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/lit/ - Literature

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3913303 No.3913303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let me tell how a poetry reading night went at my uni

>First guy on stage is insecure and his poem sucks, totally forgot what it was about
>Second guys is pretty much the same, he sucked and I forgot what he wrote about
>Third guy is a ragging faggot asian who reads his poem about getting blowjobs
>First girl is pretty, talk, and thin. Her poem is a narcissistic trip about how she is a statue, which is actually pretty decent despite the overdone topic. She leaves with a hispano-black guy
>Second girl is a ragging feminazi lesbo dyke with daddy issues and a terrible haircut (buzzed on one side with the rest left very long). Her poem is about how patriarchy is bad or some shit
>fifth guy is a ragging faggot who talks about how there are pedophiles out there in the world
>A prof reads an ee cummings poem that sucks (and his own sucky poetry)
>Couple of fat balding "poets" come to the stage to do some readings that are "ok"

Overall, bretty bad 1/5.

Why are poets so disgusting nowadays?

>> No.3913305

>Why are poets so disgusting nowadays?

>poetry reading night went at my uni

Here's your answer. You do better. Try going to a Slam Night and learn from it.

>> No.3913310


You want me to kill myself don't you?




>> No.3913313

thank livejournal/myspace/poetry.net.

>> No.3913319

funny that you have a backlog of "terrible" slam poetry to pat yourself on the back for not exploring it any further, yet you have nothing to show for yourself
do you do the same with books? Are you sure you should be here?

>> No.3913320
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>write poem
>think it's terrible
>read it at some meeting, think it's still terrible

I think I'll stick with short stories.

>> No.3913321


>> No.3913323

could you post some examples of these hidden gems?

>> No.3913322

I won't watch those links because I know it will be some cringe worthy shit, maybe you should pick your spots better. In Lisbon we have one place for it and it's only one session every month.

>> No.3913326

they aret detached from isis

>> No.3913327

Watch them, I swear it's catharsis after you rage.

>> No.3913332


Let me guess, faggotmaster, you hated it when the white as snow q.t.3.14 left with the Latino stud, right?

>> No.3913335

if you can post some of your own superior poetry, sure

>> No.3913336

Quite. He was more black than latino, he was carribean or some shit.

>> No.3913340

>doesn't like E.E. Cummings
vacate the premises you plen

>> No.3913343


>> No.3913348

i don't write poetry, i'm only an occassional reader. why would you need me to post my own anyway?

>> No.3913351

mostly to belittle you
what's some poetry you like then?
I'd ask you to include a work of contemporary poetry too but you don't seem up to it.

>> No.3913352
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>> No.3913355

They don't waste time at uni readings.

>> No.3913364

how am i supposed to feel bad about work i haven't done?

hey so what good slam poetry exists? Can you think of any? it's just you're sorta really defensive about it.

>> No.3913373

Don't humour the roach, it's already slayed.

>> No.3913372

Arrogant filth.

>> No.3913382

The hell? How could anyone like this shit, let alone call it poetry?

>> No.3913384

B-but...will I be a pretty asian girl who keeps her white man while checking my privilege?

>> No.3913387
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The first link is some ugly bitch raging about her lack of prettiness. It's not even poetry.

>my face when they applaud her
>my face when millions of people watched this and mostly liked it

>> No.3913389

You went in with a bad attitude and left with a bad attitude. Looks like you haven't gone anywhere in life, roachfag. Still living in intellectual poverty.

>> No.3913394

>in this moment I am euphoric, not because of any phony artistic merit but because I am enlightened by my own narcissism

>> No.3913395

Yea I guess I should become a roach and embrace stupidity, narcissism, grotesquery, hedonism, and valuing literal shit. Oh yeah, and be sarcastic and never serious all the time, and ridicule those who attempt anything serious ever. Then I'll be happy, I just know it!

>> No.3913397

looks like you've already started :)
are you happy

>> No.3913401

Stare long enough into the roach, and the roach stares back into you.

>> No.3913404
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>no one can name even one poem they like

>mfw you've done nothing creative in your life

>> No.3913409

>muh narcissism

This board would be much better without you. Are you selfless enough to leave?

>> No.3913417

i think my selfishness lies somewhere in the middle of going out of my way to make you feel better and thinking that shouting about crap has real poetic merit. how about you?

>> No.3913418

>Why are poets so disgusting nowadays?
Because in 2013 poetry is the prerogative of black people wearing #swag #grillz.


>> No.3913425

please respond
i have never read one poem in my live
i thought someone here might have but maybe not

better than being the prerogative of useless wastes of life only offered the opportunity to be such useless shits because their parents' parents' parents worked hard enough to secure their pathetic existence

>> No.3913437

>Why are poets so disgusting nowadays?
Why is anything disgusting?

Next time/if ever.. smoke a little weed before entering the dark room of despair.

>> No.3913448

>Stare long enough into the roach, and the roach stares back into you.

Sounds like a synopsis for Clarice Lispector's "The Passion According to G.H."

>> No.3913451


Why do I want to punch and fuck that bitch at the same time?

>> No.3913456

because your mother neglected you?

>> No.3913458

Damn, this board's gone to shit.

>> No.3913463
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probably because you have pent-up rage from being a weak faggot who can't get in real fights and pent-up sex drive from being a faggot who can't get laid by a real woman

PLEASE respond
I'll even give one I enjoy personally

In the story of Patroclus
no one survives, not even Achilles
who was nearly a god.
Patroclus resembled him; they wore
the same armor.

Always in these friendships
one serves the other, one is less than the other:
the hierarchy
is always apparant, though the legends
cannot be trusted--
their source is the survivor,
the one who has been abandoned.

What were the Greek ships on fire
compared to this loss?

In his tent, Achilles
grieved with his whole being
and the gods saw
he was a man already dead, a victim
of the part that loved,
the part that was mortal.

>> No.3913470
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I just wrote poetry for the first time