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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 300x254, mark_rippetoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3913991 No.3913991 [Reply] [Original]

You have 5 seconds to convince me that Ripptoe is not the best writer of our time and Starting Strenght is not the perfect book. Gives you intellectual and physical development.

Your TaiPei can do the same?

>> No.3914002

TaiPei is cuter.


>> No.3914012

he is fat

>> No.3914018

I tried reading SS but it was pretty verbose and kinda boring, which was when I realized I really give a shit about getting big, all I want is basic fitness so just did cardio/HIIT instead.

>> No.3914024


see scooby workshop instead

>> No.3914130

into the trash he goes

>> No.3914216
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>> No.3914235

I never felt the need to have Squats/bench/DL as the main focus of my workouts. I lift mainly to sculpt my body, not just for functional strength. For me, even when I was starting, a 3 - 4day split that I could tailor to muscle groups was far more effective. I still incorporate the big 3, but think it's useless for a beginner who is lifting for appearance.

>> No.3914262



>> No.3914266


>> No.3914290
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>see scooby workshop instead
Gooby, pls.

>> No.3914293

I dont get it. is he like hemingway?

>> No.3914296

No, Rippletits advocates not doing curls or other arm workouts, instead putting heavy emphasis on squats and deadlifts and lower-body shit.

Hence, the joke about having no arms.

>> No.3914307

>I dont get it. is he like hemingway?
Yes, yes he is. Mike Twinkletoes is a genius prose stylist who focuses on minimalist realism, with brutal emotion, often in a war setting. I recommend starting with For Whom the Squat Tolls.

>> No.3914317

Wow, I didn't realise any of you faggots even lifted. I'm impressed.

>tfw mind and body master race.

>> No.3914398

Agreed. A beginner (if you're really beginner to fitness) should be doing body weight exercises or some form of cardio.

A total beginner jumping into squats and bench and deadlift is a disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.3914441
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>A total beginner jumping into squats and bench and deadlift is a disaster waiting to happen.
I agree if they're a total beginner walking into a gym for the first time - they are going to hurt themselves if they attempt a squat. But I don't think those lifts are bad for a beginner. As long as they have someone who can show them correct form, or have enough sense to study and practise squatting the bar, then they should be all right.

I actually think oly inductions should be compulsory on joining a gym if the person is a teen or obviously doesn't lift. The amount of cheap 24/7 gyms where you pay online, punch in your code at the door, and are lucky if you see anyone working there is rising. As is the amount of first time lifters who attempt their first bench without a spotter and end up with 120kg caving their chest in.

But I really don't think there is anything wrong with beginners doing those lifts as long as they are sensible, have someone experienced, or start low and practice. If they fuck up, it's usually because they did something stupid.

>> No.3914492
File: 36 KB, 321x400, jeff_seid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never have a body like mine.

>> No.3914495

Jeff is such a buttishead.

>> No.3914497
File: 32 KB, 455x682, UBK7WR4AnaA_evWHbaxZ_Tl72eJkfbmt4t8yenImKBVaiQDB_Rd1H6kmuBWtceBJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff is gorgeous. I would definitely suck his cock.

no homo

>> No.3914532

>those pretty boy abs
Real men only have two abs.

>> No.3914535

>5 seconds
>... shit uh
>gravity's rainbow

this was my internal monologue

>> No.3914560

I'd probably suck his cock, too, but his head doesn't match is body and his "haircut" is just bad.

I'd do my best to ignore that head while slobbering on his other one.

>> No.3914640
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>> No.3914655


Jeff pls go

>> No.3914736
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>> No.3914744

>Mark Rippetoe
How do you pronounce his name?


>> No.3915568

I think it's Ripper-toe.

>> No.3915593
File: 25 KB, 640x360, 78714302_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is Ripper-toe, though I hear it pronounced Ri-pet-oh too.


>> No.3915603
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It's pretty fucking great.

The people who dismiss it in its entirety are fools who 'just want abs' or 'want to focus on their cardio' or 'tone up'.

Sage for not /lit/.

>> No.3915608 [DELETED] 

There's no best writer.

>> No.3915609
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>> No.3915617

And his name is Shakespeare.

>> No.3915619


Lol those /fit/izens. Why do we never produce any good oc?

>> No.3915621
File: 16 KB, 294x424, Starting Strength.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people who dismiss it in its entirety ... don't want to end up like this.

