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/lit/ - Literature

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3903310 No.3903310 [Reply] [Original]

I just read through The Stranger by Camus and with that and some cursory readings on him online I realize his philosophy is basically what I've felt my whole life. Until now I never knew the word for it. Are there any good reads by other authors with the same kind of content?

>> No.3903317

Sartre's nausea

>> No.3903315

>I realize his philosophy is basically what I've felt my whole life.
do us all a favour and kill yourself

>> No.3903429

Ive read the stranger, in dutch, so excuse me if i missed the beautiful prose.
I didnt get it. The guy was just apathic throughout the book. And that was it. What is the book trying to tell me?

>> No.3903466

Don't worry OP, you'll grow up one day. Fucking loser.

>> No.3904451
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>> No.3904454

Camus can do; but, Sartre is smartre.

>> No.3904455

did sartre get the naseua thing nieztche cuz i was listening to this thing about nietzche and they had this quote about the feeling u get from the death of god and nothing but nihilism or some shit i was like oh shit is that where thats from

>> No.3904468
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>> No.3904472

Argued like a true Marxist

>> No.3904481


> Why'd you kill him!
> Officer! Officer! It was the sun!... and the sea!...
> Is that so, Mr. SEASUN

subtle Camus

>> No.3904488

Camus wrote in simplistic prose which he felt mimicked an 'American' style. So I think the English translations have some more flavor for American readers.

>> No.3904489
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Life is absurd 'n stuff

>> No.3904514

Camus strips away the old European sentimentalism, wordiness and sense of tragedy and his characters find themselves in a world that is arbitrary. The stranger shoots the Arab, but there is no grand sentimental inner narrative. The fall is more refined - we see the lawyer lose his old idealized self which never truly existed. He never knew himself and when he loses his sentimental idealized self-image he finds himself to be base and wretched.

>> No.3904532

Kafka and Knut Hamsun and Dostoyevsky and Joseph Conrad.

>> No.3904694
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OP dont listen to these people. Existentialism is the only way to think. Everyone else is deluded into thinking that they or their shit is important.

Tao Lin is pretty great. I know a lot of people on this board cant stand him, but he's absolutely absurd and is good at showing those feels.

People on this board hate him because he makes them feel bad about themselves.

>> No.3904708

i tried watching that tao lin reading somebody posted and he started bragging about going from ESL to gifted class in one year when he was in grade school, i was like wow this dude is an ass

>> No.3904724


He's totally full of himself, but he's hilarious and ridiculous and very smart. He is so obsessed with his self image and ruining it and trolling everyone.

Despite all of that, you should read his books. I'm reading EEEEE EEE EEEE right now, its pretty good so far, only a few chapters in. I read Richard Yates and Shoplifting from American Apparel last week and I highly recommend both of them. Especially Richard Yates, specifically if you've been in a serious relationship. The book made me feel like shit. I loved it.

>> No.3904732

>guy talks like he's some tao lin biographer
>just started reading his shit last week

oh fuckin lel

also if u think he's smart you must chill with a lot of dumbasses

>> No.3904734


Been reading his poems for a while, bro.

>> No.3904738



>> No.3904742



>not lit

get out. i bet you read young adult novels.

>> No.3904745

>accused others of reading young adult novels
>hardcore tao lin fanboi


>> No.3904766


OP come back and talk with me.

>> No.3904772

I suppose you think Ralph Waldo Emerson is a good writer, too? Plebcore!

>> No.3904774

more like tao lin autobiographer

>> No.3904783


emerson is annoying. i bet you like anne rand.

>> No.3904799

I bet you like dicks

>> No.3904814


only on a pretty girl~