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/lit/ - Literature

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3865858 No.3865858 [Reply] [Original]

Why the hell did this board all of a sudden become like /b/, /adv/ and /pol/?

this is fucking /lit/ lets be intelligent here

>> No.3865861
File: 222 KB, 568x517, step up your game lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since always

>> No.3865863 [DELETED] 

omfg i love that meme head

ps who else thinks our bullshit society is becoming more and more like "1984"

>> No.3865871

>so sick of all the retards there waxing on about existentialism and reductionism
>They're so retarded they all think nihilism is a philosophy
>some retard made a thread about bisexuality


>> No.3865900

Since always? That thing is four days old.

It is becoming like /pol/ because /pol/ is a shithole, and even the utter retards there realise it, and are therefore moving here, because people here like talking about philosophy, and political theory.

>> No.3865917

Not him, but I have been on this board for ages.
There are some threas about obscure writers, but most of the time, when /lit/ discusses books it is about the same 20 or so writers. Like 'I am interested in Dostoevsky, where do I start?' or 'Want to get into Shakespear, what plays to read?' etc.

I dunno about the philosophy threads though. I have seen some really interesting and intelligent posts in there by some people.

Overall I can only say /lit/ was always that way. Maybe now it is a little worse cause of a lot of people from /pol/ coming over, but there has never been something like a 'golden age' on this board. It is just that most people who come here for the first time have not much of a clue about literature, after a while though and after reading some books, you notice, that /lit/ is pretty much always the same and discussing the same things.

>> No.3865919


>> No.3865920

I can't believe you actually bothered to screencap this post.

>> No.3865923

This is exactly the same as /lit/ has always been. I have been here from day one. On day one /lit/ was a shithole.

>> No.3865935
File: 232 KB, 663x496, lit sucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ has always sucked, but for different reasons back when it was new

>> No.3865944

Oh wow, more bitching about the same shit that everyone bitches about. The problem isn't /lit/, it's retards expecting anything other than a bunch of 4chan users with an interest in literature. If you come here expecting a symposium of in depth literature discussion and insightful philosophical discourse, then it's probably because you're too stupid to be let into these sorts of things in the real world. You think an image where anyone can post and there's little to no threshold for newcomers to overcome is going to somehow achieve brilliance in conversation?

>this is fucking /lit/ lets be intelligent here
Like this retard.

>> No.3865947

Arguably, that's 4chan as a whole. But what is shit to one board may seem good to another.

I am relatively new, I have been coming to this board for only about 6 months or so, so I will take your word on it.

I would say it was the philosophy threads that really got me to stay, as I noticed, as you pointed out, that most literature threads tend to focus on the same people. Probably because most people aren't really into literature, and therefore this place seems like a good place to start.

>> No.3865949

an imageboard*

>> No.3865954
File: 296 KB, 738x559, lit sucks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3866000
File: 55 KB, 500x500, 1366423516248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it should be obvious why philosophy is discussed more on /lit/ than literature. If a few people are knowledgeable about existentialism and many are curious about it, you can at least get a basic discussion going. With literature there's not much of a reason for a person unfamiliar with the work—a majority of the population except in the case of "the same 20 or so writers"—to even ask about it. This can be carried over to the ludicrous suggestion that we should discuss "real philosophy" like Republic, because such discussions are largely wanking over the text itself; at least babby's first existential crises is relevant to people's actual lives.

I do think that there's been less creative content made in the past... while or so, but the trolley of trickery thread was great and people called the naked-pictures-with-books the best they've seen idgaf

this thread isn't even literature; in the past people would highlight each offending thread on the front page and call them out on their shameful actions

>> No.3866027

Actually it's gotten particularly bad lately. You arrogant fuck you clearly don't know shit about the board culture. Generally there is less prejudice and shitpost and more clever or humorous replies.

>> No.3866058

Actually a few hours ago, /lit was actually really good. You suckers missed it. Keep bitching.

>> No.3866062

Lol you can barely even write intelligibly, I refuse to accept you as a reliable unbiased source of board evolution. /lit/ board culture, as defined by everyone who claims to have been here since the beginning, is really just shitty memes and old tripfags, like every other board on 4chan. The idea that /lit/ was once home to anyone other than broke undergrads with time on their hands is ridiculous.

And shitposting has risen proportionally to every other part of the internet.

>> No.3866068

I've been here for a few years and it never ceases to amaze me how these threads never end. Ever since /lit/'s inception, there has always been a handful of assholes complaining about it.

If you want to change it, then start making fucking threads about books. If you find that they aren't getting any replies, then use it as motivation to leave this fucking site and to go read a fucking book.

>> No.3866070

Well, the smart thing to do would be to create threads of quality, thought-provoking discussion.

I suppose it's a lot easier to make a complain thread about how the board sucks (feckless whining), but perhaps everyone taking the easy and knee-jerk route is precisely why this place sucks.

>> No.3866074

>Generally there is less prejudice

Are you the whiny nigger who keeps throwing a hissy fit every time someone says "nigger" or points out the flaws in many feminist arguments? You should start writing a letter to joot about how you're unhappy about the state of the board and then address it to your ass. Grab the letter and shove it as far up your ass as possible because no one gives a flying fuck.

>> No.3866081

>reddit pic



>complaining about political incorrectness
>on 4chan

why are you here


>> No.3866090

>we read le books we are so much smarter than other boardsXDXDXD

>> No.3866267

/mu/ and /tv/ started posting here

>> No.3866283

>/lit/ still thinks there's a never ending /pol/ raid

>> No.3866284

>stop calling me racist pleas :(

good downvote good effort