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File: 30 KB, 420x428, 1Beautiful-old-lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3893050 No.3893050 [Reply] [Original]

Post the stupidest thing you have ever read.

>> No.3893058

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

>> No.3893068

That's pretty hard.
I guess a book on British Israelism that I read when I was 14.
Mindblowing ignorance of history and logic.

>> No.3893069

>The fact is, all our lives, no matter how wealthy or handsome we are, mean almost nothing if nothing at all. We are tiny particles. We're amazingly tiny to our planet, to the universe. It may sound nihilistic, but nothing really matters. Just laughing and loving and being part of something, even if it's the most hated and full of hate community of all the internet. It's good to be who you are, and if it's bad, well, fuck you, you can't be someone else. So enjoy it, I say.

Previous post of his mentions about how he believes in God.

>> No.3893074

I read a book called Vortex by Larry Bond when I was like 14. I recall learning a lot about the proxy wars in Africa during the Cold War between South Africa, Cuba, Angola, etc. But it was really an atrocious techno-thriller with a ludicrous plot full of caricatures.

I used to consume this series about the Marine Corps in space 200 years in the future or some shit. I probably read a good eight or nine of them. I can't remember much about them other than that if you were older than 12 and reading them, you were probably a faggot.

>> No.3893075


Anything attributed to Paul in the NT.

>> No.3893078

dumb edgy bastard

>> No.3893082

>Anything attributed to Paul in the NT.

Agreed. Paul ruined Jesus. But without Paul there would be no Jesus. Go figure.

>> No.3893085

The Wolf of Wall Street


Scorsese and DiCaprio are making a film, will probably be good.

>> No.3893086


>> No.3893088

>will be good

lol no

>> No.3893096
File: 527 KB, 1019x876, good writing vs bad writing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3893101

Lol, no, WASP here.
I'm embarrassed to say: I actually wanted it to be true.
"Saxons" does not derive from "Isaac's sons", though.

>> No.3893108

Today I wrote nothing.

>> No.3893110

shabbos goy

>> No.3893113

Abrahamic creation stories are objectively the most bland, both thematically and creatively. Only Mormon, Islamic, and fanfiction (eg Dante) produced anything worthwhile.

>> No.3893117

Says you.

They aren't creation stories, they are myths (OT).

all you are proving is that atheists are the grandest of retardom

>> No.3893118

also you have to read them in the original language to be able to decide that, stupid translation kiddie

fuckin kid

>> No.3893119

wow ur so edgy cool hip and up to date

yeah call it fanfiction oh yeah

>> No.3893123

I saw a preview for this and was half-worried that it was going to be that American Psycho remake that's been rumored recently. I was somehow disappointed when it wasn't - would've made a hel l of a shitstorm

>> No.3893127

I'm an animist now.

>> No.3893128

How are is the divine comedy not fanfiction

>> No.3893130

Don't worry, the remake of Oldboy is coming out soon and every film buff is going to twist their panties in a cyclone of rage.

>> No.3893135
File: 458 KB, 1296x968, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, from some crazy chick in a workshop.

>> No.3893142

A short story by some alt-lit twat that a friend sent to me to review because she was doing a collab with him. It was 2500 words of pure adolescent horseshit about him jerking off to a porn star who looked like his high school crush, desperately trying to dredge as much meaning and depth out of his somber little bourgeois traumas. Worse than that, the document was double-spaced with 14px font so it was even formatted like a child wrote it.

The man owns a fucking publishing house and it pretty much solidified my endless, universal contempt for the alt-lit scene.

>> No.3893145

whats ur beef with paul you fuckin hippie kike?

don't call it that

it isn't what it is or not but just don't call it that

could call it "inspired" or "divined"

u know he's a genius poet and all and how special that is

>> No.3893146

who the fuck even uses that word seriously

>> No.3893147

>that grammar
>galactic supersonic love storm

absolutely disgusting

>> No.3893148

oh shit i may have had a precognitive dream of making that post

ha, another score for me you dumbass materialists or physicalists or whatever you atheist cunts are

>> No.3893156

Fuck Paul. What a prick.
And fuck Dante Milton and their stupid fanfics.

>> No.3893155

I realize that using the word fanfiction implies that the vast majority of fanfiction somehow isn't godawful, but I sincerely assure you that I did not mean that.

>> No.3893154

Snide pseudo-Marxists like me.

>> No.3893158

u cant piss me off you goddamn retoid

>> No.3893161

Paul doesn't even get that human sacrifice is an abomination, and he turns god's kid into a galactic sin offering.

>> No.3893171


Only good thing Paul said was to ban women from speaking or asking questions in Churches, and that they should wait until they get home to ask their husband instead.

