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/lit/ - Literature

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3890971 No.3890971 [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think of the /pol/core reading list?

>> No.3890984

>Mein Kampf
>Outdated books

Could be A LOT better

>> No.3890986

make some suggestions, pretentio

>> No.3891013

Pretty terrible. Doesn't even have the defining text of modern political philosophy.

>> No.3891018

which is?

>> No.3891019 [DELETED] 

it's a shit list. but coming from /pol/ it doesn't surprise me.


it's ironic that you'd say that because that in itself is pretentious. i hope no one else responds to this thread but shit threads usually do best here.

>> No.3891025

Try some books by:

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Simon Sebag Montefiore
Ian Kershaw
Maybe some of Adorno's personal essays
Neil levy hehe
Maybe some Davies I don't know, I don't frequent /pol/ often and I'm not sure whether you want books that pander or what.

>> No.3891028

the only good things on there are Marx, Orwell, and Gould. Everything else is typical right-wing dog shit.

>> No.3891031

it's really not that bad a list
especially considering that /pol/ doesn't read

>> No.3891036

skipping over the expected racist and denialist nonsense, Murray fucking Rothbard is the only author to have more than two books on the list.

>> No.3891035

>being so insecure you can't handle dissimilar opinions merely because they're 'right-wing'

fuck off you anti-intellectual, every one of those right-leaning writers has more talent in one curled asshair than you do.

>> No.3891039

not really


>> No.3891041

Get Thucydides' work in there for fucks sake

>> No.3891043

Exclude Animal Farm, it's good but I'm pretty sure /pol/ is aware of the flaws seen in communism. Another book could take its place.
Okay I'm not pretty sure

>> No.3891046

Orwell too

maybe that list is outdated, here's a more updated list:

Ariely, D. - Predictably Irrational

Aristotle - The Politics of Aristotle

Armstrong, K. - A History of God

Asimov, I. - The relativity of Wrong

Aurelius, M. - Meditations

Bagemihl, B. - Biological Exuberance

Bernays, E. - Propaganda

Caplan, B. - The Myth of the Rational Voter

Carlyle, T. - Sartor Resartus

Carnegie, D. - How to Win Friends & Influence People

Clausewitz, C. von - On War

Diamond, J. - Guns, Germs and Steel

Evola, J. - Men Among the Ruins

Franklin, B. - The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

Friedman, D. - The Machinery of Freedom

Friedman, M. - Free to Choose

Goldwater, B. - The Conscience of a Conservative

Gould, S.J. - The Mismeasure of Man

Greene, R. - The 48 Laws of Power

Grimstad, W. - Antizion

Hamilton, A., Madison, J. and Jay, J. - The Federalist Papers, The Anti-Federalist Papers

Harvey, D. - A Brief History of Neoliberalism

Hayek, F.A. - The Road to Serfdom

Hazleft, H. - Economics in One Lesson

Heddesheimer, D. - The First Holocaust

Herrnstein, R.J. and Murray, C. - The Bell Curve

Hesse, H. - Siddhartha

Hitchens, C. - Arguably

Hitler, A. - Mein Kampf

Hobbes, T. - Leviathan

Hoppe, H. - Democracy, The God that Failed

Hume, D. - The Treatise of Human Nature

Huxley, A. - Brave New World

Kaczynski, T. - The Unabomber's Manifesto

Keynes, J.M. - The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

Kilcullen, D. - The Accidental Guerrilla

Kolakowski, L. - Main Currents on Marxism

Kropotkin, P. - The State, It's Historic Role

London, J. - The Iron Heel

Luther, M. - The Jews and Their Lies

Lynn, R. - Eugenics, A Reassessment

MacDonald, A. - The Turner Diaries

Macdonald, K.B. - The Culture of Critique

Machiavelli, A. - The Prince

Marx, K. - Das Kapital

Marx, K. and Engels, F. - The Communist Manifesto

McCulloug D. - John Adams

>> No.3891047

Animal Farm is not about the flaws of communism. Orwell was a communist.

