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3916572 No.3916572 [Reply] [Original]

I have an idea for a young adult trilogy. It's more a scifi idea and I wonder if that's something teen girls are willing to read.

It's set during a robot uprising and this girl falls in love with a robot, or maybe he's not a robot... Anyways she's the chosen one to end the root war and stuff.

>> No.3916576

Whag a dumb idea.
You'll make millions, and it'll get made into a movie.

>> No.3916578
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YA romance novels should be abolished. Make them be really great friends instead. Fuck love, friendship is where it's at.

>> No.3916579


OH NO! You stole my super original idea! I've got your IP address and my lawyers will contact you soon!

You plagiarist! You indecent hack! What's the next thing you will steal from me? My awesome idea of sexy vampires?!?! YOU FILTH!

>> No.3916591

Trying to get a 7 figure publishing/movie deal.

just wonder how far in a scifi direction i should go before girls consider it too nerdy.

>> No.3916598

Don't describe how anything works - just that it does - and you can get away with anything.

>> No.3916600
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book 1: we find out he is a robot
book 2: we find out she is also a robot
book 3 - we find out that they're both actually human and i was just kidding earlier about them being robots

>> No.3916607

>It's set during a robot uprising and this girl falls in love with a robot
Does the robot have a long, thick probe? (Make sure it's cold and glitters.)

Good to go, publish ASAP.

>> No.3916612

Actually the girl is part robot. She has a magic chip in her brain that lets her control other robots, but she doesn't know that yet.

There's also another human dude who likes her, but he is very anti robot.

>> No.3916618

I think you should spice it up. Make the girl a robot who falls in love with a human boy.
She stares at him longingly while trying to hide from the motherframe who knows she's not rising with her bretherin... OUT OF LOVE!

>> No.3916621

Oh and the main setting is a military academy where the teens learn to fight robots.

>> No.3916630

I like it. Would teen girls relate to a robot pov though?

>> No.3916631

It should be the boy robot that falls in love with the human boy at first, and at first she's all ~tsundere~ and wierded out but she falls in love with him too. Girls would much rather read a book about the man trying to serenade the girl at first.

>> No.3916632

fuck, I mean human girl.

>> No.3916638

Don't have to. The angst provided would be enough.
>I'm a robot, but sometimes I wondered what it would be like to be... human. To feel and breathe and then I met... him.

>> No.3916643

>There's also another human dude who likes her, but he is very anti robot.

he should be killed brutally by a gang of well-endowed robots to show that racism is bad

>> No.3916647

You want emancipation? You ask HIM out.

>> No.3916654

as long as it is an apple irobot™

>> No.3916652

The Host but with robots instead of aliens.

>> No.3916662

Ok I wasn't actually serious about this. And I just pulled the idea out of my ass like so

But let's write a YA book together.

>> No.3916664

Teenage girls want to be pampered and feel special and wanted. I'm not even trying to be misogynist, just describing the general mindset of the target audience OP is writing for.

>> No.3916686

I guess. I never got it. I guess I liked a few girly books, but the best books were always about women being awesome, not women falling in love. Pierce is so much better than Meyer it's not even funny, but she never got the attention she deserved. About women fighting for what they want- you know, independence.
You'd think that would be more important, but whatever.

>> No.3916692

only if their can be racial or maybe cis/trans undertones

>> No.3916719

I'm on Goodreads looking up YA books. It seems like everyone of them has a movie deal or some studios interested.

Can't be that hard to shit out some YA series and make millions.

>> No.3916787

>About women fighting for what they want- you know, independence.

Even in fiction, even the "noble" women are just selfish self-serving creatures.

>> No.3916797
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>Young Adult anything

>> No.3918003

Oh fuck off.
If a guy does it he's "alpha", if a women does it she's a self-centered bitch?
And you people wonder why women turn into man-hating harpies. Jesus Christ.

>> No.3918007


>root war

better name her sudo.

>> No.3918012

No, Kunta Kinte.

>> No.3918014

>implying "alpha" guys aren't just as unlikeable as bitches

>> No.3918034


Welp, you suck.