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/lit/ - Literature

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3901557 No.3901557 [Reply] [Original]

is my friend pretentious /lit/

>> No.3901566

>broadcasting what you're reading on facebook

Yeah he is.

>> No.3901575
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i think you know the answer

>> No.3901587

He's so pretentious even his name is arrogant. I mean, Kyriakos Pappas ? Come on. Way to be named like a Mexican version of Macdonalds.

>> No.3901590

>Being Greek

>> No.3901596

I don't try to be a hater but I have to agree

like who is going to discuss a random greek play with you on facebook?

>> No.3901604

What's so pretentious about Tyler Perry

>> No.3901605

The play his hardly random, but his statement about Euripides being unable to grasp the profound structure of "the tragic" is worthy of a god-tier cringe.

>> No.3901608

>Macabre i know

Jesus fucking Christ

>> No.3901614

well reading tragedies is something people do when they're depressed, I think

>> No.3901630

Well I just looked this guy up on facebook and he appears to be a philosophy major and is well liked and popular... So I dunno man. Maybe his colleagues and lecturers? Jesus christ you people are horrific

>> No.3901631
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>> No.3901642
File: 54 KB, 606x404, Bologna-606x404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon chariot...away!

If Bill hadn't commented (and in so doing, given KyrieEleison a reason to shit out his two cents), everything would've been okay.

>> No.3901645


>philosophy major
>popular and well-liked

The guy's got to be a manipulative asshole. I'd bet five bucks he uses pretentious simili-intellectual or sentimental emphatic statements about Greek literature and philosophy and how he relates to them just to psychologically enthrall girls.

>> No.3901653
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is my friend pretentious /lit/

>> No.3901657
File: 43 KB, 580x348, dfwpartyvan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look him up
I can almost guarantee he gets more pussy than you
Keep on hating, neckbeards

>> No.3901662
File: 62 KB, 413x570, Head_Slap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it seems to me he fails to grasp the deeper "structures" of tragic narrative, and even the meaning of the tragic itself

>> No.3901669

I have nothing against assholes. Just pointing out the suspiciousness of being a philosophy major and popular. A bit like a mathematician that would also be a famous news anchor.

Now everyone is going to have is own pussy-picking strategy, I am ok with that.

Also I'm not a neckbeard.

>> No.3901671

that's your average nietzsche "reader"

>> No.3901673

He is six years younger than me and looks ten years older. WTF

>> No.3901675

He's pretentious and he knows he's pretentious. That's why Watchmen is listed there; he aims to mask the scent of pomposity with the mainstream. It's akin to listing Die Hard alongside, say, Truffaut or whomever.

>> No.3901681

Nah he is just a norm.
Plenty of norms doing philosophy.
I know a guy that did phil at harvard and he spends most of his time being nostalgic about nikelodeon cartoons and sports. Than sometimes he vaguely talks about something he studied in college like Quine or Searle and just because I'm a phil major too. But even then he does not care much.

>> No.3901686


lmao, are you serious? it would be biette or straub or something.

>> No.3901691
File: 111 KB, 660x159, edgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How edgy I am anon?

>> No.3901720

needs some fight club and that houellebeqc guy

>> No.3901725

You mean he's a philosophy major who doesn't care about philosophy ? Mystery solved then.

>> No.3901774
File: 84 KB, 508x504, 1361298580355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dragon chariot... away!

>> No.3901775

>I am beginning to think of him as the "lesser" genius among his contemporaries, it seems to me that he fails to grasp the deeper "structures" of tragic narrative, and even the meaning of the tragic itself.
This was known of Euripides even by his contemporaries. He won first prize in the Dionysia four times less than Aeschylus and five less than Sophocles, and Aristophanes makes fun of him in most all of his plays--especially for mishandling tragic convention e.g. kings in rags.
Aristotle called him the most tragic of tragedians but probably cos he was a loser
also this guy can't even use semicolons; and that's the mark of a true pleb

>> No.3901778

Medea is best Euripides.

>> No.3901781

I guess my point here isn't to shit on Euripides but more that it's pretentious to give a high-falutin opinion like "Euripides doesn't understand tragedy" than to actually explain it
all I got out of this guy is that Euripides is difficult

>> No.3901786

please tell me you're american. that name is clearly greek. pappas being a pretty common greek surname

>> No.3901790

That would completely depend on the kind of people you are: do you like doing things that fit your mood when you're feeling down or something that cheers you up? It's something some people do and others avoid when they are depressed

>> No.3901798


I have a circle of friends in college who are relatively well read and we discuss random literature on facebook and recommend books to each other all the time via statuses.

So it's really not that far out of the question. Talking about literature like Medea on facebook really isn't pretentious in itself really, but the language he's using is. It's very obvious that he cares more about people thinking he is well read or smart, or whatever rather than being actually interested in the thing he's reading.

But maybe I'm being a little presumptuous. Maybe that's just how he talks.

I would defriend him though.

>> No.3901805

if what he has to say is interesting... who cares?

>> No.3901808

>No Catcher in the Rye
>No The Road
>No Fight Club
>No Atlas Shrugged
You're kind of borderline edgy classic guy and stereotypical english major. Honestly just go for the English Major

>> No.3901812

>Posting plays that he reads on Facebook
Does he do this for every play? Does he do this for poems? Does he post edgy critical statuses? If any of those are even half right then he is

>> No.3901821

Makes sense actually.

>being pretentious in a thread about pretentious cunts

>> No.3901836

not even similar to the example you gave. mathematicians don't require much talking, philosophers do. they will require the polishing of those capacities for debate. accidentally those capacities are the same you use for scoring chicks, kind of. so not suspicious at all

>> No.3901884

You are not edgy. Pretty standard "Why yes, I do enjoy reading" personality

>> No.3901887

Is it just me or is it really pleasing to say Euripedes?