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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 668 KB, 1776x2544, 1371238300309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3909975 No.3909975 [Reply] [Original]

Where is TAR, Mr. Thrills? We're past the monthly due-date for belittling /lit/izens best works and I want another hentai story to ironically fap to

>> No.3910057
File: 138 KB, 480x640, 5e6392f3631fe265f052400346acdba4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of getting banned/deleted for posting this picture. /lit/ should be a body positive safe space, we're better than that.

>> No.3910061

>body positive
What a disgusting notion. Body positivity makes me want to vomit. You look terrible.

>> No.3910069

all that groin fat

>> No.3910070

It's like a soft cushion

>> No.3910083

That smells horrible

>> No.3910086
File: 133 KB, 874x841, 1346724846489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dat body

>> No.3910088

And greasy.

>> No.3910089

Why would it smell worse than anyone else's body?

>> No.3910092

Because fat rolls incubating bacterial and fungal growth.

>> No.3910094

Because in some circumstances it would smell worse than a non-obese body

>> No.3910095

screwtape is so lewd

>> No.3910099

so is screwtape like 15 or what

>> No.3910116

is that a guy or a girl?

>> No.3910136
File: 75 KB, 714x614, spurdo_122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A faggy twink and a fat guy with smelly groin fat.

>awesome lit

>> No.3910148


dont matter bruh

>> No.3910150

Are you kidding? It's very obviously a male.

>> No.3910151

I got some naked girl pics from that thread if you wanna ssee em.

>> No.3910172

his faith in christ keeps his body hairless and beautiful

>> No.3910183

>body positive safe space
Disgusting, this is /lit/, not Tumblr.

>> No.3910185

wow you guys are so edgy and alpha what books do you read to get so smart

>> No.3910188

y-yes. i'd like to, uh, see them.

>> No.3910189

Haha, yeah, some people seem to have mistaken /lit/ for the liberal board, probably because of its intellectual subject matter. In reality, we're all hyper-conservative Nietzschean Übermenschen who praise greatness in all its forms and cast aspersions on the repulsive

>> No.3910192

taschen let me see your hair

>> No.3910264

/lit/ loves what is aesthetically pleasing

also hot damn that body

>> No.3910552

I don't know if that's a dude or a chick but I don't care, I want to make fuck with it

>> No.3910573

>/lit/ loves what is aesthetically pleasing
No, /lit/ loves what is conventionally attractive, which is very different.
By your logic, >>3910057
would also be loved by /ilt/ since the image perfectly embodies a very specific aesthetic.

>> No.3910576

No, we're not all that retarded.

>> No.3911502

bump for TAR

>> No.3911869

What's the holdup for?

>> No.3911892

I'm reminded of what an awful film that was

>> No.3911891

estasi di santa teresa?
love me some bernini

>> No.3911905


>> No.3911990
File: 90 KB, 420x750, pplease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, /lit/ loves what is conventionally attractive
Strongly disagree. We either share a similar aesthetic to /fa/, or we have the sense of aesthetics that /fa/ wants, i.e. dfc, andro = pleasing

>> No.3912009

you don't understand Nietzsche at all

>> No.3912060

there is no such thing as "a very specific aesthetic", tard. do you even philosophy?

>> No.3912062

What? Yes there is.

>> No.3912065

No. It's either aesthetically pleasure, or it isn't. Take your bullshit back to tumblr

>> No.3912073

Aesthetic can be used to mean something more akin to "style", which is the context he was obviously using it in. You're just being autistic.

>> No.3912076

Aesthetics are not general; you can have a minimalist aesthetic or a maximalist aesthetic, etc. Were you by chance lobotomized?

>> No.3912110
File: 55 KB, 576x1024, d1GsNrZ83fRR8FRfeVKWcFdBUI5eNczl88S7cxRAbog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes i wish to be the little girl

>> No.3912113


You all have nasty bodies. Please lift.

>> No.3912126

Bataille was a fucking moron.

>death of a thousand cuts
>"victim looks ecstatic despite the pain"

That's because these people are given opium before they're put to death by cuts; Bataille didn't know, wrote a whole book on this shit.

>arrogant moron being wrong from the start

>> No.3912145

>Bataille didn't know


>There is, of course, something undeniable about his expression, no doubt due at least in part to the opium, which augments what is most anguishing about this photograph.

>> No.3912152


I don't know when it happened (I've only come back to this board a month ago), but it moved to a first Saturday of the month release. So there's still a day or two to go.

>> No.3912168
File: 308 KB, 591x828, 1361401815206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't aware, that makes sense. Thanks, anon.

>> No.3912170

Uhh.. yeah dude, he most definitely knew that...
his analyst gave him the photos, too..

>> No.3912174

fey, svelte master race

>> No.3912181 [SPOILER] 
File: 53 KB, 391x383, secrets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ὦ Σόλων, Σόλων, Ἕλληνες ἀεὶ παῖδές ἐστε, γέρων δὲ Ἕλλην οὐκ ἔστιν.
νέοι ἐστέ τὰς ψυχὰς πάντες: οὐδεμίαν γὰρ ἐν αὐταῖς ἔχετε δι᾽ ἀρχαίαν ἀκοὴν παλαιὰν δόξαν οὐδὲ μάθημα χρόνῳ πολιὸν οὐδέν.

that and a Nazarite vow I took in my youth but yeah

maybe you got aesthetics confused with the general anesthetic you're clearly under lel
do u think I should start a tumblr where I cover my junk with books though
I'd spend less time here so it's a win/win

Are you that babby marine who got sassed out of the last thread
I only lift my soul to the winding ancient stair, my mind fixed upon the steep ascent, upon the broken, crumbling battlement, upon the breathless starlit air, upon the star that marks the hidden pole
>pic related
shitty cam but I took the initiative and only one person called me ugly so far

He wrote about Mayan sacrifices and how they were forced to dance ecstatically (with the help of alcohol or something like that), so I can't imagine it's much different.

There should've been some people getting rejection letters if it's coming up but I don't know if TAR rejects that much material

>> No.3914055

fuck yes! but pum them in spoilers - won't attract the mods

>> No.3914093
File: 29 KB, 614x383, 1355864767946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon lied to you
>still no TAR

>> No.3914502

Poor monkey.

>> No.3914888

Do they send acceptance letters?

>> No.3914917
File: 132 KB, 1354x1375, Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people need GOMAD and compound lifts.

>> No.3914936

My girlfriend has that exact book...

>> No.3914973
File: 24 KB, 300x181, wineandbarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>body positive
Fuck you and your contempt for health!

>> No.3915027

It's a mighty good book though; I got it for almost free at a used book store
I mean sometimes I don't know how accurate it is, like when it says droit du seigneur was really common in the Middle Ages even tho it's only recorded as something that's done by rival lords to show how mean they are, but it also talks about knighting as ritual beheading which is totally boss
what I mean is it always has interesting information even if it's dated or whatever
hopefully your girlfriend didn't sell the book or my junk might've touched it sorry