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3891580 No.3891580[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What do you all think of the Wheel Of Time series?? I've been meaning to take a peek into the fantasy genre again and I think this might be a good place to start.

I loved the series by Rothfuss, though I know it's not very well received here. Recommendations welcome.

>> No.3891585

everyone here hates it.

the fantasy genre begins and ends with lord of the rings.

>> No.3891593

it doesn't impress me with pretty words and therefore it's shit

>> No.3891608

I think there are a few exceptions for LOTR being the end all be all, I haven't heard anyone bash The Last Unicorn around here.

>> No.3891612
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WoT is probably the best generic fantasy series published thus far.

There are more interesting series that tweak the genre quite a bit more, but generally if you liked Rothfuss you'll probably find Jordan palatable.

Other stuff to check out:
Mistborn (lighter, Rothfuss-y)
The Black Company (weirder, more charming)
The Malazan Book of the Fallen (more complex, more frustrating, more awesome shit)
Book of the New Sun (darker, more /lit/-approved)

>> No.3891632

OP here,

Thanks for this-- Mistborn was a fun series that kept me occupied on a trip to Florida last summer. Will read the rest, thanks for educating the lesser informed, I appreciate it.

>> No.3891652

first book is great then it goes on a long rambling downhill spiral forever

>> No.3893872

I've got the whole collection ready to go, but idk, it just seems like a huge undertaking, 12 books or so and they are fairly thick. Whenever I finish my current book I look at them and never commit. instead I go for a standalone novel or something. Eh I just need to go for it.

>> No.3894043

The first book is really good, and if you skip the epilogue and maybe half the final chapter you can pretend it's stand-alone. The rest of the series is exciting enough if that's your sort of thing. Robert Jordan is no David Eddings or Steven Erikson, but he's fine.

>> No.3894126

I liked the series, the first 4-5 books are great, very notably the first being the best. Unfortunately then Jordon starts to paint his way into many drawn out corners and the plot advancement slows down very considerably and continuously, to the point where in the 10th book LITERALLY NOTHING HAPPENS AT ALL.

However, things do pick up after that and his last book is one of his best. Then, the transfer between authors happens. I see it as a new director taking over a film series I like, and he does it well. As much as I hate to say it, I'm actually kind of glad Jordon died when he did, as the new writer keeps the same feel of the books yet manages to go through with brilliant pacing unlike his predecessor, however I do find some of his combat scenes, especially the last battle, a little muddled and hard to follow, although perhaps that could be explained by me reading a digital copy and thus finding it inconvenient to flick through to the map very often.

I say go for it. It's nothing spectacular, but it's a worth reading as long as you can slog through the books that suffer worst of all.

>> No.3894144

Malazan is overrated, don't listen to all the recommendations, its just the fantasy version of a popcorn-action flick with awesume cgi.

>> No.3894186
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I enjoyed it. The 1st half of the 1st book took me a while to get through, but then it really took off for me. I read the whole series in one continuous go so all the books where "nothing happens" didn't bother me at all (I actually liked all the subsubplots and characters)

>> No.3894407

I quite enjoyed the series, myself. Though I wish the latter half kept the more traditional fantasy adventure aspects instead of going so political and stuff (although the epilogue of the final book hearkens back to it).

I agree with what you guys posted about Malazan and all those other series being great. I really enjoy the fantasy genre, even though it is bashed a lot on this board and professors and stuff.

>> No.3895400

The action scenes get slowed down and spread out considerably as the series progresses, just so you know. The later books are at least 400 pages of character building and philosophizing per 50 pages of battle scenes.

You are revealing your own ignorance. I am going to guess you either never read the series, or half-assed your way through Gardens of the Moon.

>> No.3895578
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OP everything highlighted has been recommended to me by /lit/ over the past few years.
You can try your hands at the regular ones but..... some are pure garbage and some are YA so... you know morals.

>> No.3895582

ITT soap operas with dragons

>> No.3895583

I know that feel. I had them all given to me a few years ago and they sit on my shelf collecting dust. I'm pretty sure there are maybe two or three newer ones I don't even have yet..

