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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 502 KB, 640x478, bedsidereading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3882508 No.3882508 [Reply] [Original]

So what's your bedside reading, /lit/?

No cheating you fucks, post a picture like it is right now.

>> No.3882512

>Neil Gaiman
Try harder, OP.

>> No.3883002
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Op is a Male human who enjoys having sex with other human Men.

>> No.3883055
File: 1.56 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-06-25 17.14.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new National Geographic is really interesting.

>> No.3883066
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Dance with Dragons, and I've only just started!

>> No.3883071

how is that gaiman books quality?

>> No.3883074
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I actual hate Franzen so much.....I don't know why I'm reading him

>> No.3883093
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>introduction to magic

>> No.3883101
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I just finished Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.
/lit/ can decide what I read next of this pile.

>> No.3883112
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>> No.3883118

It's actually an unreal philosophy book. It defines magic as practical metaphysics and says that telepathy among other retarded new age shit is pure bull. Its just mind games and metaphysical rituals. If you asked me a month ago I'd be reading this book and loving it I'd laugh in your face, but this book is different, it's simply amazing; my reading of German Romanticism and Goethe has lead me here almost naturally.

>> No.3883119

How did you like Mermaid are real?

>> No.3883129
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The only thing I have on my bedsit is this right now. I don't see the point of having lots of books out. Spaces on the bookshelf looks haggard

>> No.3883143

I was thinking of subscribing. Is it really worth my money? Never read an issue before, since they're pretty much nonexistent where I live.

>> No.3883147

>Tao De Ching but no Bible

nigga pls, get some taste in holy texts

>> No.3883163
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I'm not sure which issue you're referring to, or if you're making some obscure jab at Nation Geographic.
I thoroughly enjoy them. The photos are beautiful, and there are always great articles on science, archaeology and contemporary societies. I would say it is worth it, thought don't expect anything particularly insightful.

>> No.3883169

none. i don't sleep in my bed. i sleep when i can't help it, at my desk. i have many boxes of books to my right.
i just organized and packed any piles i might have had near to hand for shipping with me during a vacation which begins early tomorrow.
i just finished the final page of robots and empire, the last of asimov's foundation & robot universe novels that i hadn't yet read, at nine in the morning. i must have slept at some point, because here i am. hello.

>> No.3883178

>Fagles translation


>> No.3883182

agreed, everyone should read the Pope translation or go home.

>> No.3883184

I'm more inclined to think that everyone should read the Pope + one or two other translations, since Pope is beautiful but he's also practically rewriting the texts.

>> No.3883188

> since Pope is beautiful but he's also practically rewriting the texts

nah, he's faithful.
keeping the feel of the poetry is more important than giving a literal word-by-word translation

>> No.3883190


I wholeheartedly agree. I finish a book and I place it on the shelf. If I need it for research or want to revisit, I remove it, use it, and out it back. My bedside table isn't cluttered.

>> No.3883200

It'd just be my Kindle, everything I'm reading atm is on it

>> No.3883202

>owning a kindle

y u no kobo??

>> No.3883204

I dunno. It was a gift and works just fine for me.

>> No.3883206
File: 291 KB, 1536x2048, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3883220

>implying this isn't a desktop book thread and that I don't also own and have read a bible
>implying I don't have god-tier holy text taste

>> No.3883222

Google mermaids The Body Found
I believe they are real, just that they don't speak out language or Atlantis.
Just marine mammal like Dolphins and Whales.

>> No.3883236

>tfw no table next to your bed
Ah well. It's not like I would use it anyway. I have books strewn about the room and I wouldn't have it any other way. I do have around 20 books stacked on my desk and a full bookshelf (hence the desk stacks) in here but I can't be assed to take pictures of it all.

Current "bedside" reading is The Last Arguments of Kings, Complete Plays of Sophocles, Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, and Infinite Jest.

>> No.3883253

What does that bullshit have to do with anything in my picture?

>> No.3883297
File: 74 KB, 1347x763, kobo master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't started any of them

>> No.3883296

I thought "well this guy likes science, i wonder if he saw the mermaids scientific evidence" sorry i was wrong to ask.

>> No.3883305

Do people actually use their e-readers for real books? I only use mine for genre fiction.

>> No.3883315

>real book
>not fiction
>not bad
I think you are confused.

>> No.3883317

Yes, I use mine for anything I'd like to read that has a decent ebook version.

>> No.3883361

yeah, it's nice but I'd rather have an actual copy. only advantage is cheap (read: free books) and easy

>> No.3883378
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>Carl Sagan

>> No.3883383
File: 1.13 MB, 2048x1536, Matt's reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3883392

>>I haven't started any of them
I'm open to suggestions though

>> No.3883609
File: 606 KB, 1632x1224, muhbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your style, at least for Proust and Syme. I had a hard time with the Hughes book. If an author wants to favor his own opinions over historical accuracy he should at least be polite enough to make those opinions worth something in their own right (see my D.H. Lawrence book in the photo)

>> No.3883620

Is Evola any good? I plan on reading some of his works, should I start with revolt agianst the modern world?