>> No.3891048

>Jack London is right-wing dog shit

someone never read Martin Eden

>> No.3891050

Mcpherson, J. M. - Battle Cry of Freedom

Mearsheimer, J. - The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

More, T. - Utopia

Orwell, G - 1984

Orwell, G. - Animal Farm

Orwell, G. - Homage to Catalonia

Orwell, G. - Politics and the English Language

Paine, T. - Common Sense, The rights of Man

Paine, T. - The Rights of Man

Paul, R. - Liberty Defined

Perkins, J. - Confessions of an Economic Hitman

Proudhon, P.J. - What is Property

Quigley, C. - Tragedy & Hope

Rachkovsky, P. - The protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Rand, A. - Atlas Shrugged

Rothbard, M.N. - Anatomy of the State

Rothbard, M.N. - For a new Liberty

Rothbard, M.N. - Man, Economy and State (With Power and Market)

Rothbard, M.N. - War Collectivism

Rousseau, J. - Emile, or On Education

Rudolf, G. - Lectures on the Holocaust

Russell, B. - The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism

Scahill, J. - Blackwater, The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army

Shirer, W.L. - The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Smith, A. - The Wealth of Nations

Sokol, A. - Fashionable Nonsense

Sowell, T. - Intellectuals and Society

Speer, A. - Inside the Third Reich

Starr, D. - The Killer of Little Shepherds

Steyn, M. - America Alone

Stiglitz, J.E. - The Price of Inequality

Suvorov, V. - Acquarium

Suvorov, V. - Icebreaker

Suvorov, V. - The Liberators

Tolstoy, L. - The Kingdom of God is Within You

Tzu, S. - The Art of War

Vehlen, T. - The Theory of the Leisure Class

Verrall, R. - Did Six Million Really Die

Voline - The Unknown Revolution

Zamyatin, Y. - We

Borkenau, F. - The Spanish Cockpit

Christian, P. - The Work of All Ages

Connor, W. ΓÇô Ethnonationalism

Dalton, T. - Debating the Holocaust

Dalton, T. - Debating the Holocaust

Ferguson, N. - Empire

Krepinevich, A. - 7 Deadly Scenarios

>> No.3891053

Krugman, P. - The Conscience of a Liberal

Mazower, M. - Hitler's Empire

Sunic, T. - Against Democracy and Equality, The New European Right

Taylor, J. - White Identity

Till, G. ΓÇô Seapower

Vanhanen, T. - Ethnic Conflicts Explained by Ethnic Nepotism

>> No.3891062

>Doesn't even have the defining text of modern political philosophy.
But Leviathan is there.

>Pretty terrible.

>> No.3891064
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>> No.3891079

I meant contemporary political philosophy. But even its treatment of early modern political philosophy is crap. No Social Contract? Hume instead of Locke? Paine instead of Mill? Where's Burke, the founder of conservatism? Anyone who read this list would get an understanding of the Enlightenment approximating to 'Hobbes -> American Revolution -> Murray Rothbard propetarianism'.

>> No.3891105

>no Ishmael
Come ON!

>> No.3891116

How to Design a Cereal Box?
There are hundreds of cereal boxes that are fun to look at when eating a bowl of cereal. You can design your very own cereal box by sketching the design on paper. Think about the colors that you would like to add. Next get some hard cardboard stock and construct the box so that all ends are secure.

>> No.3891158

>implying that was made on /int/ and not by /pol/ retards

>> No.3891160


>> No.3891179

Hitchens' essays are definitely worth reading, even only as entertainment

>> No.3891271

>no turner diaries
0/10 wouldn't bang

>> No.3891352

/pol/ noone cares about you

>> No.3891519

> /pol/
go back to your racists shithole

>> No.3892174


>> No.3892189
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>what does /lit/ think of the /pol/core reading list?

>> No.3892195

/pol/ pls go

>> No.3892202


lel postmodernism no more objectivism


>> No.3892205

>lel postmodernism no more objectivism
Try writing a complete sentence that's actually understandable.

>> No.3892213

>being coherent
pick one

>> No.3892218

This thread is kinda relevant to my interests..

I am an International Relations/Political Science student but I hate /pol/... If you guyse have any book recommendations for me I'd be quite glad to check them out. I have summer holidays now so plenty of time to read.

>> No.3892225

>not being pretentious as fuck
pick one

>> No.3892231

Rapture posted a good list of political theory the other day.


>> No.3892233

Heavens forbid anything written looks actually coherent.

>> No.3892237

ask your professors for a syllabus in any course you're interested in that they teach. it's going to be far, far better quality and more coherent than the dogpile of amateurs that created what's in the OP

>> No.3892240

why is every board on 4chan cool intellectual liberals except pol which is literally full of nazis.

>> No.3892252

Cheers! Saved that PDF and will check it out tomorrow (it's 2:10 here)
That's actually quite an excellent idea and I have no clue why I didn't come up with that myself. Will do, thanks.

