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3865268 No.3865268 [Reply] [Original]

So another typical buddhist thread.

What's "better" Zen or Taoism? What are some good books in both topics?

>> No.3865278

Whichever one helps you reach your destination

>> No.3865284

There's no destination.

>> No.3865290

Then why do you live?

>> No.3865294


>> No.3865298

Because I can not die.

>> No.3865327
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So deep. If you have no destination in mind, I'd recommend Taoism.

>> No.3865344

Zen is probably my favorite form of buddhism, but I don't really like Buddhism. The whole idea of basing a religion on relief from suffering just hasn't ever clicked with me. Suffering is part of life, if you come to accept it instead of trying to avoid it, I think that life can be more fulfilling.

I would say Taoism is better, simply because it draws from more sources and doesn't necessarily hold to any particular doctrine. I also like the focus and importance of rituals, because I think that ritual can be an extremely valuable part of a spiritual practice.

My recommendations for Taoist texts are obviously Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi. Both gave me a good deal of relief when I was an angsty, searchy teenager.