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/lit/ - Literature

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3897176 No.3897176 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Authors you feel you are better than

>> No.3897182

I thought that was AIDSibald for a second and I was going to agree emphatically

>> No.3897185
File: 245 KB, 466x600, suzanne-collinshungergames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I please post this one?

>> No.3897186

basically all of them

>> No.3897189

Not pretentious but my writing is way better than Vonnegut's

>> No.3897190


>> No.3897217
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>> No.3897237

Ergh. Why are all the female authors I've ever seen ugly as sin? Why do we never have threads about qt 3.14 literary babes?

>> No.3897244

most of em

>> No.3897254
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Clarice Lispector is my literary waifu.

>> No.3897261
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And a great writer too.

>> No.3897259
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The woman was a goddess.

>> No.3897263
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That feel when no qt existentialist gf.

>> No.3897267
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>> No.3897274
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Patricia Highsmith was quite lovely too.

>> No.3897276
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Delicious flat chest. Mod, don't ban me, it's art.

>> No.3897280
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And I'd let Simone de Beauvoir sit on my face.

>> No.3897290

>dat tanline

No thanks.

>> No.3897295

I'm a dude and not even one of those male feminist weirdos, but how does this have anything to do with anything? it would seem that being an author would select for ugly people of either sex, given the self-imposed hermeticism of the profession. but more to the point, all I care about is how well they write. if you're selecting authors based on looks, I've got some bad news for you: there's only like five dudes worth anything to look at

>> No.3897315
File: 13 KB, 201x288, woolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>missing the point

What's wrong with wanting to enjoy some qtp2ties, anon?

/lit/ she looks so sad, all I want to do is give her a hug and tell her everything will be OK and that Harold Bloom will put her in the Western Canon.

>> No.3897311
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But what's the point in reading something written by someone you wouldn't have sex with?

We're all in agreement that Camus is the handsomest male author, right?

>> No.3897313

>this guy

Of course I don't give a shit about what author look like. Or where they're from or what they fucking smell like for that matter.

I just wanted to see some literary pussy that I would be inclined to slide in and out of. The law of averages suggest that there must be some.

>being this autistic

>> No.3897320

I'd stick my head in her oven if you know what I mean.

>inb4 wrong reference

>> No.3897328
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Woolf was pretty ugly, man. There are a few flattering b&w profile shots out there, but overall 4/10 would not bang except to hopefully absorb some of her literary talent.

>> No.3897345

that was plath

>> No.3897352

I know man. That's why I said: >inb4 wrong reference

I just couldn't wait.

>> No.3897357

>bitching about female authors
I have yet to see a male author who wasn't fug as shit.

>> No.3897360
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Zadie got some 5* DSLs.

>> No.3897361

What an idiot.

>> No.3897376

Camus, Pound, Kerouac and Rimbaud are my top four.

>> No.3897386
File: 28 KB, 460x276, dickinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, those freckles look like a skin disease.

Would you marry her /lit/? Maybe she'd edit your poetry for you.

>> No.3897415

looks like a less ugly serge gainsbourg which isn't saying much, looks like ms frankenstein, decent though dean moriarty is better, no as far as one picture poets go brooke is far superior

>> No.3897439

If you don't find Camus sexy then you are just irredeemably pleb. Stay flicking your bean to the Jonas Brothers.

>> No.3897455
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>> No.3897460

Oh God, I would let him do anything he wanted to me.

>> No.3897468
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>> No.3897467
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>> No.3897475


>> No.3897476
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>> No.3897479

I swear I'm straight but this is incredibly arousing.

>> No.3897482

nah but I would make her acquaintance briefly and then engage her in a long, passionate, epistolary affair which would speak more durably of the spirit than the mute electricity of skin touching skin

>> No.3897489
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I know that confused feel, bro. Mishima himself was a fan of manly men. Particularly their hairy armpits.