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/lit/ - Literature

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3881391 No.3881391 [Reply] [Original]

what books have you read twice or more for pleasure reasons?

>> No.3881401

Lot 49, bunch of plays and poetry, Gatsby, Shakespeare (love Measure for Measure) Frankenstein, Madame Bovary, Middlemarch

Just off the top of my head

Captcha: godwne methods

>> No.3881407

flowers for algernon

>> No.3881411

Good god, those tits.

>> No.3881422

Franny and Zooey 5 or 6 times.

The Stranger 3 or 4 times, and then loads of books twice.

For me, the books that have a lot of re-read value are ones that are intentionally vague and have a lot of holes that the reader can fill as they choose. As I get older and (hopefully) more intelligent, my whole interpretation of these open-ended books changes, so they act like milestones for where I'm at mentally, if that makes sense.

>> No.3881435

I believe they are artificially enhanced.

>> No.3881440

Hymns to the Night. The Good Solider Svejk. Confederacy of Dunces.

>> No.3881447

Finnegans Wake

>> No.3881525
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I've read the Hobbit about 3 or 4 time.

The Stranger 2 or 3 and I'm probably going to read it again this summer. I was never much of a reader but at 20 I grabbed this from a pile a books I was supposed to have read in high school and it got me hooked on reading.

>> No.3881536
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This nigga here. Also read the Hobbit several times. I'm not really one for re reading. I read somewhere that bookish girls find it attractive when a guy has read a book more than once so I might do it more often lol. Oh I've also read the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas three times but that was for school.

>> No.3881545

Lesbian Beauties Asian Edition

>> No.3881560

I've read quite a few books two or three times.

The only book I've read any substantial amount of times, and I'm sure /lit/ is going to shit on me for this, is 1984.

>> No.3881581
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I don't know.

Pic related.

>> No.3881587

Unbearable Lightness of Being, 100 Years of Solitude, anything by Saramago, and Harry Potter in my younger days.

>> No.3881596


>Unbearable Lightness of Being

what? why is this "for pleasure" explicitly?

>> No.3881604

the only book ive read twice so far is the pale king. it was the first dfw book i ever read, so when i got to the end of his catalogue i went back through it to sort of reevaluate it within the wider context of his complete work.

>> No.3882540



>> No.3882542

In Search of lost time

>> No.3882545

I've read La Casa Verde five times.

First time because I was interested from the book.
Second time to understand the story fully.
Third time to understand the stylistic nuances-
Fourth time when I got interested on Llosa again.
Fifth time when I wanted to understand the plot yet again.

Having a poor memory might or might not make it hellish.

>> No.3882555

>In Search of lost time

bullshit you read that more than once you liar

>> No.3882568
File: 47 KB, 234x355, NothingLikeTheSun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Nothing Like the Sun, by Anthony Burgess

It’s a very personal choice, I don’t believe that anyone else in this world loves this book as much as I.

It is a fictional biography of William Shakespeare (Shakespeare is the writer I admire above all others), a biographical romance, but for me this book has something sinister about him, something awe-impressing: I have a somewhat mystical opinion about this book. I have the impression that Burgess could, through imagination (through some kind of miracle was to capture the true personality of Shakespeare, his character and soul just as it truly was. I do not say that all the events narrated in the book have many chances of being real, but I believe that the Shakespeare portrayed in this novel is much like (almost exactly like) the real Shakespeare, the man of flesh and blood.

Whenever I need encouragement; whenever I need to accept life as it is; whenever I have to endure humiliation and shame; whenever I need to learn the bitter, but necessary, lesson of resignation; whenever I am disgusted with my own lust and inflamed by my own desires: on all these occasions I return to Nothing Like the Sun .It's one of my sources of strength in this world.

>> No.3882569

Homage To Catalonia
The Luzhin Defense

Thinks that's about it. Might re-read The Brothers Karamazov soon.

>> No.3882575

congrats, you've seen through my ruse

>> No.3882582
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It helps with my depression

>> No.3882591


do u play chess? nerd!

>> No.3882601
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The Sun Also Rises (2)
Ender's Game (4)
Candide (2)
Slaughterhouse-Five (3)

>> No.3882602

Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo, I feel that it needs to be reread to be fully understood

>> No.3882605
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>not playing chess

Top lel.

>> No.3882627
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Plus his other books.

>> No.3882643

Too many to name. I recently read Moby-Dick for the fourth time. Best book ever.

>> No.3882658

Lots of poetry, including Don Juan and The Prelude.

Not very many novels, though. The Magus (Fowles), Heart of Darkness (Conrad) and Les Grand Meaulnes (Fournier) come to mind. There may be more.

