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/lit/ - Literature

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3910745 No.3910745 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/.
Can I have some help with something?

What book would be good to read to my mother?

She had a rough life.

>Left by her parents when she was a kid
>No studies
>Have to work on streets to get food because aunt treat her like that
>No options
>Living alone with a 25 years old strange in another state
>Mother at 15 years old

But she stayed and took all that for us.
My brothers and me, her kids.
She's my hero and love her for educating me and not telling me this until now that I'm 21 and I can understand what she is talking about and not get traumatized for the whole thing.

I just want to make her happy, give her back something, and make her feel that life is a beautiful thing.
I already make her proud by being a good student, son and never failing her.
Talked to her my entire life, she is my friend which I tell everything.
Never lied to her or tried to hurt her in any sence.
She is my mom, you understand.

>> No.3910748

Is she hot?

>> No.3910751

OP here.

Already go and dance salsa with her every thursday on our town plaza, but I want to do something else for her.

Sorry about my english.

She was really hot and beautiful when she was young.
Now you can notice the age in her face and body.

>> No.3910758

aww, I think I'm about to cry.

I think she'd enjoy Gone With the Wind, some Woolf and Austen.

>> No.3910765


>> No.3910772
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Poisonwood Bible - B. Kingsolver. My mother and many of her friends adored this book. Lots of motherhood, girlhood, adversity etc.

>> No.3910776

Not trying to move hearts here, just make a smaller range of selections by talking a little about her.


Will that be a good idea?
I think that will bring her rash instead of peace and happiness.
Correct me if I'm wrong please.

Will give it try.

>> No.3910868

Frankenstein is really about the need for the mother in a family and how dudes fucking suck. She might like that.

>> No.3910916

>Wanting to do something good for your mother
>introduce her to feminism

Have you considered Islam? It constitutes an equally good alternative.

>> No.3910977

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Fitting for anyone who's had to live through hardships

>> No.3911039

The Bible.

>> No.3911069

Have you considered killing yourself
people suggest it to me a lot I don't know

It's not like you're giving her the SCUM Manifesto or anything; I can't imagine anyone who'd be radicalized by ~100 year-old literature.
You can get The Five People You Meet In Heaven if you're afraid of offending someone.

>> No.3911104
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The lyrical ballads book of romantic poetry offer some interesting themes whilst also remaining simple and accessible.

>> No.3911123


She's Come Undone by Wally Lamb

Give it a try, OP. It's modern, it's not classic but it's worth it. It was emotionally heart wrenching, because of what the main character had to go through. It discusses a lot of important social issues that an emotionally battered woman may go through without being overtly rash like a modern feminist. The author can mimic a perfect female tone and voice and oh boy, the book was really worth it. At times though, I wanted to cry and stop reading, but I think because of what your mother had been through she can handle it.

>> No.3911125

And please please don't let the "Oprah Book Tag" offend or discourage you. I've read, and only learned now that it's "Oprah approved".

>> No.3912111

This sound really good. Thanks for the idea.
I'll look more into topic (meditation) and see If I can find something else.

Never thought about that. It will give a flip to what she's used to.

She does already. I think that book is the reason I'm here writing this right now and not in some dumpster.

Seems like maybe I'll enjoy this one too. I like this kind of books.
Thank you.

Thats the word. Thanks anon.

Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me, anon.
Now I'm really insterested in this one.

>> No.3913674
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This thread warmed my heart.

I don't know what to recommend and to those saying Woolf, no. She's depressing and neurotic. Maybe she'd like The Waves but it's all stream of consciousness.

God Bless

>> No.3913676

red er sam Beckett d00d

>> No.3913680
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>> No.3913682
File: 87 KB, 399x600, the summer book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3913684
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>> No.3913688
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>> No.3913690

Read her Lolita

>> No.3913692
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