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/lit/ - Literature

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3884310 No.3884310 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, is their a name for a person who cares about literature, philosophy, politics, the arts, actively engages in them, and is generally experimental in their lifestyle?

Bohemian? Hipster? Elitist?

>> No.3884312

I like dilettante.

>> No.3884317
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Is there a name that doesnt have a negative connotation?

>> No.3884318

The experimental lifestyle part makes me lean towards bohemian.

>> No.3884320

just call yourself a "radical" or something gay like that

>> No.3884324
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Thats what I was thinking. What if you werent experimental but everything else? Artsy?

>> No.3884360


>> No.3884364
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I could understand that title for someone solely interested in philosophy and literature, but actively engaging in the arts? If I were to walk into a room and ask "Are there any intellectuals in the room?" I dont think anyone who paints would raise his/her hand, even if they dabble in philosophy or literature..

>> No.3884365


>> No.3884379

No, no, I dont think thats quite right.

>> No.3884385

Labels are primarily for other people. I would title myself differently based on who I was talking to.

>> No.3884386

>is their

>> No.3884395

Artist. Reader. Writer. Philosopher.
If you mean is there one word that defines everything, then I don't think so. Nothing that doesn't sound pretentious and faggy.

>> No.3884503

pretentious ass
disconnected from reality

>> No.3884787

I will eat you both

>> No.3884809
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>pic related, it's my captcha

>> No.3884839


>> No.3884848

There's no term for it, or there shouldn't be. To have interests or passions (even in STEM) is to be normal.

>> No.3884856

wtf guys? this is easy


>> No.3884870


>> No.3884874
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Seems that way, which is pretty depressing. The fuck is wrong with being proud of passion? This humility crap is getting out of hand.

Maybe. Seems Bohemian would be roughly, very roughly, the lower income equivalent.

>> No.3884917

It'd probably be better to use adjectives instead

>> No.3884937

uhm no. Painters can definitely be intellectuals, I mean serious ones, not some retarded 18 yo art school student. At least I think so for myself, since I am an artist...

but then again it sounds terribly pompous to say out loud 'I am an intellectual', barely anybody calls himself that anymore

>> No.3884938

It's not about humility you idiot, for someone to be an aesthete in multiple mediums, to be generally experimental and avant-garde, ie "cutting edge", they wouldn't be so easily labeled under any banner that isn't vague to the point of almost meaninglessness, ie hipster, artsy. Bohemian refers to a low-income underground lifestyle, with a generally parisian connotations. The supposed taste just comes with the territory, bohemian colonies are a haven for the starving artist, so the strongly uncommercial avant-garde scenes tend to sprout. Hipster, intellectual, patrician, etc. each carry their own distinct, subtle connotations, as words are meant to. This post has it right >>3884395 and if you're too dumb to understand that, at least know that you're probably >>3884503 more than anything else itt

>> No.3884954
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It sounds terribly pompous, naive, misinformed to say out loud "At least I think so, since I am an artist..." too, you cunt. OP, why do you need to walk into a room and ask for intellectuals? Just look at what they're wearing. Pic related is an intellectual archetype. Wittgenstein, Bernhard. Jeff Goldblum in the Fly as a scientist-philosopher, Gore Vidal or Harold Bloom as the patrician, Van Gogh as the starving artist. Corvinus as the philosopher-king. They're just stereotypes, mythic images to categorize personalities. There's no reason to hold people against them, and if you're going to try and develop yourself into one of them so self-consciously but with so little self-awareness, let me tell you, you'll probably never achieve it.

>> No.3884966

First, woah, calm down buddy, it aint worth it.

Second, I think you might have answered my question with avant garde.

Third, I dont think it is hard to believe that there is a word im looking for if there are words that are closely related to the word im looking for, such as bohemian, hipster, patrician.

>> No.3884971


>> No.3884980

I dont know where you guys are pulling these narratives from as if im looking for some crown to give myself.

Mainly I was thinking about the word hipster, what people mean by it, and how there have been other words like it that generally the majority use as a way to put down people that are "artsy".

>> No.3884982

Do a favor for yourself and don't call yourself anything. If someone asks your interests then you can list that but judging by your first comment you'd probably handle that terribly.