>> No.3895651

Not every fantasy has dragon or elves in it Jesus Christ, please go back to your DFW threads.

>> No.3896265

nah, he's just a soap opera without dragons

>> No.3896276

i'm just starting on the third book. the series a very interesting read so far, but it's saddening to see everyone agree that it slows to a crawl after the first half of it. i was hoping for the whole series to be as fun as what i've read so far but i guess that would be too much to ask.

>> No.3896985

It becomes too broad in scope and loses a lot of the adventure-y feeling, instead opting to have a billion chapters of females and female politics.

>> No.3897621
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Frank Herbert's Dune.

>> No.3897674

Only up to the death of The Emperor. It should have ended there. After that it became a sci-fi fetish fest.

>> No.3899828

Does it lose that feminism undertone? I couldn't go on because of that.

>> No.3899868

Nope, arguably gets worse.

>> No.3900102
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The Wheel of Time isn't much like the Kingkiller Chronicles at all.

I think The Broken Empire series would be a better recommendation, if you love the Kingkiller Chronicles then you'll undoubtedly enjoy this series as well.

Book two is also a major improvement over book one, so unless you can find no enjoyment in book one whatsoever I'd advise you to continue reading.

>> No.3900753

im currently on book 9 of the series ive been reading it fairly steadily for the past few months, and im honestly just ready for it to end, although i will finish it. sidenote i dislike the main character, really like the supporting characters

>> No.3901359

Book 3 is out.....?

>> No.3902332


No, next month or otherwise the month after that. King of Thorns had varying release dates as well, depending on your country of residence.

>> No.3902388

Id read it if I didnt have to pay for the books, just get a digital version and be impressed if you make it throught it

its really not worth paying for its just not that great

you would be better off with erikson, gemmel, feist etc

>> No.3902894

I hope you enjoy unlikable female characters, OP. If not, do yourself a favor and move on.

>> No.3902914

Min is best girl.

>> No.3903030

yeah, she is the most interestng character

>> No.3903653

I personally loved it. Was very long, but each book takes place over the course of 2-4 months. Very large story to tell. Most people are negative about it, it seems because they want a cut and dried story in 300 pages, and are easily bored if longer. Try the first one, and if you don't like it, don't continue. But after you're done, realize that there are thirteen more books each as long, but each one pushes Rand farther along his destiny, and he gets a little stronger and the scale of battle gets a little larger, until you're in 12 and the whole continent is rent by war.

>> No.3906029

>implying Jordan could write women.

>> No.3906034

don't you like braids being tugged in every paragraph?

>> No.3906089


I am hard-pressed to think of any good female characters aside from Birgitte.

Min may be a non-bitch, but she's one-dimensional and she's basically written to be the MC's pet girl.

>> No.3907421

That wouldn't matter to me because the same day that it is released my pirate brethren would have secured it for me.

>> No.3908081


Do you dislike Mark Lawrence that much? Cut the guy some slack, he's not that popular and the book, whilst not a masterpiece by any means, is very enjoyable to read.

Besides, he said Emperor of Thorns would be his best book yet. Since KoT > PoT by a landslide I'm inclined to believe him.

>> No.3908189

I think you mean skirts straightened.

I am quite surprised Jordan was married though. He had some serious issue with seeing every woman as a sneaky, conniving, walking-manipulation machine.

>> No.3908496

If i could i would buy his book I read audiobooks but they are not sold here.
The whole reason i started "reading" audiobooks was because the local bookstores didn't stock the books i wanted and back then shipping and buying online would have cost me an arm and a leg that i didn't have was an unemployed school kid .

Now fast foward years later i have cash but no credit cards and shipping would still be an arm and a leg .... and i've been doing this so long that its second nature.

>> No.3908604

>He had some serious issue with seeing every woman as a sneaky, conniving, walking-manipulation machine.
Dunno, 99% of the women in the story are bred for that by their respective organization.

>Min may be a non-bitch, but she's one-dimensional and she's basically written to be the MC's pet girl.
I daresay she's very much what /a/nons would call a moeblob. A codependent, ineffective female whose main role is being someone's arm candy and looking cute.

