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File: 57 KB, 359x400, pedostentialists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3878431 No.3878431 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just me, or are existentialists just weird and somewhat pretentious?

>> No.3878435


>> No.3878440

Are you talking about teenagers who call themselves existentialists or people who actually published philosophy? Most philosophers on a personal level could probably be described as weird and somewhat pretentious.

>> No.3878443

Actual philosophers, not the tumblr douchebags.

>> No.3878446
File: 5 KB, 100x100, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an existintialist and FUCK YoU

>> No.3878454

And fuck you too!

>> No.3878456
File: 676 KB, 213x200, 1365910002966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Cops must be unleashed, and allowed to administer instant punishment . . . unleash the cops to clear the streets of bums and vagrants." -- Murray Rothbard.

>> No.3878457

Some context to the OP's choice of pic:


You're welcome.

>> No.3878461
File: 26 KB, 461x616, 1017172_182577881903486_1903241315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Age is just a number!

>> No.3878465

To answer the OP: it really depends on what you're looking for. Who have you read so far?

>> No.3878467

Existentialism is basically a whole philosophy of 'Enlightened by my own intelligence, not some phony god's blessings, in this moment I am euphoric.'

>> No.3878473

Sounds vaguely Nietzschean

>> No.3878475

I love being euphoric.

>> No.3878484

I doubt few people here, and in the western world, actually disagree with the essence of that quote -- or existentialism and its derivatives. It's just that the guy was being a total fedora about it, thinking he's hot shit for being atheist.

>> No.3878499

Isn't being "an existentialist" just realizing that life is meaningless except for whatever meaning you give it?

I guess if you tell everyone about it like it's a new idea it can be pretty pretentious. I think it's just called being a normal common sensical person living in modern times.

>> No.3878502
File: 55 KB, 312x460, loving_boys_2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 1980 Semiotext(e) published a special journal issue on child sexuality which included interviews with Foucault, gay activist Guy Hocquenghem, and NAMBLA founder David Thorstad. You can imagine what kind of shitstorm would be created if something similar was published today.

>> No.3878504
File: 80 KB, 300x230, 186278_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western world
choi choi choi ha chachacha aahchacha

>> No.3878509
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The issue was seized and destroyed by the police and banned by de Gaulle. Guattari was fined 600 francs.
There was enough of a shitstorm in that era, I think, but nowadays I think we'd just develop a new French-people-as-pedophiles stereotype.

captcha; futputo french

>> No.3878510
File: 18 KB, 413x274, l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess if you tell everyone about it like it's a new idea it can be pretty pretentious. I think it's just called being a normal common sensical person living in modern times.

Most people undergo a phase where they do this before they become "normal common sensical person living in modern times". That's why everyone goes into "shut up and get over it" mode every time some kid brings this newfound knowledge up.

>> No.3878513
File: 3 KB, 209x212, Laughing dude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat pic

>> No.3878518


So why are so many French philosophers hellbent on fucking kids?

>> No.3878541

Because they've fucked everything else and because they, unlike the Germans, seem to have a problem with just doing it in secret.

>> No.3878555
File: 55 KB, 625x617, Shoomp Philosophers funny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it!

>> No.3878585

It's official.

/lit/ has become /b/.

Please stop.

>> No.3878600

Not even close.

>> No.3878605

Actually there a vast swaths of modern people who never have and never will have an existential period in their life.

>> No.3878610

Tumblr says otherwise.

>> No.3878626

That's why I don't go there.

>> No.3878738

You -------> /b/

>> No.3878773

>using tumblr to judge humanity
Reevaluate your life.

>> No.3878791

No, using tumblr to judge the youth of today.

>> No.3878806

Daily reminder that philosophers are depraved marxist faggots seeking to destroy the family unit so that they can make you their slaves and your children their fucktoys.

>> No.3878820

Alas if only that were true.

>> No.3878836


you forgot zionist pigs


wake up sheeple

>> No.3878863

>Conveniently leaves out that postmodernism is opposed to marxism.

>> No.3878881

The thinking part of it pretty much is.

>> No.3878891

Post-modernism is derived from marxism, idiot.

>> No.3878906
File: 37 KB, 555x415, Are you fucking kidding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. There's enough loli on those boards for him to fap for hours.

>> No.3878916


>> No.3878920

Can you explain how it isn't or rather from what it is derived, specifically?