>> No.3883633

well I mean my bookshelf is right next to my bed... so I'll just say I've been reading neuromancer.

>> No.3883640

read the Great Gatsby. How have you not read that yet?

>> No.3883715
File: 32 KB, 721x305, reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to believe that I would only be able to appreciate a book if I read it in its pressed and physical form. I was wrong!

>> No.3883745

>Catcher in the rye
Seeing that both of those are pedophile books..... i must assume that every book in that list is also pedophile enabling...

>> No.3883753

I would suggest not reading Beautiful and Damned.

>> No.3883758

>the smiles of today are the marshmallows of tomorrow

>> No.3883772

any reason?

>> No.3883812
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Just started reading.

>> No.3883819


>> No.3883826
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No cheating... Oh you cheeky cunt..
Goddamnit it even has my shitty manuscript in it.
Here I go, be gentle.

>> No.3883829
File: 411 KB, 2560x1920, CAM00170-66009264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been reading The Rebel for about a month now, been busy with other things and holy lord it's a dense read.

started The Castle a few days ago, loving it so far and been plowing through a chapter or two a day. I think i like it more than The Trial even, I'm in love with the prose style.
still on the introduction to the Proudhon book, waiting until i finish The Rebel to really delve into it.

>> No.3883830
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>Erotic Manga

>> No.3883836
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x2448, 20130625_213126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muhnigga, monet

>> No.3883838

I'm so embarrassed....

>> No.3883980

I love those French editions...too bad I can't read French

>> No.3883996

Who published that copy of the illiad?

>> No.3884245

Don't have a camera handy, but currently:

Marcus Aurelius - Meditations
William Dunham - Journey Through Genius
Richard Feynman - Q.E.D.
Nick Montfort - Twisty Little Passages
Christian Queinnec - Lisp in Small Pieces
Robert Wright - The Moral Animal
John Conway - The Book of Numbers
Andrew Tanenbaum - Operating Systems: Design and Implementation

>> No.3884249

My whole room is so filled with fucking books I can hardly even walk through it. I'm making my way through every one of them.

>> No.3884251

The First Philosophers: The Presocratics and Sophists by Robin Waterfield
Treatise of Human Nature by Hume

>> No.3884253

i have only Game of Thrones on my nightstand right now and im not reading it.

>> No.3884284

It must be expensive to own such luxurious books.
I don't have any beautiful editions like this, but I'm fine with this. It always amazes me how Anons from /lit/ take care of having jolly books even if it will be used and burnt out by the hardcore readings that will break out the paperback, the bookbiding and the flang. Anyway.

>> No.3884342

I only reserve my top shelf for books i've yet to read. Sorry no pictures, my camera is busted. i'm currently reading His Dark Materials again before I begin Paradise Lost this summer.

Books on my top shelf:
Jude the Obscure
Poe's complete works
The Last Man
Edwin Drood
Great Expectations
Paradise Lost
Brideshead Revisited
Varney the Vampyre
Infinite Jest
For Whom The Bells Toll


How is Aurelius's Meditations? I almost picked it up yesterday but I got Brideshead Revisited instead.

>> No.3884347

I really enjoyed it. There were two or three passages in it which really struck me as being very beautiful and wise and made me stop for several minutes.

>> No.3884356
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>> No.3884368

NatGeo is a load of nonsense, there is nothing of any sort of informational value. Just a load of pretty pictures and short, boring articles.

>> No.3884404
File: 1.32 MB, 2560x1920, 2013-06-26 14.24.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of my bedsides.

>> No.3884420

You have no reason to be! This is an anonymous image board, and none of us would ever be able to find out your real name, David.

>> No.3884422

Understanding Philosophy -- Through Jokes!
The Prince
The Road Less Traveled
A Dance With Dragons

>> No.3884423
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>> No.3884461
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That's really cozy
I like you
I think you are cool buddy!!!

>> No.3885003

Wow I had to wait a whole day for an answer. Also question, why haven't you read the rider on the white horse yet ?

>> No.3886108

I, too, am reading The Aeneid, Thus Spake Sarathustra, and The Prince. Are you me?

>> No.3886122

No you guys are both 10edgy11me fedora aficionados.

>> No.3886128

Jk i like those books.

>> No.3886183
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Sorry it's a disorganized mess.

>> No.3886208


>> No.3886242

Canterbury Classics. It's not actually my book, I'm borrowing it from a friend.