>> No.3908627

First book is a shit, really obvious LOTR rip-off, but the next 2-5ish are pretty good. Then the plot stops and you drop it around book 8.

>> No.3908636

The Malazan books were really hit and miss for me. I read the first 4. There's some incredibly cool sequences in there but 60% of it is a slog.

I think that setting would make a better video game setting to be honest.

>> No.3908654

If you didn't like the "slog" parts of Malazan, you'd have hated book 5.

Ian Cameron Esslemont's companion series, which picks up a lot of the plot threads Erikson throws off, is much more action-oriented. If you enjoy enormous battle scenes, set in the same universe, you should give it a shot. It's actually a damn good series, although you should be warned that his first novel unfortunately is somewhat weak.

>> No.3908662

I'm actually more interested in the novellas of those two crazy fucks and their butler. Have you read those?

>> No.3908680

Yes, I have.

If you enjoyed them in Memories of Ice you'll likely find the novellas alright. They're written in a more humorous fashion than the main series. Sort of like Erikson's take on Discworld-style writing. I find them mildly endearing, but opinion among Erikson's readership seems divided (likely due to people expecting something more like his other novels).

>> No.3908794

>anita blake
please leave and never come back

>> No.3909974

Just finished reading the last book of WoT right now. Here's my take on the likability of the three main characters.

Rand: 1-3 he's likable, 4-6 he's kind of boring but relatable, 7- part of 11 holy fuck he's the worst character, end of 11-14 he's cool.

Perrin: 1-4 who is Perrin?, 5-10 at least he's better than Rand, 11-14 dude is pretty cool.

Mat: 1-2 whiny bitch, 3-14 FUCK YEAH BEST CHARACTER EVER

I think it only gets worse because later on you start reading from the viewpoints of individual Aes Sedai. In the first 2 books, they are mysterious and seem to present a united front, but from book 3 to 14 you're stuck with each aes sedai being a whiny know-it-all cunt who only exist to fuck around politicking.

Just keep in mind when you read that unless it's the three main male characters, their women, Egwene, or Nynaeve, any character has a 40% chance of being a darkfriend.

>> No.3910030 [DELETED] 
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My first read through of the series I stopped after book nine.

> im honestly just ready for it to end

I felt that way after getting to book 10, but then by the time I finished A Memory of Light, I really wanted the story to keep going.

And yes, Birgitte is best girl.

>> No.3910041

Avoid it. It started off good, but so many of the middle books are so awful that I don't think it's worth trying to push through them.

>> No.3910077
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Prepare to be frustrated beyond all belief if you pick up this series.

Pic related, my thoughts while reading this entire fucking series

>> No.3910280

>The Black Company (weirder, more charming)
Define weirder. Weird monsters, or weird people?

>> No.3910362

Weird narration is the big one. Each book is narrated as a written chronicle of events by one of the characters (with said character heavily coloring how events are portrayed based on his personality--rewriting events, misremembering, feelings influencing stuff).

The other weird bit is some of the monsters, to use your word. Sentient stones and flying whales are heavily featured in one of the books (though dropped directly after). Later novels mostly draw from Hindu mythology.

>> No.3911182
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The Anita Blake series is or should i say was a great series... It had world depth, good use of powers and ability and a great wildlife(it was like they lived in a realm where magic was real and the animals could be explained).
Then.... idk wtf happened, she was this born again virgin after her fiance dumped her because /pol/ didn't like her[ no lie the mother was a racist and because Anita's hair was a curly brunette and her eyes not blue she threaten to cut off her son financially if he didn't dump Anita.], then... idk all of a sudden she goes and passes up the vag to the vampire... then hair texture is repeated like 50 times thenceforth in every reoccurring book .....

My thoughts are that Anita's Author was a ghost writer, then Laurell took over and didn't know that there are things called proof readers.... the repetition.. and utter nonsense...

