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3883316 No.3883316 [Reply] [Original]

>keep a little appointment book for recording writing ideas
>it's almost filled up with short notes about one project that's very dear
>flipping through looking for a note relevant to the part being worked on now
>stumble across a forgotten one squeezed down in a page margin
>it's got exclamation points at the end, little arrows pointing at it and it's underlined four times

>it's a sentence fragment and I have no idea now what the hell it even means

>> No.3883323

Post the sentence fragment you weenie

>> No.3883330

>get writers block
>remember that I used to feel really creative when I got high in highschool
>get some weed from stoner/wigger guy I know
>get high home alone
>holy fuck
>write for what seems like hours, typing until my wrists hurt
>fall asleep contented as if I've unlocked the secrets to the universe
>wake up in the morning
>wait for laptop to load up
>5,000 story about having sex with my IRL cousin
>crushing depression and shame
>go online and sign a petition for more severe punishments for possession of cannabis with an intent to sell

>> No.3883402


"expounds on implications re: Sievert taking actions from James."

I mean, what the fuck does that even mean? It's completely indecipherable to me. As far as I can tell the preceding line has nothing to do with it, either.

captcha: Muse cezipo

cezipo dropped the fucking ball on this one.

>> No.3883408
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>> No.3883417

You expound on the implications of Sievert taking actions from James.

>> No.3883425

Oh, wow, that's so meta OP, truly deep on multiple levels... brb, gotta go write the great American novel.

>> No.3883433

"False death of world leader
False death of world leader
False death of world leader"

Why the fuck did I think I'd be able to understand that. While the note "SO NORWEGIAN" is perfectly understandable, as meaning "write some monotonous descriptions of the protagonists unimportant actions".

>> No.3883438

You don't even have a subject in that sentence. Why.

I do it all the time though. Write down highly specific, disjointed nonsense while thinking only to feel like a monolingual tourist later.

>> No.3883453


I dont understand. Is this supposed to be trolling?
It doesn't sound like it's trying to be "deep" or "meta" at all.

do you even know what "meta" means or is it just a word you know that hipsters use a lot so you use it when you want to insult people?

>> No.3883455


Here's the thing, James was fucking killed over half the story ago and what Sievert is doing now is nothing like anything James ever did. I have no idea how the hell it was supposed to relate

>> No.3883458
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Why is it written three times

This is creepy

>> No.3883503

I think it was because three world leaders would fake their death, in this weird plot I had planned? Maybe? Or, then again, I might have written it three times as a sort of way of reminding myself that it was a very good idea. Or maybe one world leader would fake his death three times.

>> No.3883513

Would anyone actually believe him after the first two fakes?

>> No.3883516

>Or maybe one world leader would fake his death three times.
I lul'd harder than I should

>> No.3884013

Basically any note I write really late at night turns into a forensics mystery come morning.

>> No.3884783
