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3882273 No.3882273 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished The Moon is a harsh Mistress by Robert heinlein.

Loved it from page one, its basically the American Revolution on a Moon prison camp.. and the revolutionary leaders are some of the funniest and stoic figures I can remember.

Im in need of another sci fi book now that has a similar strength to it. Great characterization in a realistic scifi setting, that is full of life and the occasional ironic humor.

I know its alot to ask for because Ive spent years as a youth going from one shitty sci fi novel to the next at my library..

.. So any guidance would be appreciated

>> No.3882292

If you're looking for great scifi, I'd recommend doing a good tour of the "Big Three" of classic scifi from that era: Heinlein, Arther C. Clarke, and Asimov.

I'd say that Heinlein is the best with characterization, Asimov is the best at worldbuilding and telling a story (and my personal favorite of the three), and Clarke is the best at raising philosophical questions and being truly "speculative".

>> No.3882309
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thanks for the suggestion any book i should start with on asimov?

>> No.3882311

I think it's more the effects of society on human minds as a whole rather than about individual characterization.

>> No.3882315

The Foundation series.

>> No.3882324

Best "fun reads" in science fiction:
The Goblin Reservation
More Than Human
Jack of Shadows
My Name is Legion
A Fall of Moondust
The Seedling Stars
Storm Over Warlock
Legacy of Heorot
Rainbow Mars

>> No.3882327

That's a better way of putting it, really. Less "character development" and more "the effects of science fiction concepts on a society's character".

>> No.3882328 [DELETED] 

I think you should read Nigger Elf by Brandon Sanderson

>> No.3882329

is dhalgren any good?

>> No.3882351

This Immortal
Costigan's Needle
Key Out of Time
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Puppet Masters
The Syndic
Dinosaur Beach
Spacial Delivery (stupid title, fun book)

>> No.3882350
File: 39 KB, 282x475, Steel_Beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steel Beach, by John Varley.

>"In five years, the penis will be obsolete," said the salesman.
I fucking love that opening sentence.

>> No.3882358
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The Forever War
Starship Troopers
Ender's Game

Fucking loved each of these. Troopers is by the same author: fucking glorious, first military sci-fi that actual soldiers could take seriously.

>> No.3882359

The Lost Regiment by William R. Forstchen.
I'm on the second one right now. It's a very fun read. The characterization is really good as well.

>> No.3882364 [DELETED] 

OP, have you considered perhaps reading the Space Nigger series, by Orson Scott Card? It's a real treat.

>> No.3882390
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>> No.3882525

>The Forever War
>Starship Troopers
>Ender's Game
>Fucking loved each of these.

underage detected.

>> No.3882528
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muh reality

>> No.3882678
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as a child

>> No.3882681
File: 29 KB, 312x475, lem-solaris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and as a post-child