Her 23rd or 22nd book came out a few days ago i saw that a bunch of people had given it 5 stars and the book wasn't even out yet.... The book is like 50 Shades of Graves(get it vampires)

What is /lit/'s thoughts? Writers that milk shit for all that its worth.
She doesn't proof read, she describes hair and feel over 50 times in each book, her plot is non existent, bunch of sex where it is not needed, sex in general, deleting people off like forums(like apple does) when anyone says anything slightly negative e.g "Why is sex the main plot for the recent books", if you say anything negative at all or says that some parts in the book makes no sense(again no proof reader) she says that you are attacking her and her minions swarm.


You guys have any books that started off good but turned into idk wtf happened?
Do you know of any popular writer that started the series with a ghost writer then had to continue it themselves?

>> No.3911210


>> No.3911276

>dat spoiler

I lol'd heartily. So true.

>> No.3911292

Thread related
Malazan and Discworld and Wheel Of Time. They all started off nice then went wtf.

>> No.3911293

I started reading WoT late in high school or early in college and I think I dropped it around book 4 or 5. Book 1 is fucking fantastic and draws you in, but Jordan's writing can be so goddamn annoying sometimes, and it only gets worse as the series progresses. One day I might try to read through it again, now that I've let half a decade pass since my last attempt.

My advice, OP? Read The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson (the guy who took over WoT when Jordan kicked the bucket). I'm reading through the first novel right now, and I am really enjoying it. As I reach the last ~250-300 pages or so, I'm getting the feeling that all the major characters are suffering from special snowflake syndrome. Then again, if you like Rothfuss (as I do) than you can handle special snowflakes. I'm half expecting the book to end with most of the POV characters getting killed, because I don't know how Sanderson can write a series with so many characters that have supernatural abilities, particularly prophets. Also, Sanderson can't write women for shit either, despite constantly bashing Jordan for sucking too. The not a LotR knockoff setting makes it worth a read alone. Really cool worldbuilding.

>> No.3911322

Way of Kings is Probably the best new fantasy book I've read in a long time.

I'd recommend reading WoT through, though. It might be blasphemous to say, but I think the series picked back up after Sanderson took over. Towards the end of Jordan's writing it seem... I dunno, dull? Flat? The characters just came across as lifeless to me sometimes. I think Sanderson breathed some life into it all when he took over.

>> No.3911360

I remember when I read this bullshit when I was little and my brain always read darkfriend as darkfiend (because it's way fucking better). Then I heard someone say darkfriend, I was just like wat. Darkfriend sounds so homo compared to darkfiend.

>> No.3911364

Also, the books take place over 2 years.

All of them. Such garbage.

>> No.3911403

Also, weird "power levels", if you may. The wizards are basically nearly unkillable demi-gods, but somehow they don't do all that much wonderous shit directly, most of the time, and in battle generally seem rather weak.

>> No.3911411
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As this seems like more or less a fantasy general, I'll ask this here:

Does The First Law trilogy get more "high" fantasy in the later books? Of course, there's a lot of high fantasy stuff here and there in The Blade Itself, but most of this is just history by the time the story takes place.
I'm not a great fan of high fantasy, if it doesn't either gets so ridiculously over the top you don't need any explanations or whatever, or in comical novels. Yeah, it's magic and they aren't gonna explain shit, but I think it would be nice if magic would be consistent in it's own universe, as it basically replaces (and exceeds) what science does usually.

>> No.3911699


Sanderson's pacing was a lot better than Jordan's. I'm also reading The Way of Kings, loving it so far.

>> No.3911725

>orphan child with cool hair is destined to be the Chosen One who will defeat the Dark Lord who wants to destroy the world because reasons

It's utter garbage.

Anyone who recommends this filth should be imprisoned and forcefully educated for a period of 5 years minimum.

>> No.3913517

>>3911293 Here, I just finished The Way of Kings. Fucking fabulous ending. I was pleased as fuck and now I can't wait for Words of Radiance. Apparently Sanderson just submitted the first draft like 5 days ago.

>> No.3914047
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I want to read it just to protest the GoT bandwagon, and the Kingslayer series seems too new or amateurish.

Even though I read under 20 pages of each.