>> No.3892256

>Heavens forbid anything written looks actually coherent.
Heavens forbid anything written actually looks coherent.

FTFY faggot.

>Getting recommendations from jewniversities.


>> No.3892259

It's a quarantine. They stay in there and masturbate about negroid skulls, jewish bankers and redpilling while the rest of 4chan says those things anyway for fun. The problem is that /pol/ actually believes it

>> No.3892273

My uni is the most left wing uni in my country. WHACHA GON' DO

>> No.3892274

>everyone who is smarter than me is part of a secret conspiracy!!!

>> No.3892301


that just makes you sound ignorant mate.

>> No.3892319
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>implying brain size isn't the most consistent and accurate predictor of the intelligence of a species



>> No.3892338

Fuck off /pol/ troll. Leave this board. We don't want your kind here.

>> No.3892348
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>knows there is no solid argument against cranial measurements correlating to intelligence
>hur /pol/ troll

>> No.3892359

So many people butthurt you guys can't keep an open mind to the opinions of others and you call /pol hateful

>> No.3892367

>there is no solid argument against cranial measurements correlating to intelligence
There's the fact that there's no correlation.

>> No.3892368

>/pol/ is so bigoted and circlejerk over lies
>they're so unintellectual
>there is absolutely no difference between the races, to disagree is bad, and you are bad if you disagree

>in charge of open mindedness

>> No.3892370

Yeah but that's wrong. Can you link me the evidence suggesting there's no correlation?

>> No.3892380

Le strawman face

>> No.3892387


point out where he doesn't rip your hypocrisy wide open

>> No.3892428

It's the 4th book on the list

>> No.3892545

go start a thread asking about feminism on /pol/ and get back to me
at least here we're arguing over facts; on /pol/ it's "X believes in/is a part of Y and is therefore behind everything bad in the world"

>> No.3892558

Or you could admit that many of the core tenets of feminism are based in unscientific dogmas, which it is.

>> No.3892563

HItchens was a gifted essayist.

>No Hoppe in sight
The God That Failed is mandatory reading for any self-respecting libertarian or ancap.

>> No.3892566

Oh wait

Good man.

>> No.3892568

Murray fucking Rothbard deserves it.

>> No.3892572

>Can you link me the evidence suggesting there's no correlation?

>> No.3892586

How can you start with Politics and ignore Republic?

>> No.3892587
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Let's flip this around a bit...

What, if anything, do you LIKE on this list?

>> No.3892589

>ignore Republic
Don't you fucking dare.

>> No.3892602

I like most of it. I don't like the denial, the Mein Kamp, the Ayn Rand, the Machiavelli, the Unabomber, all the shit about the Third Reich

But M. Friedman's my nigga, Rothbard was my jam in my ancap days and I still hold him in high regard, and Hayek was a genius.

>> No.3892604


>> No.3892608

>theory of the leisure class
>right-wing dog shit
Get a load of this retard

>> No.3892639

>right-wing dog shit
You've obviously never visited /pol/ before.

>> No.3892644

He was a socialist. Keep up.

>> No.3892649

you mean besides the stormfags and satirical antijew culture, there are people on /pol/ that really like politics?


>> No.3892657

What a surprise, it's incredibly incoherent and lacks structure.

>> No.3892659

Pol doesn't actually read. The just lie and check off all the Nazi stuff so they can hate Jews

>> No.3892660

Orwell hated communism, he honestly portrays left wing extremeism as the worst possible thing

>> No.3892672

this is correct


maybe so

>> No.3892743

I swear to god, every single /pol/ post on /lit/ always declines into /pol/ posting cited info graphics and statistics will /lit/ exits the thread as fast as they possibly can.

It happens every god damn time. Why do you do this to yourselves /lit/.

>> No.3892792

they can't accept being wrong

>> No.3892807

>Not being cosmopolitan

>> No.3892814

>implying a majority of /pol/ isn't cosmopolitan

>> No.3892818

>implying a majority of /pol/ is cosmopolitan

>> No.3892849

no one posted any infographics, nor did anyone cite anything.

>> No.3892853

go look at any political test thread, 75% of /pol/ is cosmopolitan and leftist

>> No.3892864

>all those fucking heeb authors

Yeah, shit.

>> No.3892866
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>jew authors
>mfw you think this

>> No.3892884

Orwell was a socialist, every serious piece of work of his after 1938 was directed against totalitarianism - Why I Write (50 pages in so far)

>> No.3892923
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dat pic
It's spreading!

