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3890136 No.3890136 [Reply] [Original]

Whose moral teachings does /lit/ follow?

>> No.3890142
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That we should do everything in order to prevent 1984 from ever happening.

>> No.3890156
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>> No.3890161

Ma nigga Schopey would be the closest thing to my morality
>That god tier refutation of free will

>> No.3890172

I do the opposite of what everyone else does.

>> No.3890173

What if you come upon two people each doing the opposite of what the other is doing? What do you do then??

>> No.3890176

I calculate, like a pyramid, the third opposite.

>> No.3890183

virtue ethics + ethical intuitionism

>> No.3890189

my own

>> No.3890194

I shit in urinals.

>> No.3890198

As a Catholic I'm a Thomist, essentially

>> No.3890201

6/10, well done

>> No.3890204

this so much

i just got the moral landscape and it's really opened my eyes to the vast stupidities of religion

>> No.3890207

wish his ugly mug was banned on here

>> No.3890210


>> No.3890221

fuck off you lobotomized slag

>> No.3890228
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Aren't you a special snowflake, flying among the vast stupidity of ordinary folk.

>> No.3890238


Spinoza's, of course. Why isn't he on the chart?
He is one of the 10 most brilliant men ever to have lived, and the best philosopher there ever was let alone in the field of ethics.

>> No.3890239

>following other people instead of seeing what they did as an example to build your own path

>> No.3890241


>> No.3890246

Second Thomist in this thread.

>> No.3890247

motherfucker do you even nietzsche? ding dong le god is dead, i could go on and on. no serious person could take the decrees of the gods of the three monotheisms seriously (lel except for the mussulmans who insist that people respect their delusions, which is tantamount to fiddling while civilization burns).

also, i follow my own intelligence, enlightened and euphoric as it is :DDDDD

>> No.3890262

he's shit, mainly because he betrayed his jewish brethren and thus devolved into a mere goy. YHWH all the way.

>> No.3890263

At least sage when shitpost, and remember: Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.3890266

lmao, back up everybody! he's actually defending and is serious about SAM fucking HARRIS!!!!!!!!!!

i bet you think harris' idea(s) of morality is the true zenith of modern intelligence, too.

that's unfortunate; mediocrities such as yourself whose cognitively malfunctioning brain cells can't seem to grasp anything beyond harris' embarrassing polemic aimed at illiterate 4th graders are usually to be stuck in that state for a long, long time

>> No.3890269

>the best philosopher there ever was let alone in the field of ethics
sure, so long as you don't think art is important to human life or anything
if you really think spinoza is so great what are you even doing wasting your precious intellectual activity on the literature board

>ding dong le god is dead

>> No.3890273

Genocide, ethnic cleansing and eugenics are the only solutions for the human race. Failing that the planet deserves to be nuked from orbit.

>> No.3890276


lmao, back up everybody! he's actually defending and is serious about SCHOPEN fucking HAUER!!!!!!!!!!

i bet you think schopenhauer's idea(s) of morality is the true zenith of modern intelligence, too.

that's unfortunate; mediocrities such as yourself whose cognitively malfunctioning brain cells can't seem to grasp anything beyond schopenhauer's embarrassing polemic aimed at illiterate 4th graders are usually to be stuck in that state for a long, long time

(in concl.: boring, vague polemic/10) try again, baby

NB! schopenhauer pushed an old lady down a flight of stairs and damaged her irrevocably.
le immoral teutonic beta old man faec.

>> No.3890278


>so long as
>posting on /lit/

top lol 7/10

>> No.3890280

le breivik as fuck

i deplore hitler for the fact that he annexed chaplin's dapper as fuck moustache and thus made it a virtual sin to groom such a 'stache.
but otherwise 6/10 would purge les juifs with.

>> No.3890284

It's actually a direct quote from the internet's premier video game theoretician.

>> No.3890285


>> No.3890295

Muhammad's (pbuh)

>> No.3890297

and what is the name of this upstanding gentleman?

>> No.3890299

do you like little girls?

>> No.3890302

>implying morals aren't religious concepts, only more subtle and therefore more effective at enforcing control and submission
I'm amoralist.

>> No.3890311



"How much of personal timidity and vulnerability does this masquerade of a sickly recluse betray?"

>> No.3890315
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>> No.3890318

woah another wikipedia scholar quoting nietzsche!

spot on, brother! way to go!

>> No.3890332

fucking euphoric nonsense, d-g came down personally to entrust his perfectly benevolent and timeless word to us (though most of it's expired, lelele).
i once wanted to become a passionate believer, so i went to church but the priest made a pass at me, making a penetrative gesture with his fingers while winking at me. never again...

>> No.3890333
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>your passport will never scream Golden Dawn

>> No.3890347

le tricked!
fucking smoov as feck breh

go to bed sherlock, you've nothing to contribute except your no doubt keen eye for wikipedic quotes.

