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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 200x315, catcher in the rye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3887422 No.3887422 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there anyone on this planet who thinks this isn't an absolutely massive turd?

>> No.3887425

My high-school English teachers

>> No.3887432


I didn't say "who", I said "why". The only reason kids should ever read this is to learn that there are books that suck and aren't worth reading.

>> No.3887435

I liked it though I don't know if I can defend it but I'll try. According to some theories, the MC has developed some PTSD due to witnessing that dude who committed suicide. Which would make sense as to why the writing is dragging and kinda repetitive.

>> No.3887439


That doesn't make the book good or deep. It makes it dragging and repetitive.

>> No.3887441

I totally agree. It is such a fucking terrible book.

>> No.3887443

It's beautiful.

>> No.3887444

Well it at least lets you see the world through the eyes of a suffering man. And I can't debate for shit.

>> No.3887449

Because it's a book, and you'd need an arsehole like a postbox to shit it out.

>> No.3887455

Good criticism OP.
>B-But the burden of proof is on you not me!
Top lel

>> No.3887778

I fail to see why it is a bad book.

>> No.3887830

I love that book. It always makes me laugh and gets me in a jolly mood.

>> No.3887832

Are you going to list some reasoning why you think it's a bad book or are you just going to take a picture of a highly criticized book, post it here, say it sucks, and try to get people to rage?
This is /lit/,not /b/. We actually think and have debates logically.

>> No.3887840

its a good book

>> No.3887845


>> No.3887846

Considering that's the best literature around, books fucking suck as a medium.

>> No.3887847

Ah, if only...

>> No.3887860


you fucking blow op

>> No.3887866
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>We actually think and have debates logically.

>> No.3887879
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>We actually think and have debates logically.

>> No.3887910
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>> No.3887916
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>We actually think and have debates logically.

>> No.3887918

epic. just epic.

>> No.3887926
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What a story, Mark. So with THIS you plan to educate the posterity? Please, Mark!

>> No.3888021

But it was a good book. I don't remember it too well since I read when I was high school, but I remember that I did enjoy reading it. Isn't that what counts?

>> No.3888029

Well, what makes it bad?

>> No.3888037

>not acknowledging Franny and Zooey as the superior novel

>> No.3888038

I love it.
Maybe you should have stayed awake in school, kid.

>> No.3888042 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3888046
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>> No.3888080

It's a wonderful book. Definitely manages to capture the essence of adolescence and loss far more effectively then most novels written today.

>> No.3888109

I liked it. I thought it was pretty good, but in the end, it's only YA fiction.

>> No.3888141

You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.3888149

You're not supposed to empathize with the protagonist

>> No.3888395

>giving a shit about anything besides his short stories

>> No.3889087

Dull story
Rambling plot
Doesn't really say anything anyone of any moderate intelligence didn't already know

>> No.3889133
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>> No.3889181
File: 107 KB, 406x960, catcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these anons thinking they know better than William Faulkner

I know hating classic literature is a great way to get attention from everybody in your 3000 level literature class but stop shitting up /lit/

>> No.3889194

Can anyone tell me who the guy between Beckett and Faulkner is?

>> No.3889202

Paul Engle

>> No.3889214

10/10 audiobook read by ray hagen.

>> No.3889249

Were you never a kid, OP?

>> No.3889265

I hate people who claim to like CITR. A vast majority of them don't understand it for fuck, but pretend to in order to appear "deep". It's a strange sort of irony that the very people who would call this book brilliant are the kind who Holden would call phonies. It's a lot like people who wear thick hipster glasses thinking they're nerds or people who think playing Facebook makes them a gamer. The people who would truly relate to CITR are the people who don't have anyone to tell about their feelings.

>> No.3889290

The entire book is ironic. It's meant to show that Holden is an idiot for judging everyone as phonies when he has no more or less authenticity in his life than anyone else. His growing knowledge of this drives him to madness.

>> No.3889834

Is there some intern at a corporation that gets a penny every time someone complains about Holden Caulfield on /lit/?

>> No.3890090
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die edgelord

>> No.3890212

>a corporation
It's called Twentieth Century Motor Company

>> No.3891513

Good memories man. The best thing in the novel was the title and the idea behind it. The Cather in the Rye. One of the most beautiful ideas I had read. I agree it appeared to go overboard sometimes with its angsty emo teenage rage, but I guess that was just America. Im not American but I can imagine that generation, you did not participate in any war, everyone seems to be boastful of their achievments and riches. America had an easy route to becoming the pre-eminent world power and that novel catches it. This is just my perspective and what I remember from having read it 10 years ago.

