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File: 37 KB, 480x625, feature-reading._V398727981_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3903781 No.3903781 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, any tablet users here? I'm looking to buy a kindle or something similar, any recommendations? Preferably one where the brightness isn't too harsh, I get a headache reading from bright screens. Thanks!

>> No.3903791

And when I mean brightness, something that doesn't have a lot of glare, I know there are some ereaders that you can read as if it were close to paper. If it supports PDF or I can upload the pirated books I have on my comp. that would be a huge plus.

>> No.3903842


>> No.3903849

You're looking for something smaller than what's generally referred to as a "tablet". I use a Nook Simpletouch--no glare, works perfect, pretty cheap, reads EPUB and takes an SD card. I've also used a Kindle Paperwhite and it's pretty great.

>> No.3903856

I use a Fire and have a few apps that add some functionality.

>> No.3903861

>reads EPUB
So I can upload my files I've downloaded into the eReader? How much did your Nook Simpletouch cost? I'm looking for something around $80 but I don't mind spending $100.

>> No.3903873


Nooks start at 70 or 80, but you can pick them up good as new on Amazon for 50--that's what I've got. And yes, it takes EPUB and PDF, but formatting shouldn't be a concern of yours. If you have a lot of ebooks, you should grab a program called Calibre that allows you to manage your library and convert between formats with ease. Kindles use MOBI, but the two are easily cross-converted with Calibre. I just love the SD card function, so I got the Nook.

>> No.3903891

I have Calibre, but I thought it was only for managing your books. The Nook sounds good, thanks man.

>> No.3903987

Having scouted the market for a cheap tablet, I got a Nook Simple Touch 2 weeks ago and I love it.

It has reignited my love for reading.

>> No.3903993


Yeah, same. It's nice and all, for a bunch of reasons, but the important things is I read a whole lot more. So convenient to switch between books as I please.

>> No.3903995

>It has reignited my love for reading.
See that's where I am right now, I'm looking for one because I want to put all the things I wanted to read and take it with me. I have my books on Calibre, but the screen hurts my eyes. How much was your Nook 2? Found a Nook on Amazon for 63 bucks, considering buying it.

>> No.3904014

I paid like £40-45 so I guess in dollars, that's about the same.

It was pretty much the cheapest one going that had all the main features you would want. I think there was a model for an extra £20 that had a backlight too which you might want to consider.

>> No.3904016

was meant in reply to

>> No.3904026

Thanks m8

>> No.3904115
File: 147 KB, 960x540, Kobo Mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using retina burning tablets for reading
>not just getting an inexpensive eReader

Come on, OP.

>> No.3904128

>using an e-reader.

>> No.3904141

>wasting power
>wasting money
>destroying your vision


>> No.3904144

Where do you guys usually get your ebooks from? Do you torrent them? Do you just buy them?

>> No.3904146

Why is the Kobo mini less retina burning than a kindle...?

>> No.3904151

Depends on the Kindle...if it's a Kindle eReader it's the same - none - but if it's a tablet like the Fire or something, then yes, the eReader does less damage than the tablet.

>> No.3904182

Sticky, torrents, google, Amazon

>> No.3904188

I know what you mean OP
But you know you can lower the bright of your screen don't you?

>> No.3904195


>> No.3904223

Hey guys should I invest in a nook + hd or whatever (they are super cheap and run on android stuff now or whatever.... and at least it seems like they are good quality).

>> No.3904225

Tell me about this, I can get it for 40euros where I live and I'll buy it this weekend if you tell me is good.
>relying on 4chan's opinion

>> No.3904238

It's actually pretty good. I'm not a small guy (193cm tall, proportional hands and such), but it's still comfortable to hold. The resolution's what you'd expect of an eReader, but that's not to say it sucks - the text is crisp and scales well for the small screen, and the choice in fonts and sizes is pretty good.

For the price (since it's on sale), I'd say 9/10. Regular price'd be 7/10 for me.

All in all it's pretty good.

>> No.3904246

I usually buy them from the Kobo Store, Amazon if they don't have it, then I go Google and torrents if I still can't find it.