>> No.3893179
File: 97 KB, 467x750, 1CANTSSTOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah fuck women bro man i love dominating my wife while me and my beautiful fellow alpha male partner make beautiful love together on top of her while she is in the kitchen

also we are both named paul
oh yeah u watchin jesus? u want sum yeah

>> No.3893183

That's... that's blasphemy!

>> No.3893185

deal with it kike

>> No.3893187

>Paul doesn't even get that human sacrifice is an abomination
Actually, yes, he does get it. Unlike you, however, he has a much more balanced and wide perspective, and he understands that the concept of sacrifice is an integral part of humanity, and is always included into human religious practice.

Even explicitly secular and atheist ideologies (like Soviet Communism) turn heavily into the sacrifice rhetoric after a generation or two.

> he turns god's kid into a galactic sin offering.
No, that wasn't his doing, that came later by other people. Why? See my first point above.

>> No.3893196


>> No.3893199


>> No.3893201

>human sacrifice
>balanced perspective

>> No.3893203

Oh boy, here comes the nihilistic, anti-humanist (using the term "humanist" as favouring humans) follower of Claude Lévi-Strauss.

What bullshit rhetoric shall you spout today?

>> No.3893205

also should include deterministic as one of my insults against you french dick loving retard

>> No.3893211

so sad
What are you: 50?

>> No.3893216

here, kid, here's a penny for a popsicle and the latest copy of French Motherfuckers
comes with the award winning article of "humans suck and im better than them all and sacrifice some shit to me so uh i relieve you of your faggot sins you goddamn humans fucking france oh yeah paris baby fuck u god ur dead)

>> No.3893221

I lol'd
you guys should write a book of insults.
this is so refreshing.

>> No.3893227

what are you? some sort of kid born in the 1990s? fuckin low spaced retard

how ya gonna kick it, fool? is it funky brotha? nope you fucking goddamn r tard

fuckin atheist, kike, animist, woman hating, scumbag from planet dickhead

>> No.3893229
File: 149 KB, 401x304, 1shes a grown woman not a baby u super lamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this pic of a girl wit hsome really fuckin nice feet i mean oh my god

would cuddle with and u know and uh hate on gufckin misgoynsit sor some shit

oh here we go yeah great

>> No.3893232


Dat oldtard, he mad.
You best be nice to him.

>> No.3893234 [DELETED] 


>> No.3893237

hey yo kid fuck face number #7 (7 as in HOW FUCKIN MUCH OF A LOSER U ARE IN UR HIGHSCHOOL HIEARCHY OH YEAH IM NUMBER #36 BITCH) callin some fuckin old douche a oldtard or oldfart like how the fuck does some old fucker fart any different than a fucking baby

well let me fucking show you and fart out some nice baby fuckin farts right on your goddamn smilling little cutesey butesy fuckin face you goddamn mongrel how about that shit

>> No.3893240

Well sheeeit

>> No.3893243

sniff sniff

goddamn would i fuckin cum all over those feets and shove those toes up my asshole

she'd cum from that, cum from that real good and we'd tell each other how we love each other oh yeah

jealous yet? JEALOUS?

>> No.3893252

>post the stupidest thing you have ever read
ITT: Staying wildly on topic

>> No.3893261

u know how fuckin WILD i am kid? HOW FUCKIN WILD I AM? in bed or some shit ur bedf heh yeah wild fluids all over ur fuckin bed

total domination

thats how on topi ci t he fuck are u goddamn kid i do a staying right on your ass WILDLY




on fuckin topic in this kids asshole
the topic is his asshole
righ tfuckin goddamn punish that shit i fuckin won baby

now llove me you fuckin uh atheist or some shit uh yeah

>> No.3893273

*wipes eyes*
Ok. ok.
Either you ARE a crazy old lunatic, or you are doing a fantastic impression of one.
Jesus Christ!

>> No.3893279

fuckin A i hate you goddamn pieces of emote shit with your * * or stars you know that shit but uh yeah fuck i dont you know how emotionaly i am you can feel it i dont kneed know no triival emotionki dy emote STARS SHIT * *

* *

* * * *

* *

* *
FUCKIN TOTALLY RADICAL oh yheah scummer fuck

ill give you somtehing to wipe you fuckin dirtbag who the fuck said i was old you goddamn shit aging aint bad and ill be youthful forever or shit whatver that is but uh in a superhuman way because i like being unqiue and shit you fuckers went on about blpaslem ymnadn thne yell jesus christ right s i fuck your tight liyyle poopy yellow stained stinkin asshole goddamn the shit this is man

>> No.3893284

goddamn kids exhuast me
fuckin stay in school u teeny booprs
bop youon the head u fuckers
bop one of the cute ones right up the ass as well
even the dog