>> No.3914603

>20 pages
>They're shit!

I read four books of WoT before I decided it was shit. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.

>> No.3914628

I just want Gendal to compulsionize me and make me do dirty things to Moghediens body.

>> No.3914639

It's kind of a shame that people let the weaker books in this series ruin it for them. Sanderson really rescued it from Jordan's bad habits. The last book has some of Sanderson's bad habits but to be fair, it's the fucking Last Battle. You try writing that shit. It looked like the scale needed because of all the buildup of the other books had to be so massive it'd be hard to pull it off. Yet largely, Sanderson does.

The end of the book has the best of Jordan's final touches because that was probably almost complete before he died.

I almost liked the female characters after Sanderson took over. By the way, making me like Elayne and Nynaeve would be an achievement. A big one.

>> No.3914642

Good assessment, I agree with you entirely. Although without the whole ta'veren wankery I think Mat would've been much less likable. Imagine if he suddenly ran out of luck with dice.

>Jordan's exact reason for creating these characters

>> No.3914649

Unless you don't mind a generic plot and tedious descriptions of clothes, you won't like it. Even Rothfuss' books are considerably better than WoT. As a kid, I liked The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist. It's been a while since I've read, but I'm sure I'd still prefer that to WoT. I suggest you read Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles, The Last Unicorn (one of the great fantasy classics), and Scott Lynch's The Lies of Locke Lamora.

>> No.3914892

No, in fact it gets less "high fantasy" in the standalone novels that follow the First Law trilogy.

>> No.3914906

>harry potter.jpg
No one recommended that book as far as i could tell.

>> No.3915825

>The Last Unicorn (one of the great fantasy classics), and Scott Lynch's The Lies of Locke Lamora.
I can second this. These books are a lot of fun.

>> No.3916810

Dude, I read this series at 28 and read through 7 books thinking it was darkfiend. Only once did I stop and go, "holy shit, Jordan wrote darkfriend and I've been internalizing it as darkfiend this whole time"

I thought it was so lame I almost threw the book bit I was on a train and realized I managed to get this far with all the spanking and PG bullshit I may as well not give up on that bombshell.

>> No.3916821


>Scott Lynch's The Lies of Locke Lamora

I agree, it's an incredible book. I'd highly recommend it.

>> No.3916957

I hear everyone telling me this, but I gave up about a third in, because the book was so damn... dull.

>> No.3917479


I know that feel, guys. I read through 4 books before realizing it was Darkfriend, and only then because I gave the audiobook of book 1 a listen. I remember thinking "that can't be right!" and going to grab my copy, only to discover I'd been reading it wrong that whole time.

>> No.3917507

Also goddammit, this thread has made me itch to try to get through the series again. Maybe I'll just stop after Eye of the World, or maybe I'll stop a few books in like last time. But I love Brandon Sanderson's writing, so I might try to stick it out to the end.

>> No.3918806
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thread needs more art

>> No.3918841


I was talking about WoT

>> No.3918857



That one sentence in DoD gave me shivers down my spine and brought a tear to my eye. No other series has to this day. I love the entire series, but goddamn, the situation surrounding that quote, Erikson is a master of his craft.

>> No.3918913

Discworld was a fine evolution until the latest few books though.
Particularly the most recent one was just WTF-tiers of "Pratchett's alzheimers has definitely got the best of him now".
And how fucking depressing it was too.

>> No.3918955


Fuckin love The Last Unicorn. Not the most complex story, but delicious.

>> No.3919634

So did J.k. Rowling steal from the WoT series too?

Have you read that gay fantasy? Some steel edge or something, but the protagonist is gay... will i feel gay if i read it? Does it have gay smex?

>> No.3919717

>Have you read that gay fantasy? Some steel edge or something, but the protagonist is gay... will i feel gay if i read it? Does it have gay smex?

They say it has graphic homosex. I flipped through it in the bookstore trying to find it, but all I found was GRRM-esque dialogue. (Take that as you will)

>> No.3919727

I pocked up the first book in the series, finished it, didn't read any more. It felt a bit too cliched, too recycled. Too many stock characters and too much like yet another LOTR imitator. Then again, a lot of fantasy is like that so perhaps it's not bad for its genre; I've heard other people praise it. It'll certainly keep you occupied for a long time.