>> No.3915622


>> No.3915633

rippetoe knows a fuckload about fitness, started with SS, now doing 5/3/1, 480lbs deadlift max

my body looks great, i feel great, i'm not fat, it made me fitter, made me strong as fuark while not making me too muscly like those retarded hypertrophy routines, therefore i can still do cardio and kickboxing without running out of breath in the first few minutes

but nah, he isn't a great writer
but nobody reads starting strength for the prose, dude

>> No.3915638

>but nobody reads starting strength for the prose, dude

"Squats, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul. Squats: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Seh. Qua. Tets.

I do deadlifts, plain deadlifts, in the morning, lifting four feet ten in one sock. I bench in slacks. I am Rip at school. I am Rippetoe on the dotted line. But in my heart is always squats.

Did it have a precursor? It did, indeed it did. In point of fact, there might have been no squats at all had I not loved, one summer, a certain initial leg-press. In a princedom by the sea. Oh when? About as many years before SS was born as my 1rep max was that summer. You can always count on a body builder for a fancy prose style.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, exhibit number one is what the curlbro's, the misinformed, simple, noble-winged curlbro's, envied. Look at this tangle of thorns."

-Starting Strength, Mark Rippetoe

>> No.3915639
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>> No.3915647
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>not convict conditioning
You spoiled machine-users

>> No.3915655

That guys stare is making me really nervous. I keep having to scroll the page down to stop him from gazing into my soul.

>> No.3915666
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>> No.3915668
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>> No.3915673

>Your TaiPei can do the same?
Of course, but don't take my word for it. Read it and find out.

>> No.3915693

this is lacan's worst nightmare

>> No.3916103
File: 108 KB, 400x400, 1373211934326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natty physiques only pls

>> No.3918585
File: 254 KB, 649x742, Picture 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend some books about lifting, anatomy, physiology, nutrition, or any /fit/ related literature?

>> No.3918594

>The amount of cheap 24/7 gyms where you pay online, punch in your code at the door, and are lucky if you see anyone working there is rising.
I've yet to find any where I live in CHicago. :/ I want one since I'm a shy guy and it's keeping me from working out.

>> No.3918602

this strikes me as odd. being too shy to work out in a gym to stay in shape seems like being too shy to eat in a restaurant because you're hungry.

>> No.3918606
File: 247 KB, 1280x960, garage-gym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want one since I'm a shy guy and it's keeping me from working out.

The one I sometimes go to is like that, but I'm in the UK. It costs £10 a month, but the problem with that is overcrowding in peak hours, so it's not really ideal for someone with shyness. It's great if you can go at 3am and get the whole gym to yourself, but go during daylight hours and you have a line for some equipment. The more expensive gyms tend to be less populated.

I wouldn't worry about 'shyness'. Everyone is just there to workout, not compete with each other. The people there will be DYEL's, cardio bunnies, middle aged dads, and a few serious lifters. Have a look around at the sea of ridiculous faces being pulled, and you should feel better. Even if you have anxiety issues, once you start making gains your confidence will boost dramatically.

You could always go the home route option, which is what I'm doing now. I have a power rack, bench, oly bar, weights, and pull up bar - the same setup as pic related, but minus the punching bag. I just go to the gym occasionally to use specific machines. Have a look on craigslist for chap equipment.

>> No.3918611

I can understand it. Especially if he doesn't lift at all yet. I can remember being nervous about my first trip to the gym. I think I imagined a whole building full of Ronnie Coleman's laughing at me.

>> No.3918615


This dude looks like he loves the cock up his rectum.

>> No.3918621

>tfw no home gym

>> No.3918690
File: 98 KB, 1024x768, S8000412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no excuses. You can find very cheap used equipment on gumtree or craigslist, and anything you can't afford you can build. There are loads of blueprints for making timber equipment, and they are all incredibly strong and able to support a lot more weight that you can possibly lift.

>> No.3918701

He looks down when he squats.

>> No.3918712

All great man, but I don't have the room. It's something to aspire to though.

>> No.3918719
File: 42 KB, 349x262, dbce2-DSCF0818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? There are people posting on /fit/ who have managed to build gyms in their bedrooms while still living at home. I'm sure you can find a little space.

>> No.3918838


you lovely son of a bitch

>> No.3918968

best thread on /lit/

>> No.3919081

Squat instructor. The worlds best job.