>> No.3884984


Just curious about words, I generally dont like to label myself anything anyway. You guys are especially insecure this morning

>> No.3884990


>> No.3885021
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Avant-garde is not the answer you're looking for. I think some of the figures of the modernist avant-garde have the aesthetic you're looking for, people like Man Ray, Dali, Picasso, Burroughs, but avant-garde refers to the freshest wave of art, which isn't really a relevant concept in way the modern art world works today. And those people I wouldn't describe as anything more than charismatic, maybe genuine, or exciting, or irreverent, though I mean, they could all be considered living mainly bohemian lifestyles, if that's what you want, the contemporary equivalent is the hipster, not of the trust fund cut.

The term's been diluted and commercialized strongly, but it generally refers to educated young adults, likely liberal or apolitical, with vaguely artistic inclinations and anti-commercial taste. I think the infamous empty irony is just a result of a their taste, in line with the postmodern art of the past decades. If you want to know the "avant-garde" of that taste, the nxtlvl, try dismag, frieze. By "trust fund" I just meant Williamsburg, highschoolers, who are imitate the media idea of it, like what hardcore punks are to first wave, quickly shitting up everything with little respect.

People avoid labels because it's opens it up to be marketed, reported, and so imitated, diluted, corrupted, sold. Finding a word to cleanly categorize and brand a certain abnormal "artsy" philosophy or aesthetic is way to smooth out abnormal elements into something that can be safely absorbed, and likely appropriated, by mass culture. It's not ideal.

>> No.3885043


>> No.3885052

Thanks for your input on avant-garde, im pretty naive when it comes to art movements.

For the word hipster though, I disagree. I dont think words have objective static meanings but from what I can tell the word is just vacuous and is generally just a new way to make fun of "weird" people. Im sure there are some people who strongly care about some sophisticated visage when they arent sophisticated, but I doubt the word really has anything to do with this. It seems that if you like anything that isnt mainstream, youre a hipster, and if you ever liked anything that isnt mainstream but also like some things that are mainstream, you only like those things in an ironic way and are still a hipster.

I mean this whole concept of hipster almost seems to rely on the idea that no one can really be authentic, that everyone is a conformist to the mainstream, and anyone who shows any signs of not being a "conformist to the mainstream" only wants to act like they are sophisticated, and that its impossible for them to be sincerely sophisticated

>> No.3885100

read this, about hipsters in the 50s

hipster's contemporary meaning wasn't always vacuous, it lost its meaning overtime as the exagerrated stereotype was perpetuated in the mainstream (ie the media image of the beatnik with a bongo & beret) to the point where people like you genuinely believe the hipster found in commercial alternative and smartphone advertisements were an accurate depiction of hipsters, and begin to emulate that image, eventually realizing the stereotype.
ie, the media image of the original, close-knit LA punk scene was of violent, anarchist degenerates, they demonized the people involved, and then kids saw that at home on TV and thought it was cool, and they went out and started acting like how they thought punks were supposed to act, getting in fights and vandalizing and shit. Kids who never even knew the first wave punks, and when they met them would think they were pussies and uncool.

>> No.3885175

You didnt understand my point. My point is there is no accurate depiction of hipsters, the concept is bankrupt. And im only speaking of the current term, not the original from before the 90's

>> No.3885185

My point is that the term's meaning changes between circles. It can be accurate. Say you live in a city, you could place a lot of the little internet influenced or irony-leaning subcultures under the hipster banner, even if the label might not make sense between two cities. In a highschool, there might be a clique of kids acting like hipsters, even if they're distinctly different from what's called hipster in a different school or in a different state. But like I said, the actual avant-garde, the people doing cool things or whatever, they're not going to label themselves or imitate an aesthetic like that, even though they're the actually "hip" people, developing the trends, they're not going to be following in line or easily labeled under anything.

>> No.3885466

He's an intellectual, man!

>> No.3885475
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Someone's wasn't paid attention to as a child and got picked on in high school.

>> No.3885477

yeah, a fuckin' nerd, lmao

>> No.3885508
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lelz high fives

>> No.3885746
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>> No.3885774

Renaissance man.

I'd say woman, but let's be real...

>> No.3885802

>is their a name for a person who cares about literature, philosophy, politics, the arts, actively engages in them, and is generally experimental in their lifestyle?

yeah, it's called "undergraduate student", it's not that special