>> No.3892924

Hitchens is excellent even if you're not an atheist. It's uncomfortable seeing him amongst stuff like Mein Kampf which is the antithesis of what he believes in.

>> No.3892957

I don't think anyone here who hates on Hitchens has actually read him. It's just that they associate him with r/atheism and their hivemind shitposting kicks in from there.

>> No.3892991

i think that list is meant to cover a few sides of politics

>> No.3893017

This. It's ironic as hell.

>It's uncomfortable seeing him amongst stuff like Mein Kampf which is the antithesis of what he believes in.
Hitchens is a Marxist turned secular Neocon. I can kind of see him having some affinities with Goebbel's take on National Socialism.

>> No.3893027

>No protocol of Elders of Zion
I mean, sure you got some /pol/ack and very Anti Jewish books, but step it up, Senpai

>> No.3893132

What is neo-conservatism (and the "secular" kind) exactly?

All I know is that it has something to do with dubya and the iraq wars

>> No.3893141

>What is neo-conservatism (and the "secular" kind) exactly?
He's not actually a Neo-Con, but he fell in with supporting their agenda during the Iraq war, and along with Sam Harris provided a non-Judeo-Christian neo-atheist imperative to 'fight Islam' or whatever.

To be fair Hitchens gave the best reasons that invading Iraq was a positive development. That's due to his creativity and wit more than the reality. And of course the Bush Admin reasoning changed on a daily basis, so it wasn't tough to beat them.

>All I know is that it has something to do with dubya and the iraq wars
W's advisers were Neoconservatives. They believed in world-democratic revolution. IE, invading countries and waiting for them to magically turn democratic. Of course I'm ignoring the building contracts and oil-imperialism.

>> No.3893153

Montaigne is still better

>> No.3893157

though his quip about all men defecating is pretty shallow reasoning

i won't devalue humans just because of bodily functions, so much for being a "humanist"

>> No.3893235

it's on there

>> No.3893999

the atheism community brought down the reputation of otherwise smart and informed writers

>> No.3894064

>typical fifteen-year-old favourites like 1984 and Siddhartha
>bunch of shit about nazi's and jews
>'Murrican propaganda
Let's just say that it's what you'd expect from /pol/.

>> No.3894129

i dont want to read a bunch of racist books by dead evil faggots

>> No.3894135

>>'Murrican propaganda

>> No.3894139

Please stop.

>> No.3894142
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errthinz rayciss sept black peopuw


>> No.3894145

>'Murrican propaganda
I am under the impression that the vast majority of American intellectuals hate their country and its foreign policy. Are saying this isn't the case?

>> No.3894167

That is just pretty sad overall tbh

>> No.3894172

the nazis and lolbertardians are just a very vocal minority

>> No.3894173

muriburgers are suffering from a massive victim complex.
actually, all of the west is suffering from a victim complex, which complex has stunned its intellect.

>> No.3894447

stormfags like to come on /pol/ and shit it up

>> No.3894781


>> No.3894788

/pol/ was made for "stormfags" though.

>> No.3896161

did he really say that? I mean, come on! the guy is a trained and semi-respectable Physicist. No real scientist can be so stupid.

>> No.3896176

Stop embarrassing yourself and go back to /pol/, where your lovely groupthink will be undisturbed.

>> No.3896245

There are a lot of Marxists and Anarchists on /pol/. In fact the only group you don't see are the insincere liberals. At least everyone believes in an ideal there, rather than shovelling the latest political fad down their throats.

>> No.3896248

/pol/ is the opposite of group think pal

>> No.3896251


Sure thing buddy. If you keep denying something in that favored part of your brain, it really becomes true :)

>> No.3896252

I'm not supporting it, I'm saying it's not group think. Clearly you haven't been there.

>> No.3896256

>At least everyone believes in an ideal there
not really, bro; most people go there to be entertained. They might not shovel the latest political fad down their throats, but they fellate every meaningless news story they can as long as it can be politicized (see the endless Trayvon Martin threads). The only people with actual ideals there are alienated extremists with nowhere else to go, but people like to pretend that's the "real" board and everyone else is trolling because it fits their ideal as the last bastion of sanity or whatever

>> No.3896257


Ive been mucking about /pol/ and similiar places on the internet for as long as I've had an appetite for torture and arguing with assholes. Being edgy, hostile and contradictory to all things mainstream is equally collectivist as the masses they claim to oppose.

>> No.3896323

>Mein Kampf
>no Hannah Arendt
and people keep tellin that /pol/ is made by smart people that just like to joke about the holocaust