It's also full of sexism, if that sort of thing bothers you. Which it should, bastard

>> No.3919790

I love Rand's "Whaat the SHIT is this" face.

>> No.3919797
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>> No.3919808

There is a bit more magic, but I wouldn't say it gets more high fantasy, no.

>> No.3919933

>but all I found was GRRM-esque dialogue.

>> No.3919939

I started reading The Eye of the World a couple of weeks ago when I finished ADWD and wanted some more fantasy in my life. It took awhile to get going and now it's "Fuck yeah adventure" every couple of pages. I'm liking it so far, but now I'm a little disappointed that apparently the whole series doesn't keep it up.

>> No.3919941

>I am female
You exposed yourself so openly.

What is sexism?
When someone writes a story it must confer to your way of thing?
>a woman's battlefield is in the birth room
>the battlefield is no place for a woman

Its a bloody story, the guy can write what the hell he wants. I don't see you up in the Vladimir Nabokov or Marquis De Sade threads calling them a filthy pedoist or crying pedoism. No you praise their prose and want to make their babiehs.

>> No.3919950

That book was a rip off.
It was good yes but so little magic, and how it was done has you questioning magic on the whole.
I read two of the three follow up books he did.... i BARELY got a drop of magic in both. It was mostly swords, gun powder, buying the other side with gold and little to no magic.

needs more other side

I do not kneel

>> No.3921225

The Steel Remains by Richard Morgan. It's pretty good, there's only a couple of short gay sex parts that you can skip past pretty easily. Probably a 7/10 series, his sci-fi stuff is better to be honest.

>> No.3921235

I'm currently on the 2nd Sanderson Book, and I have to admit I'm impressed. I expected a much larger change in writing style when he took over.

The only real difference I can see is that he doesn't go into the excellently / painfully detailed setting and character introductions that Jordan did. Quite impressed he has maintained the feel of it so well.

That all said, I'm sort of disappointed with the plot. NO ONE HAS DIED? Fuck those minor characters. I wanted to see at least 1 of the larger characters to actually die before the last book and I didn't believe for a second Moraine was dead or not returning after conveniently falling through a portal. The only one so far that at any point was a large character was Verin, and she became irrelevant 7 books ago. I'm sure that will all change pretty soon though.

>> No.3921239

I didnt even realise it was before i read it is honestly still a good book

>> No.3921242

>but the protagonist is gay... will i feel gay if i read it? Does it have gay smex?
>a couple of short gay sex parts that you can skip past pretty easily

prudish sexually-insecure murricans, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.3921243

Let's not turn this into a gay debate.

>> No.3921244

>I'm a little disappointed that apparently the whole series doesn't keep it up.

its just other peoples opinions. just continue as long as its fun.
many people also think that AFfC and ADwD was shit compared to the other books, which I heartily disagree with.
I have read three books so far in the series and they we're all good, though I liked the second the best so far. will start reading the fourth tomorrow.

>> No.3922100

A friend of mine is raving about this series, I've only read the first volume and it's a massive pile of shit that could have been reduced to 200 pages or so. It's so fucking SLOOOW.

>> No.3922124

Just started PoT, seems very 2edgy4u so far

>> No.3923148

I am not an Americlap.
I am from South America.
Why would i want to read about men stuffing each other's asses?

>> No.3923414
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A Memory of Light

The Shadow Rising

Lord of Chaos

Fires of Heaven

Winters Heart

The Dragon Reborn

The Gathering Storm

Eye of the World

Knife of Dreams

Crown of Swords

Towers Of Midnight

The Path of Daggers

Crossroads of Twilight

That's my rating list of the books. I read them all back to back, and I kinda just powerread through them all because I just wanted to know what will happen next. I will say RJ was good at foreshadowing stuff that would make sense like 5 books later.

