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3895080 No.3895080[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Were the Song of Ice and Fire legitimately good? People keep telling me to buy them. Just went to Barnes & Nobles and flipped through A Game of Thrones. Seemed like poor writing, not much deeper than the show.

Doesn't seem nearly as good as LOTR, or even Harry Potter (yea, yea).

>> No.3895086

Better than Harry Potter, worse than LoTR. Book three is the best of the series.

>> No.3895095


So, I will be honest - I watched the show, and I am in my mid-20s. With that said, am I right in thinking, I will get nothing out of the books?

>> No.3895237

>Not reading for entertainment

>> No.3895333

They are fantasy novels you can immerse yourself in. And less sexually charged than the show makes them out to be.

>> No.3895344

I read the first book and half of the second and was pretty underwhelmed to be honest.

>> No.3895564


This. The books are pretty shit. Relatively speaking, nothing great.

>> No.3895571
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Last time I posted this there was an Anon who couldn't tell what was wrong with it.

>> No.3896703


I thought they were great, I liked the unpredictability and nihilistic/realistic world, it kept me going from chapter to chapter

>> No.3896709

It won't radically change your perspective on things, but there are some well-written characters and the plot can be very intriguing at time. If you really immerse yourself in the books, I think you could at the very least get some entertainment out of them. Aside from that, you won't get anything.

>> No.3896711

Is this a parody? I can't read it without laughing.

>> No.3896713

It's not. I can never get past the haroooooo without laughing.

>> No.3896714

>Were the Song of Ice and Fire legitimately good?
No, they aren't. They're depressingly average and bland. That's also the reason why they are so popular; people like boring, simple, predictable and unchallenging books, since that's what dulls the mind and helps pass time the best.

>> No.3896729

It's dross but it's fairly fun dross.
Honestly, I would describe it as the Dan Brown of fantasy, the story is basically good and the writing is fairly poor. It's "fun" to a point, nothing spectacular, but at least moderately entertaining.

>> No.3896755

Martin is a somewhat meh writer. But the story he has created is greater than the sum of its parts. There are some exceptional bits of writing, but most of it is middling or mediocre.

>> No.3896770
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>> No.3896776

So many GRR Martin threads. Can't we just accept that he is a pleb and move on?

>> No.3896791
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Top tier fantasy

Tons of highly entertaining characters. The books just keep getting better too.

>> No.3896844

You're on the wrong site, bubba. The site for le babby's first novel I read is le totally genius is called 'goodreads' .

>> No.3896857


epic burn homeslice

epic for the win ;)

>> No.3896873

I agree.