>> No.3882659
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The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Franny and Zooey
For Esme, With Love and Squalor (Nine Stories)
Girl With Curious Hair
Oblivion: Stories
This is How you Lose Her
The Great Gatsby
The Bell Jar
Foundation and Empire
Second Foundation
Inherent Vice
Gravity's Rainbow
The Naked Sun
The Caves of Steel
The House of the Spirits
Bluebeard's Egg

>> No.3882667

I, Claudius, Claudius the God, Dune, Hatchet, Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, The Grand Chessboard, Tacitus

Just fuckin' fun bro

>> No.3882669

Women by Bukowski

>> No.3882677
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Norwegian Wood
The Wind-up Bird Chronicle
Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction
Last Evenings on Earth

>> No.3882798
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You've got great taste in literature

>> No.3882809

I'm almost done with Titaantjes and my god, it's amazing. Truly one of our best national writers

>> No.3882874

No one reread journey to end of night???


>> No.3882901

saus pls

>> No.3882917

>pushed up to the fucked degree bra
She looks like a porn star too Asia
Has the same retarded look on her face too.

>> No.3882928

all quiet on the western front
Le petit prince
Rozmarne leto, Hordubal, Bylo nas 5 - Czech authors
The Metamorphosis

>> No.3882953

who is she?

>> No.3882957

Reread the entirety of The Aleph and Ficciones somewhere near a dozen times in the few weeks I had them from the library. I love Borges' work. Other than that, mostly Hemingway and a few books from the Bible.

>> No.3882961
File: 170 KB, 925x546, Asia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related its her
Looks like she has downs

>> No.3882972
File: 125 KB, 467x700, sheila ferrari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not the same girl.

>> No.3882973

My mother's favorite book, which she passed down to me. I'm glad someone else appreciates it as much as I do.

>> No.3882988

She has the same asian with downs look to her as asia has though.
I was just saying they look alike.

>> No.3882991

The Last Kingdom, by Bernard Cornwell

>> No.3882996

Shut it Tom Cruise.

>> No.3883008

Sheila Ferrari aka Google reverse image search.

>> No.3883009

Are you blind?

>> No.3883019

>what is the word "looks like"
>i guess it means its that person
Herp derp hurr

>> No.3883034

>The picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.3883140
File: 348 KB, 640x400, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She actually does look like an asian with downs syndrome in these two photos. Good observation

>> No.3883144

It's not the same person moron

>> No.3883189
File: 15 KB, 400x300, handbanana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some good shit right there
>pic unrelated. It is an imageboard after all

>> No.3883192
File: 41 KB, 640x640, 1365785667174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, it is, you mongloid. Her name is Sheila Ferrari. Learn to internet, friend.

>> No.3883196

Every book I've read for pleasure, I've read more than once.

>> No.3883215

Read the Mabinogion twice, second time out loud. Beautiful.

Spent so much time spent figuring out the correct pronunciations and rhythm for dat Court List. I'm pretty sure I still have it mostly wrong.

>> No.3883234

The Name of the Rose
Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
True Confessions
Billy Phelan's Greatest Game
Jesus' Son
Studs Lonigan

>> No.3883254

Where did you find the pic?

>> No.3883259

Wild Punch by Creston Lea (Best thing i've ever read)
Song of Myself by Walt Whitman
Paradise Lost by John Milton
The Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey

>> No.3883312


I >>3882961 <me made this pic.

>>3883192 <this guy is referring to these pics >>3882972 >>3881391

Understand? Is the confusion fixed?

>> No.3883333

i am so cunfuse

>> No.3883334

>tfw no fertility goddess gf

>> No.3883335



>> No.3883339

Call of the Wild and White Fang

>> No.3883345

No kidding :(

Why wasn't I born in the 1950s, when women didn't starve themselves half to death?

>> No.3883357
File: 1013 KB, 1200x814, KOY001SE0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One soldier's war in Chechnya

But I was really depressed at the time so I dont think it counts

>> No.3883359

He was saying OP's pic and this one >>3882972 both look like an asian with down syndrome.

Please don't tell me you are from americlap. I know they don't teach reading comprehension there, please just be confused.

>> No.3883381

Travels with Charley, Blue Highways, all of Pat Conroy's books except the newer shitty ones

>> No.3883385


My childhood.

>> No.3883387

Knut Hamsun - Hunger

>> No.3883396

OPs pic is a super qt though.

>TFW no retard qt gf

>> No.3883410

My man!

I just finished Victoria for the (at least) 5th time or so, and read Hunger again a few weeks ago. My fellow countryman Hamsun is an impressive author.

>> No.3883451

Book of the New Sun.
It's one of those titles where you pick up a handful of new things every time you read it. 5th time through it I still caught hints and foreshadowing and connections I'd missed in previous readings.

>> No.3883465

Not that other guy, but definitely check out Pan if you haven't yet.

>> No.3883478

Reading Brave New World for the second time right now. Catch 22 is the first one that comes to mind re: this topic.

>> No.3883514

Read Confederacy of Dunces every couple years

>> No.3883739
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Yes, thank you for clarifying, sir.

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