>> No.3890355

>implying morals aren't religious concepts, only more subtle and therefore more effective at enforcing control and submission
Prototypical thoughts of an "enlightened" teenager devoid of any abstract thinking? What a scrub.

Just hang on in there, soon it shall pass! Kill yourself, if it doesn't.

>> No.3890363


>> No.3890368

I found it in a thread here, no idea how whoever originally got it did so

>> No.3890369

Being enlightened implies being possessed (or prepossessed) by a religious or secular fixed idea. I'm not enlightened. I'm simply self-aware, and aware of what I, myself, want to do.

>> No.3890372

golden dawn is a farcical organization composed of fascistic thugs and bald retards like the guy in the picture.
that right there is the gaze of profound stupidity, a mental midget of a creature afraid of and confused by this complex world, so utterly beyond his comprehension.

no mortal shall ever ascend to the lofty position of sir oswald mosley, majestic genius nonpareil, less of all these greek pieces of shit

>> No.3890378

I dunno, it seems to me like he has his shit in order: http://orgyofthewill.net/

>> No.3890385

All contemporary fascist movements are composed of bald retards spewing misinterpreted notions of earlier fascists. The days of Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Metaxis, etc., are over.

>> No.3890388


>> No.3890389

And I'm glad they're over!

>> No.3890392

hahaha, what an insignificant little man, his anger has enveloped him totally, and yet his effusions are no more than malodorous farts in a vast darkness.
there's a picture somewhere of him getting pissed off at people constructively criticizing him on a forum. breddy funny stuff.

>> No.3890395

Except that "morals are religious concepts" is itself a secular fixed idea, which, I bet, you couldn't even able to defend without quoting Nietzsche.

You are simply unaware of your deluded 'self-awareness.' You are as enlightened as it gets.

>> No.3890401
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The fact that he's wrong is the icing on the cake

>> No.3890408

Rationalists would be the first to disagree with you that morals are religious concepts. That doesn't make them any less religious, though.
Nietzsche was a prick. Everything he said, Stirner said it better.

>> No.3890410

>year 117 of our lord oswald mosley
>implying anything is over

the spirit of old shall rise again like a fierce phoenix and vanquish all that is modern and degenerate, raising once more the holy cross aloft.

>> No.3890414

Put your fucking trip on, stan

>> No.3890427

you don't need to put a trip on when you're already on a trip

hahaha what a precious boy he is

>> No.3890432

He is so obviously brimming with care and mad, and yet he claims to by icy calm.

>> No.3890496

Things like this are the reason I stopped believing in Icycalm. Every six months he has a meltdown on his own forums where he vents his general frustrations and berates people en masse on his forums, and you have long drawn out tirades like this that are mostly uncalled for.

He's constantly telling us what a superhuman kind of guy he is and how great his life is, and yet here he is constantly whining about how people annoy him, how stupid these people are and how no-one understands him.

It's just absurd, the apparently smartest, superior man on the planet can't stop himself from insulting and alienating his entire user-base on a regular basis; he can't think of a healthier, less destructive way to relieve his stress than to degrade people he doesn't even know, and he feels that the people he's so superior to are forcing him to do anything he doesn't like.

It's sad, not in the tragic sense he wants us to believe (i.e. as a kind of tragic genius or higher being that has no-one comparable to relate to, hence his outbursts are obviously justified and understandable, or not, which I guess for him is the point) but in a much more ordinary, mundane sense as just another guy on the internet with lame problems. You can't really take people like that seriously, in the way they want to be taken seriously, when you see those human (lel all too human) characteristics coming out.

>> No.3890918

Don't you talk shit about Khadija, man.

>> No.3890933

Ayn Rand

>> No.3890944
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>> No.3890951

Sasha Grey's

>> No.3891875

lmao you "believed" in him

>> No.3893653

Stirner, Diogenes, Aristotle, Machiavelli and Nozick are probably the ones who influenced me the most.

>> No.3893659

Pinkie Pie

>> No.3893664

Goddamnit, prof. If you waste your time on /lit/, too, how am I supposed to feel that guilt that's so essential to my motivation?

>> No.3893665

What a an amoral scrub you are!

>> No.3893675

Machiavelli exposes in The Prince a version of virtue. It's just new presentation of virtue in the pre-Christian sense. It amazes me how often, people who criticize him by calling him amoral, end up having not actually read The Prince (not to talk about the basic knowledge of his bibliography needed to properly understand what he's doing on The Prince).

>> No.3893707

Isn't The Prince essentially How to get the least amount of people killed by a Medici? This seems close to what you're saying, but it's what I gathered from reading it and the little I know about its background. Most everyone I've discussed it with has thought it was some sociopathic murder ride- which suggests to me that they have not actually read it- but I reckon it would be less harmful than Sun Tzu to give to a princeling.

