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3915254 No.3915254 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: the best bildungsroman.

>> No.3915410

Great book, teaches a lot about the philosophy of life, bothers me when people criticize Hermann Hesse by talking about "religion" when the main theme is another, could be based on Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, etc.. I wish more people would read it to feel the freedom of the road that one chooses.

>> No.3915431

Just say 'coming-of-age story'. Anyone who says bildungsroman is a fucking tool.

>> No.3915441


>> No.3915450

Because I had to google it to find out what it means.

>> No.3915455

lol are you retarded?

>> No.3915459
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Not that guy but seriously it's pretentious as fuck
What do you gain by saying bildungsroman as opposed to coming-of-age story honestly tell me

>> No.3915490

It is a bildungsroman - Hesse and the word both have similar origins. You also gain precision and an understanding of the academic community.

Twilight is a coming of age story, Siddhartha and Huck Finn are Bildungsromans.

Siddhartha lived a good life, Govinda abandoned the path to follow another.

>> No.3915492

You're on /lit/ man. Don't disdain education - that's pleb tier. Education can be obtained by anyone and books are a fantastic source for it and for self-improvement.

Rather than feel bad that somebody used a word you didn't know, feel glad you learnt what it meant - and follow that path.

Also read Siddhartha - it's all about the process of learning from others, even those who you might have though you had nothing to learn from.

>> No.3915494

No, I'm pretty sure Twilight is not a coming of age story, and Huckleberry Finn & Siddhartha are. With Huck Finn and Siddhartha we see the characters mature and make decisions because of it. What the fuck makes you think Twilight is a coming of age story?

>> No.3915499


>> No.3915518

If you want to use "coming-of-age-story", you are free to do it.
But please don't call people pretentious if they want to use the proper words to describe something.

>> No.3915524

this is a literature board. it is appropriate. if you were off-handedly telling someone about it, broader and more colloquial terms would be more appropriate. context.

>> No.3915525

Returning IT:
for me it is Demian, also by Hesse.

>> No.3915534

Hesse defined the genre of "Bildungsroman". It's also slightly different from coming-of-age as it not necessarily deals with a young person, and it not necessarily deals with becoming an adult.
Most of Hesse's novels in this genre deal with the whole lifetime of a protagonist, this includes Siddharta.

>> No.3915541

The Waves is the best bildungsroman

Narcissus and Goldmund is a better bildungsroman than Siddhartha

>> No.3915548

They have different if subtle connotations. Science-fiction isn't merely speculative-fiction and vice versa.

>> No.3915552

>Narcissus and Goldmund is a better bildungsroman than Siddhartha

>> No.3915581

Not the original guy, but for the same reasons you just said Huck Finn and Siddhartha are coming of age stories. The girl in twilight clearly 'matures' and makes decisions because of it.

>> No.3915624

hehehe i knew you would stir something by using a word americans couldnt inherently understand

>> No.3915682

My personal favorite is A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Stephen is someone with whom I can connect on every level and in every moment; I was always "that kid who tries too hard" thanks to using lots of big vocab I picked up from godknowswhere. his collapses and growing pains and devotional strength are beautiful.

>> No.3915946

Narcissus and Goldmund

>> No.3916093

Demian is better.

>> No.3916176

In some ways I can't stand Toni Morrison, but in others I'm forced to admit that Song of Solomon was...well, I think "absolute" is the word. Maybe "complete". Think it deserves some sort of mention.

>> No.3916187

geronimo rex by barry hannah

"coming-of-age story" reminds people of shitty movies, though

>> No.3916188
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>> No.3916193


>> No.3916217
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Episode after their last school concert, my tears.