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3868667 No.3868667 [Reply] [Original]

Just ordered it on Amazon. Thoughts? Criticism?

>> No.3868709

Yeah here's one criticism. You bought the fucking translation you pleb.

I hope you enjoy the book though. I hear it's very good.

>> No.3868778

> Gabriel Garcia Marquez has noted that he prefers the english translation to his own writing

lel next youre gonna tell me not to read borges in translation

go ahead see what happens

>> No.3868786

fucking elitists should think a bit before talking

>> No.3869174

Colombianfag here. Went to school with his Marquez's grandaughter at the Colegio Britanico de Cartagena.

In Colombia we have a saying that Marquez isn't a good, inventive writer. Colombia provides the magical realism and insanity, he just takes good notes.

That being said it's a Masterpiece and YES read it in English because it IS better. Marquez will admit it quite often.

>> No.3869187

very overrated.

>> No.3869211

It's lovely, I won't say anything other than if you're complaining about getting the names mixed up you're missing the point

>> No.3869235

that's cool, is his grandaughter hot?

How is Love in the Time of Cholera? I loved 100 Yrs.

>> No.3869247


OP here. I read War and Peace and the names thing didn't hinder my enjoyment of it.

>> No.3869311

I don't know anymore, I moved to the States like 8 years ago. She was cute back then though.

Time of Cholera is gorgeous. More accessible than 100 yrs. Makes you want to live in Cartagena.

>> No.3869315

I see what you did there...

>> No.3869327
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I personally loved the backdrop of a romantic Caribbean town that's slowly decaying

>> No.3869379

Awesome. Going to start it tomorrow, maybe.

>> No.3869473

how can the english translation be better than the original

>> No.3869486

Because English is better than Spanish, dickwife.

>> No.3869510

luh dat shit, i love spanish magical realism in the first place but marquez's prose and characters are just the titties mcgee, you're in for a treat

>> No.3870288

Well someone's obviously retarded. God bless.

>> No.3870322

I'm reading this now,
pages 0-260 are very good, then about 15 pages about a less interesting character (fernanda) and gets better afterwards i'm now at 320. I really wonder how it will end. It sucks to my english sucks and i have to read it in dutch, oh well.

>> No.3870332

The end is fucking brilliant. I thought it was gonna fizzle out, but the ending is really genius.

>> No.3870348

Fuck what the author thinks.

>> No.3870355

Welp, i better get reading!

>> No.3870366
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I read it a few months ago and loved it.

There's one thing I wish someone had told me beforehand, though. There are several characters in the book (due to babies being born) that have similar names. It's important to keep track. The family tree in the front is useful, but I would also make little notes on a separate sheet of paper so that you don't get mixed up.

That will either save you from having to backtrack for a reminder, or from just reading on in a mist of confusion.

>> No.3872179

I'm now at 380 and it got really boring imo.
(little spoiler) the rain has now stopped. 3 Chapters left. Oh i hope so that the book will get it's 'drive' back.
But the guy who said the ending was brilliant is giving me hope.

Wasn't that bad, the family tree was good enough for me.

>> No.3873000
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yeah, DAT ending
>mfw reading the ending

>> No.3873172

I have the book, in the original language though. I didn't know he liked the translation better.

I'm a bit disraught. I feel every book loses something in translation.
Regardless, I will be reading the one I have. I hear it is quite good.

>> No.3873222 [DELETED] 

[spoilers]I thought it was boring and the prose was too clunky and the story made no goddamned sense. All the characters had the same name, and there really was no plot, it was just a bunch of shit happening with no context.[spoilers/]

In other words it was a majestic triumph of the human soul.

>> No.3873223

I thought it was boring and the prose was too clunky and the story made no goddamned sense. All the characters had the same name, and there really was no plot, it was just a bunch of shit happening with no context.

In other words it was a majestic triumph of the human soul.

>> No.3873240


>> No.3873424

Now at the last chapter, 20 pages left.
From 380 to 470, it was just tedious and really boring, especially compared with the first half of the book. I hope something happens in the last 20 pages..

>> No.3873475

About halfway through at present, 'enchanting' is the word I'd go for. It is completely unlike what I expected, but then I'm not sure what I expected to start with.

>> No.3873553

First half, great! Second half, not so much, even tedious at moments. Ending was nice, but i had to read trough 200 pages of boring.

Not sure if i should read love in times of cholera.

>> No.3873774
File: 570 KB, 360x246, wheeeeww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grats on finishing!

>dat finished book feel

>> No.3873800

>Stylistically, Harold Bloom remarked that "My primary impression, in the act of rereading One Hundred Years of Solitude, is a kind of aesthetic battle fatigue, since every page is rammed full of life beyond the capacity of any single reader to absorb... There are no wasted sentences, no mere transitions, in this novel, and you must notice everything at the moment you read it."

>> No.3873807

>"...the first piece of literature since the Book of Genesis that should be required reading for the entire human race." - New York Times

>> No.3873832

lel Bloom is funny.

Thomas Pynchon wrote a glowing review of Love in the Time of Cholera and now Bloom says that Love in the Time of Cholera is better than 100 Years of Solitude, which " seems to me to be a period piece." I bet if Pynchon said 100 Years was better Bloom would change his opinion.

>> No.3873836
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>> No.3873848

The greatest tragedy is the realization that Gabo never did Magical Realism similar to Hundred Years after it.

>> No.3873850

this one's absurd beyond all comprehension. at least bloom is only making a comment on a specific side of the book and even then not disputing quality so much as an aspect of what can make the work difficult to appreciate.

i also can't tell whether there's any implication that genesis is the first piece of human literature or just the most recent prior to 100 yrs ... that should be required reading.

>> No.3873852

The book loses its drive when it progresses. As the world and Macondo turn more civilized, the magical fables vanish, leaving life bleakened by massacres, rain and poverty.

I don't think the part after the rain are as good as the ones before it, yet the tale of the son that finds Pilgrim's Gold and hangs out with Gabriel Garcia Marquez is fascinating.