>> No.3923445

Are those the Stark and Dragon banners?
What is that hand/fist.
Is the guys under the wolf banner suppose to be Robert?(war hammer)
Is that lightbringer in the dragon lord's hand?

>> No.3924083

Or maybe it's not based on ASoIaF. Doofus.

>> No.3924501

You forgot The Great Hunt.

I just finished book 5, but this looks the same as how I would rank them so far. If The Great Hunt was under Eye of the World

>> No.3924503
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We can all agree mat is the best character right?

>> No.3925176


This, mostly, but I'd personally put The Dragon Reborn a little higher up on the list.

>> No.3925190

No. Aviendha for sure

>> No.3925724


>> No.3926863
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>You forgot The Great Hunt.
I did and I didn't, I had it placed between Eye and Gathering but changed my mind and cut it, and I guess I forgot to paste it between Winter and Dragon Reborn

>> No.3926882

I can agree with that.

Rand was way too up and down for me to decide if I liked him or not. Perrin started to pick up about half way through but was a bit of a whiny bitch for too long. Ewgene picked up about half way through when it stopped being just idol gossip the whole time. Aviendha was probably top of the trio.

Galad/Gawyn though I hated with a passion. Most of the Aes Sedai were annoying and manipulative, but most of all I hated Cadsune. I feel that was by design though.

But yes. I can agree Mat was best. Got sick of reading all the blood and bloody ashes though.

>> No.3926884

Does the Mistborn series suffer from the special snowflake syndrome?

What about Malazan series?

>> No.3926887

I can answer for Malazan if you provide a definition of "special snowflake."

>> No.3927176

He means Mary Sue. At least that is what i think he means

The girl in Mistborn was probably a special snowflake.... then it was shown that anyone could be a special snow flake, so the point is moot.

Malazan i only read 3 books, i don't know if there is a special snow flake in there Jaghut wants to kill ppl blah blah blah.

>> No.3927186


I've read most of the Malazan books (and spin-offs).

No real Mary Sues. Anyone with a semblance of power is generally pretty flawed. The only two exceptions are probably Rake and Karsa. They're far from perfect, but they are maybe a little too xXawesomeXx.

>> No.3927676
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Was it rape?

>> No.3927696
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For any of them? Hells no, the Rand knows what the ladies like.

>> No.3927713

best fantasy novel I've read was The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Check it out.

>> No.3928008


I just finished the Way of Kings a few days ago and loved it. Can't wait for Words of Radiance.

>> No.3928058

You think all those mother fuckers gonna make it through the last battle? Sanderson pulls a GRR Martin.

>> No.3928061

Personally, Shadow Rising is my favorite and Dragon reborn shortly after, but mostly because the Aiel are so fucking awesome.

Winters Heart sucks except for the last 3 chapters.

>> No.3928062


Thanks, I guess I'll read them both eventually.

>> No.3928075

Definitely. Mat is the only major character that never had a shitty moment. Tuon is also an amazing character.

Rand sucked when he was going through the "i have to become hard" phase, but became awesome in Memory of Light

Perrin was shit when Faile was captured by the Shaido Aiel.

All the women sucked in the first half of the series

>> No.3928308
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Official WOT Women I would bang power ranking

1. Aviendha
2. Nynaeve
3. Lanfear
4. Min
5. Elayne
6. Faile
7. Siuan
8. Moirane


9001. Egwene if her mouth is ducktaped

>> No.3928359
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Sweet, fantasy thread. Now it's time to ask you guys for my shitty pleb requests.

Vol'jin - Shadows of the Horde
Graphic novel - Bloodsworn
Dawn of the Aspects (All of them)

Mostly Vol'jin, but any would be greatly appreciated. I'm pretty sure those are the only things I need to complete the entire WoW novel and comic series' thus far.

P-please and t-thank you.
(I have checked on every torrent site and #bookz and shit for these.)

>> No.3928908

>1. Grandal
>2. Berelain
>3. Aviendha
>4. Nynaeve
>5. Lanfear
>6. Moghedien
>7. Min
>8. Riselle
>9. Elayne
>10. Siuan
>11. Moirane
>9001. Egwene if her mouth is ducktaped

there we go

>> No.3928972
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>Perrin was shit when Faile was captured by the Shaido Aiel.

