

I bet you think that Newton was a scientist as well.

>> No.3926688

Growing out of philosophy.How pleb can you get.
Damn /lit/ degenerates during the summer.

>> No.3927650


nothing, but just because i deny than some things are more important than others. in other terms:

there are no universal values

>> No.3927660

>Political economy did not exist as a discipline in Marx's time

lol ur kidding right.

>> No.3927704

Edgy theists detected

>> No.3927832


yeah, realized my mistake. I retract my accusation of anachronism. Still, my point that he derived his economic theories from moral philosophy and a Helgelian philosophy of history stands... depsite what Althusser claims.

>> No.3927943

>he derived his economic theories from moral philosophy and a Helgelian philosophy of history stands

okay I can roll to an extent with the whole 'Marxism is a river fed by threes rivers' (British political economy, Hegelian philosophy, French Utopian socialism), with of course the reservation that each influence is an alteration (which, of course, Althusser will grant, cf. "Contradiction and Overdetermination" for the Hegelian stream), but moral philosophy? The advance of Marx over the French utopian socialists is that he derived his economic theories from economic reality, not its juxtaposition with ethical precepts. Morality is virtually absent from the mature Marx - the point is not that capitalism is unjust, but that it contains in its structure certain contradictions etc. etc.

like let me give you a footnote from Capital:
'Proudhon begins by taking his ideal of justice, of “justice éternelle”, from the juridical relations that correspond to the production of commodities. […] Then he turns round and seeks to reform the actual production of commodities, and the actual legal system corresponding thereto, in accordance with this ideal. What opinion should we have of a chemist, who, instead of studying the actual laws of the molecular changes in the composition and decomposition of matter, and on that foundation solving definite problems, claimed to regulate the composition and decomposition of matter by means of the “eternal ideas,” of “naturalité” and “affinité”? Do we really know any more about “usury” when we say it contradicts “justice éternelle,” “équite éternelle,” “mutualité éternelle” […] ?'

>> No.3927988

go back to /mu/

>> No.3928193

most of the people you meet doing philosophy in uni are people who just wanted to get into the school with a major that accepted many applicants. some others are just pretentious fedora-wearing douchebags who like the sound of their own voice when they 'debate.' find those who do philosophy that don't know what to do with their lives and are trying to find meaning in their existence and futures. those that are genuinely seeking questions and answers. i've met a few of them in my philosophy department.

>> No.3928224

>assuming science has all the answers.
It doesn't.

>> No.3928425
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>> No.3928486
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>> No.3928551

I'm 18 going to start a philosophy degree in september. Hopefully my course won't be full of the cliche philosophy students that are arrogant and pretentious.
However i don't think i will ever grow out of philosophy. It is so broad and has so many applications through life, but i'm only 18 so what do i know.

>> No.3930633

>applications through life

you mean eastern and greek 'wisdom'? cause philosophy derailed the greeks from the path, which the indians followed and to this day we're still suffering this mistake.

>> No.3930657

I think... twenty-four. Getting into a career helped. Tending to my garden or some nonsense.