>> No.3893715

Barack Obama

>> No.3893717


I'm sorry /lit/, don't get angry with me.

>> No.3893724

lil b

>> No.3893731

>Isn't The Prince essentially How to get the least amount of people killed by a Medici
Long story short, yes.
The point of The Prince isn't Machiavelli telling you it's ok to do whatever you want if you are powerful enough, nor telling you how absolutist monarchy is the best political system ever. The point is trying to tell what kind of virtues you must cultivate to survive on a dangerous environment, and what are the priorities when the lives of a large group of people depend on you fucking up because you weren't brave or prudent enough.

>> No.3893737

>The point is trying to tell what kind of virtues you must cultivate to survive on a dangerous environment, and what are the priorities when the lives of a large group of people depend on you fucking up because you weren't brave or prudent enough.
do you feel tough yet? could you beat my ass?

>> No.3893741

Okay, good, I feel smarter now. The parts on new principalities surprised me because I was still under the impression that the supposed murder ride might be coming, but there's no way to see those as not murderous. In fact, there's a marked reticence to violence throughout the whole book, which I found surprising for any political manual even without the reputation The Prince has somehow earned.
Is there a reason it's viewed as it is? It's not long enough or esoteric enough for people to not read it through. Was there some hate campaign or something?

>> No.3893744

>could you beat my ass?

probably not.
how about a compromise? i beat myself off while you bugger MY ass?

>> No.3893904

Dunno, people just started saying The Prince is about "the ends justify the means lol", and apparently everybody decided to take it as a truth. Religiousfags probably disliked it because his non-Christian views on virtue (actually, hi takes the older, original meaning of it), and some ignorant leftists probably joint the hate-train because they thought he was a reactionary (which is obviously wrong, he was a republican, people would know it if they cared to read his actual political theory, properly explained on the Discorsi). I'm convinced that more of the 99% of the people who dislike him have never attempted to read him.

>> No.3893908

It's not about how to beat your ass. It's about knowing how strong am I, how strong are you, and if trying to do it would be a good idea.

>> No.3893919

Get the fuck out

>> No.3893943

It already happened though, it's already 2013.

>> No.3893949

>tfw 1985 was 49 years ago.

>> No.3893955

Camus, Bobby Kennedy

>> No.3893963
File: 462 KB, 1108x499, 1362072185536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whose moral teachings does /lit/ follow?
Laurie Penny's.

>> No.3893982

>Fuck social mobility
top lel

>> No.3893987

Who is the flame-haired enchantress? This vixen of truth?

>> No.3894006
File: 9 KB, 300x330, mandc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That there girl be Laurie Penny.

>> No.3894021
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>mfw she got shit on by David Starkey in a public debate after trying to make it personal

>> No.3894027

Please, I thought we were finished with all that LP shit.

>> No.3894030

>trumped up public schoolgirl

>> No.3894033

>dem elf-like features

Would live in rivendell with/10

>> No.3894039

>Her complete lack of response when he pointed out she tried milking the other foundation out of more money
>Those boos
>That incoherent defense at the very end of the debate

>> No.3894041

>even the women in the audience pointing out she started it

>> No.3894059

jesus, that is truly terrible

>> No.3894072


And that is based off...

Surely you don't think that the morals you follow are something you invented yourself?

>> No.3894085

All of my this

>> No.3894215
File: 47 KB, 500x333, tumblr_ltzcuhDMrz1qam0yp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please, I thought we were finished with all that LP shit.
Oh, no. It's time for round two, nigga. The first one was a warm up.

>> No.3894235
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>> No.3894252
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>> No.3894282
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>Nietzche was a prick
>Stirner said it better
le edgy teen

>> No.3894309

Lil B' is basically the new Leibniz.

>> No.3894318

Moral Teachings Monthly is good, very reasonable subscription price.
MT Weekly is supposed to have a pretty sick podcast, but I don't follow it beyond that famous "Last Moral Teaching." Sad story, check out the wikipedia for more
Moral Teaching Unlimited is an excellent spin on the original, and I snatch up everything they put out.

>> No.3894353

>Nothing means more to me than myself
>Let’s put an end to this old soldier crap once and for all! For others to interest me I must first find in myself the energy for such an interest. What binds me to others must grow out of what binds me to the most exuberant and demanding part of my will to live; not the other way round. It is always myself that I am looking for in other people; my enrichment, my realization. let everyone understand this and ‘each for himself’ taken to its ultimate conclusion will be transformed into ‘all for each’.

>> No.3894360

What is happening in this gif?

>> No.3894367 [DELETED] 

>Everything he said, Stirner said it better.

The two really can't be compared like that. What Nietzsche had to say about morality was very, very, different from what Stirner had to say, even if there's some superficial similarities.

>> No.3894396

An old man feeling vindicated out of some retarded sense of public duty where having enough money to give speeches for free is a virtue.

>> No.3894402

fuck off, tillulillu