Perrin was a huge fucking letdown for the entire series. I thought he'd get over the whole "I'm a monster" thing by book 2 and then shit would get real, but nooo. Wolf complex for 10 books and then a bit of dream teleporting.

>> No.3929732

That and the fact he decided about 6 times that he would be a leader. The annoying fucker couldn't just stick with it and would forget a book later.

>> No.3929749

>WoW books
That's almost as plebeian as Halo

...are they any good?

>> No.3929751

I've read two of the earlier ones: Lord of the Clans and Day of the Dragon.

...Nah, they were fucking awful. Fan fiction-tier writing.

>> No.3929758

>asking about vidya tie-in books on /lit/
Holy shit you're brave. Pretty sure even /tg/ would give you a hard time for this.

>> No.3929890

Robin Hobb, the farseer trilogy got me so hooked, the relationship between fitz and nighteyes is the ultimate bromance.

I read up to book 5 of wheel of time, it was slow, and I was kinda pissed of they fucking didn't even mention Perrin in the 5th book, Jordan can be amazing at times with his descriptions and imagery, especially the when he starts getting into the dark, brutal aspects of his story telling.

But check out The assassins apprentice by Robin Hobb, you won't be disappointed

>> No.3930012

They're not always well-written, but they're pretty neat from a pleb's point of view (myself).
Basically what he said, but I'm just interested enough in the universe that I'll read them.

I knew I'd get shit for it, but as someone that enjoys something, even if it's considered by many to be shit, I'd like to try everywhere just in case there's someone else with the same guilty pleasure.

(I also found "Dawn of the Aspects" and "Vol'jin" earlier, so I just need "Bloodsworn" and "Shadow Wing: Nexus Point" to have the complete collection. But those two are more comics than novels, so I'm pretty sure it's irrelevant to ask here.)

>> No.3930035
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I've heard nothing but praise for this book.

>> No.3930130

I like Hobb, especially her first two trilogies, although I read them when I was a bit of a noob to fantasy lit (it was the second series I read, after LOTR).

Not sure how they'd stand up today. I know her Fat Boy trilogy was shit and the recent Rain Wilds books have been mediocre, but I can never be sure if she's gotten worse or if I'm just more well read now.

>> No.3930425

What is it about?
Just swords and muh honor more like honour of thieves he looks like prince of Persia
Or is there magic?

>> No.3930432

Book Description
>From "a new master storyteller" comes the beginning of an epic fantasy
saga of blood, honor, and destiny...

>"The Sixth Order wields the sword of justice and smites the enemies
of the Faith and the Realm."

>Vaelin Al Sorna was only a child of ten when his father left him at
the iron gate of the Sixth Order. The Brothers of the Sixth Order are
devoted to battle, and Vaelin will be trained and hardened to the austere,
celibate, and dangerous life of a Warrior of the Faith. He has no family
now save the Order.

>Vaelin's father was Battle Lord of the Empire of King Janus. Vaelin's
rage at being deprived of his birthright and dropped at the doorstep
of the Sixth Order like a foundling knows no bounds. He has little memory
of his mother, and what he will come to learn of her at the Order will
confound him. His father, too, has motives that Vaelin will come to
understand. But one truth overpowers all the rest: Vaelin Al Sorna is
destined for a future he has yet to comprehend. A future that will alter
not only the Empire, but the world.

Looks like sword and muh honor is there any magic? Or special abilities?
If yes explain its in my bookmarks, if your answer is sufficient i will download it immediately.

>> No.3930977
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I really love anything by David Eddings, particularly The Belgariad series. His plots are extremely generic and predictable (muh prophecies), but his descriptions, characters, and especially is dialog is top fucking notch. Characters feel like they're real people. If you can deal with a plot based on silly prophecies, definitely check out The Belgariad.

The Demon Cycle books by Peter V Brett are pretty good too, has an interesting concept for fantasy.

I'm about to start Wheel of Time myself just to see what all the fuss is about.