>> No.3904253 [DELETED] 
File: 1.93 MB, 400x197, aa1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my kindle paperwhite last week and I'm loving it so far.I can finally read the books that I want to read and not be subjected to having to weed out the best titles that I can find in a bookstore.

>> No.3904257

How does an eReader that uses black on white calculator LCD destroy your vision?

>> No.3904262
File: 1.93 MB, 400x197, aa1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got my kindle paperwhite last week and I'm loving it so far. I can finally read the books that I want to read and not be subjected to having to pick the best titles I can find in a bookstore.

>> No.3904278

Do you not have access to Google and common sense or something?

Why don't you read up on LCD and LED technology and Blue Light Hazard? Or you can wait 30 years until macular degeneration sets in and just deal with it.

>> No.3904296

thanks, will cop

>> No.3904309
File: 35 KB, 610x436, Kindle_Paperwhite_35438287_35437744_35438313_35438312_10_610x436[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to be clear what you're saying applies to this screen I can't even see in the dark?

>> No.3904337

Two weeks ago I got a Kindle Paperwhite 3G, brand new. Some black guy got it with his new cell phone and just wanted to get rid of it fast. I love it and knowing I save over 150 bucks makes me love it even more

>> No.3904339

forgot to mention I paid 50 for it. Check craigslist, ebay etc. You'll get lucky and find deals.

>> No.3904364

I just got a Kobo Aura HD, and I love it, it's so beautiful. The screen makes other e-paper screens look like shit. The software is great as well.

>> No.3904367

>Blue Light Hazard
>Blue-light hazard is defined as the potential for a photochemical induced retinal injury resulting from electromagnetic radiation exposure at wavelengths primarily between 400 - 500 nm. This has not been shown to occur in humans, only inconclusively in some rodent and primate studies.

Yeah, you're dumb as fuck.

>> No.3905282 [DELETED] 

don't get ebooks people!
reading is for minorities and other communist scum!
get a tablet instead so you can watch the movie.

>> No.3905984

I have a Kobo Glo and I'm satisfied, the integrated light is quite handy.

>> No.3906175

Hey OP, I've had 2 Kindles and they're fucking great. I originally had the Kindle Keyboard (no touchscreen, no color, no backlight, e-ink screen) which was fantastic. I think they've replaced it with the one in your pic, OP but they're practically the same. I travel a decent amount so I'd load up 4 or 5 books on it before I left and have a great time. Battery's outstanding too, that thing could go for about a month and a half before needing a recharge. They're also real cheap nowadays. Good deal if you're a poorfag.

Anyways that one broke (totally my fault, they're reasonably sturdy) and I got a Kindle Paperwhite, which is the same as my previous one but with a backlight - no LCD screen though. It's great too, I love it.

I really don't recommend an iPad unless you don't have a laptop. I got one as a present and it's been gathering dust ever since. I hate reading on it because the LCD screen sucks to look at for long periods and the App Store rapes you for book purchases. I really have no other reason to use it. I know people constantly tout it as being great for watching movies and browsing and stuff, but fuck that, my laptop does that a 1000 times better without the battery dying 30 minutes into my movie. It's overpriced and shiny. Kindle Fires are kind of similar too.

If you want a tablet for reading, get a Kindle. If, for some reason you can actually think of an alternative use for a tablet, then sure, dish out $400 for an iPad or a Fire.

>> No.3906431

>without the battery dying 30 minutes into my movie

I have a newer iPad and I get close to 10 hours of video. I know from the flights I take for work that the battery life is excellent.

>Kindle Fires are kind of similar too
They're both tablets but that's where the similarities end. iPad is a lot more functional and more of a laptop replacement.

Also if you don't have a laptop then it's stupid to suggest that someone buy a iPad. As good as an iPad is, it's not a laptop. Save your money for that. Then you can buy an iPad.

>> No.3907281

>being an apple fag

>> No.3907562

Why would you use a tablet as a laptop replacement? The only tablets I see replacing a laptop are those transformer ones and the Surface Pro.

>> No.3907611

I bought a pre-owned Nook Color ($70) -- can boot CyanogenMod 7 off of a microSD card, which enables connecting a keyboard, can even play SNES ROMs without slow-down. My having a notebook computer does render a lot of that redundant, but I like it.