>> No.3892032


I liked some of the vocabulary used; I hadn't come across it yet.
I completely loathed the constant whining and need to affirm himself, and didn't empathize with the character at all.

The message was mostly childish, guess what, most of us have to work in boring shit if we want to survive. We all wish we didn't, but it is what it is.

It was a fucking awful experience in the whole.

>> No.3892040


What the fuck? What does the title mean? Never saw the word Catcher or Rye in the book. I thought it was just something random.

>> No.3892052

It's a game riddled with pedophilia. So, the man gathers children, and releases them over a field of rye; he relaxes for a couple of days, and he must find, or "catch" the children before they starve and die.

>> No.3892058

Most popular threads to post on /lit/ as of now:

4. OMG DFW dragged his sister through dog turds!!!! How can u guys lyk him!!@#@!!!

3. Wut ereader shud i get? I wuz thinkin of gettin a Kindle™. Kindles™ are the best, right guys? Yeah, i think ima get a Kindle™.

2. Shit that has absolutely nothing to do with literature but everyone gets riled up over it and starts sharting out stupid, unfounded pseudoscience garbage.

1. "Holden Caulfield was an edgy faggot. Edge edge edge. I cut myself on his edges. How edgy am I for pointing out his edginess? I'm not American but fuck Americans for requiring this book in most curriculums. Edge edgy edgiest edgeworth edge."

>> No.3892062

There is nothing like that in the book you degenerate retard.

>> No.3892075

Help me fill in the gaps.

2008 - year of the epic win/fail
2009 - Year of the troll
2010 -
2011 -
2012 - Year of the #yoloswag
2013 - Year of the edge

>> No.3892071

lol i made a thread about this earlier
yes this is a total fucking piece of crap
and some others too that are so passionately recommended by finearts studying failures.

>> No.3892081


Actually I should've gone with this instead for 2012.

2008 - year of the epic win/fail
2009 - Year of the troll
2010 -
2011 -
2012 - Year of the autism
2013 - Year of the edge

>> No.3892084


1995-2013 - years of hippies like you

>> No.3892088

hahaha oh shit you got me good!!!!


>> No.3892289

If you dislike the book BECAUSE Holden is a self-absorbed teenager then you've read it wrong.

>> No.3892328

>implying year of the autism isn't every year

>> No.3892363

2006-07 was the 'year of the epic win/fail. 2008 was more like the 'year of the rick roll' or something.

>> No.3892401

You fucking idiot, its brilliance doesn't lie in having something "intelligent" to say. If you're looking for that, go read a fucking academic textbook. Jesus Christ.
I hate you. Some guy half way across the globe despises your guts, because you're a pathetic, abhorrent person. Rap your head around that for a minute.

>> No.3892403

Oh and if I met you IRL I'd most probably get into a fist fight with you

>> No.3892447

>only YA fiction
That wasn't Salinger's intended audience. It's an excellent study in consistently strong dialogue. Holden may be a little bitch, but he's got such a distinctive voice.

>> No.3892529


there are plenty of people on /lit/ who don't give two shits about what the author intended

what the majority of this boils down to is simply whether you relate to holden on an emotional level. most people who do end up liking the book, and most people who don't hate it. (i remember some girl in my class said she didn't relate that much but she enjoyed the read anyway.)
one of the best things about the book is how realistically salinger communicates holden's personality--his thoughts, feelings, etc.
reading the book is basically like looking into holden's mind, and whether you like catcher or not is basically akin to whether you like holden as a person or not.


>> No.3892593


>> No.3893028

two ways to view this novel:

>first way
View it as if Salinger intended Holden to be a sympathetic character. He is an edgy teen going through some thought times but you are supposed to identify and sympathize with him. if this view is 'correct,' then the book blows because Holden is a shithead. if you identify with Holden that means you're a loser sperglord that probably has no friends (I.e. why do you think so many serial killers love this book).

>second way
you're supposed to dislike Holden. this book is a view on how transcendent and unlikable adolescents can be. really captures the angsty spirit of youth. if this view is 'correct,' the book is shit. everybody on the fucking planet already knows teenagers are awful. everybody hates teenagers. we were all teenagers once. we don't need Salinger to write a shitty book telling us how shitty teenagers are. anybody who learns something from this book is either retarded or possibly an alien.

in summation, this book is awful and I hate it.

>> No.3893037

>not >>>/mu/

>> No.3893054

I've read it 5 times, it's great and has helped me through some tough times so fuck you, you piece of turd

>> No.3893060


>supposed to "teach" us things

>> No.3893087