For my part, I think of post-modernism as derived from modernism, surrealism, existentialism, marxism, and more or less any intellectual movement of the 20C PLUS any odd intellectual movement from any time or place ever, since PM is ostentatiously eclectic.

>> No.3878965
File: 20 KB, 400x300, Simon-Cowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw pedobear

>> No.3879081

What do you mean?

>> No.3879096

Who cares? Both ideologies are pure leftist faggotry.

>> No.3879157

Tell that to the cops.

>> No.3879335


Is it just me, or does no one in this fucking board know what "pretentious" means?

>> No.3879365

Dude, the majority of this board is pretentious.

>> No.3879370

I stopped correcting people on their use of "pretentious" here a long time ago. There are fits and starts like yours against the dumbshits though. I don't think you can educate a board so I don't bother anymore.

>> No.3879374

Most people don't know what pretentious means.

>> No.3879381

I generally take it to mean displays of erudition for its own sake, obscurantism and affectations of some superior taste or discrimination. Snobbish elitism, that sort of thing?

>> No.3879411
File: 17 KB, 500x314, facepalm computer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3879419

I think of pretentiousness as as elitism/snobbery without much to back it up. If you are judgmental of the literary tastes of others and use lots of rare words, you are an elitist if you actually read and understand good books and know how to use the words you are using properly, and you are pretentious if you do not. I suppose if you're using needlessly high language in a circumstance in which those around you almost certainly won't understand, that's pretty pretentious, too...

A girl in my college's mandatory freshman year writing program (lyl) referred to herself as an existentialist, which made me cringe a bit, but I figured, at least she didn't call herself a postmodernist.

>> No.3879424

probably seems pretentious if you don't study it yourself. that's how we are with most things. it's all about assuring our fragile egos that we know everything that we assume is worth knowing.

>> No.3879427

Stop using big words you pretentious fuck.


>> No.3879443

You -----> reddit

>> No.3879451

Your use of the word "gosh" is just pretentious.

>> No.3879470

Writing a sentence is pretentious in itself.

>> No.3879467

I sort of see what you mean, but i think really what's being "pretended to" is not knowledge or understanding, but respect and deference. The pretentious are pretending to an assumed dignity or that their talents or accomplishments might be asssumed to make perquisite.

Often any ostentatious displays of erudition are accompanied by the subtle implication that the person making the display should be rspected or given preference in someway. What's being pretended then is status.

Basically elitism and snobbery are at least character flaws and at worst, arrogance and discourtesy, regardless of whether anything does (or in fact could) justify them.

Basically be polite, and if you consider your offereings superior, don't expect to insist on acknowledgement, or disparage the couth of those who fail, for some reason, to discern your sophistication.

>> No.3879512

pretension is no longer a meaningful insult
it just seems anti-intellectual
we can be awfully pedantic
a lot of actually published philosophers have somewhat fragile psyches and create this [false] and unnecessary distinction
to my understanding Existentialism just means approaching philosophy from a point of radical subjectivity it doesn't [necessarily] imply meaninglessness or meaning
this does however make most of us "weird" and somewhat eccentric
they don't.
a partial explanation for the so-called "elitism" is that it is simply of practical necessity

>If the postdialectic paradigm of reality holds, we have to choose between dialectic situationism and patriarchial capitalism. The subject is interpolated into a postdialectic paradigm of reality that includes reality as a whole.

It could be said that Foucault uses the term 'the deconstructivist paradigm of expression' to denote a subtextual reality.

>> No.3879525

if he invokes a subtextual reality though, he voids his main argument, since he's already made it inclusive within the paradigm along with the rest of reality. By manifesting a superset he can no longer alter conditions within the set from within the set wthout altering the conditions that create the examples themselves, unless he's using some sort of reverse causality here. Also, the green text quote has to be outside that assertion, snce you can't make a dichotomy where one side includes the other side. It's just corollary then.

>> No.3879542

both of the last two lines are supposed to be greentext'd
I don't think he's trying to create a dichotomy
namely the term post-dialectic
It goes to say something like
-you- exist within the world and these are the conditions, if you don't like them than -you- can deconstruct or whatever, but you can't do it from the "outside" since -you- exist within the world and these are the conditions

>> No.3879575

that makes a little more sense. basically the same thing I said.

>> No.3880394


>> No.3880855

>If the postdialectic paradigm of reality holds, we have to choose between dialectic situationism and patriarchial capitalism. The subject is interpolated into a postdialectic paradigm of reality that includes reality as a whole.

Can you explain this in simple English please?

>> No.3881014


You ----> tumblr

>> No.3881041

I guess I don't understand why it voids his argument?
> By manifesting a superset he can no longer alter conditions within the set from within the set wthout altering the conditions that create the examples themselves,
Its not as if human interactions function in the exact manner that logical matrices would.?
to reducto ad, if your statement is true than we would still be living under the monarchy,?
Leftists use big words to not get fired from universities

>> No.3881098

Are you implying that existentialists are pedos?

>> No.3881213

By the looks of it, OP is implying that de Beauvoir and Sartre were pedos, which they were.

>> No.3881225

FYI, the image appears to have come from this tumblr:


>> No.3881375


same premise, different interpretation entirely
which means french existentialism was just a scholarly fad that wasn't found outside of paris

>> No.3881388

I'm a Sartrean existentialist, I don't live in Paris. also, Derrida, Foucault, Althusser etc. still popular still discussed
Objectivism is only popular on the internet because internet-libertarians
besides why not go for legit Egoism and take up Stirner?

>> No.3881397

>I'm a Sartrean existentialist

Are you offended by the OP?

Also, is it accurate?

>> No.3881434
File: 22 KB, 421x648, 9780415289917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People need to read this so they can shut the fuck up about authenticity and existentialism. Had Kierkegaard or Nietzsche lived long enough to hear this talk of the "authentic life" they would have chocked a bitch after witnessing all the hypocricy and pretentiousness of the latter existentialists.

>> No.3881436

no, just clarifying/ clarified
Objectivism is actually definitively pretentious
some Existentialist are some aren't

>> No.3881463

>Also, is it accurate?

sex with teens =/= pedophilia

wanting to abolish the AoC =/= pedophilia

So, no.

>> No.3881464

Fuck off commie.

>> No.3881466

I haven't read the biography it references
but I assume its somewhat sensationalized
anyways its not in his philosophy

>> No.3881473


Who cares how he would have reacted? It's fuckin' Kierkegaard.

>> No.3881586

yeah what do the danes know?

>> No.3881588


got an awesome hardcover of this in japan, will read soon.

>> No.3881768


>> No.3881798


Admittedly, even those who like Sartre think he went full retard late in his life.

>> No.3881831

>"ostentatious displays of erudition" is an ostentatious display of erudition.

That said I agree with you, carry on.

>> No.3883070

There is a book written around that word.
Its called Warbreaker by Brandon Sanderson

>> No.3883084
File: 11 KB, 200x275, gombrowicz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good for picking up intellectual chicks. Tell her you are existentialist deep inside and she is all yours. At least here in Europe.
But really, one writer said: "Existentialism is not a philosophy, it is a fact."
I agree with that.

>> No.3883157

claim: there is a large amount of people who never have had and never will have an existential period in their life
claim: the large (but still relatively small amount compared to every person on earth) amount of tumblrs that deal with existentialist periods (again, not nearly all of them) disproves the above claim


>> No.3883227

Glad to know

>> No.3883639
File: 26 KB, 364x469, You're Upset meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3885373

I'm not surprised.

>> No.3885513

Man, it's pronounced Neet-chay.

>> No.3885781

>It's good for picking up intellectual chicks.

I take it it's also good for picking up underage chicks, no?

>> No.3886411

Let's not go there...
You too, OP.

>> No.3886675

That's not correct.

>> No.3886713
File: 22 KB, 300x400, huxley_pix_1111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, I remember that episode. Only time I was disappointed with the writers of The Sopranos. Here they write this six season drama which touches concepts of morality and philosophy, yet nobody on the set can properly pronounce Nietzsche (neecher.) Made me sad and seriously question the credibility of the writers and merit of the series, it's such a little thing but I don't know. I get your reference though.

>> No.3886742

So that's one reason for me to never watch it.

Though I'm pretty bad at pronouncing too, with German and Dutch being the sole exceptions.

>> No.3886746

Not saying people shouldn't watch it. I think it's wonderfully written and the actors are great. I'm just quibbling about insignificance.

>> No.3887051

Is it just me, or are the French fucked up enough as it is?

>> No.3887081


Implying it's not a joke.

>> No.3887084


>implying it's not great.

>> No.3887565


>> No.3887581

