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/lit/ - Literature

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3862375 No.3862375 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I want to hang with the "cool kids" in my department
>you know, the kids who have straight 90%+ averages, have golden boy status in every seminar they take, have been published in the department's journal/presented at its symposiums, and are no doubt on the fast track to a good grad school
>mfw I get straight up ignored because I don't have the grades or "publication rep" to hang with them

No one told me that english literature undergrad departments were this fucked up. If you're one of those brown nosing keeners, fuck you

>> No.3862380

it's not worth it trust me

we aren't doing anything more valuable with our time actually.

>> No.3862382

Must suck to have no talent. I kid but seriously get out while you still can.

>> No.3862388

>presenting your paper to the class
>the top-of-the-class kid who is always chatting with the professor about stuff and calls them by their first name makes a half-joking comment about the paper
>everyone laughs
>holy shit the comment is actually right, my paper has a huge flaw
>he presents his paper and it's amazing

>> No.3862417

>taking english literature

>> No.3862495

>Group has defining characteristics they share in common
>Anon doesn't have those characteristics
>Bitches about not being accepted

>> No.3862573
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I used to do that OP, but now I don't anymore and things are fine. I still like to hang out with them, but since they aren't especially fond of me there's no point in insisting.

I still plan on working hard this summer and outdoing them, even though actually getting better than them is just a fortunate consequence, not the purpose. I just hate it when I sense a flaw in someone's work and can't exactly point it out or when I'm being questioned about my own work or when I can't properly defend my own work and hours after the incident I realize what I should've said (always reminds me of that jerk store scene in Seinfeld).

>> No.3862583

>was an english major
>was never published/presented at symposiums
>currently at a great grad school

nut up faggot

>> No.3862585
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>> No.3862653
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>be that kid in my lit class
>professor asks if i'm working on any writing projects
>i tell him about a few stories and a script i'm working on
>he says "thank god, it'd be a shame to put those talents to waste. you may be one of the few to make a profit from your lit degree."
>i tell him i'm an engineering major
>his face when

>> No.3862690
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Fuck, Shostakovich really looks like Harry Potter.

>> No.3862781

>mfw you realize we are all mortal
>we will all die one day

>> No.3862782


but are they actually accepted

>> No.3862785

holy shit get this kid a nihilism

>> No.3862823

them 1st grade feels

>> No.3862941

>implying you didn't have good grades
>implying you didn't make friends with the professors for good recommendation letters

you aren't fooling anyone you tryhard

>> No.3863022

>that jerk store scene in Seinfeld
Which episode was that in?

>> No.3863048


Yours truly,

>> No.3863075

>If you're one of those brown nosing keeners, fuck you

Haha. As if excellent students who write things that get published waste their time here. Good one.

>> No.3863082

>dat esprit d'escalier feel

>> No.3863092

not your personal blog

>> No.3863118

>all your friends look up to you as being one of the smart kids at school
>always feel just outside the circle of really smart kids who just never got below an A ever.

>> No.3863255

Holy fuck are you me?

In retrospect I can ascribe my inferior performance to the cumulative, detrimental effects of class difference.

>> No.3863259

Getting published in the department's literary journals isn't a big deal. That whole thing is a big circle jerk.

Aim higher, anon. And stop being such a little bitch-boy.

>> No.3863264


You know how there's a life after high school?
There's a life after college too.

>> No.3863279

>Be undergrad golden boy.
>Organize and present symposium on Marcuse.
>Be called by the city government to participate to a public round table on the state of education today.
>Be asked by your professor to hold a week of lessons on Lacan and answer the other students' question brilliantly.
>Professor wants to send you to study at Science Po saying that he will put a good word with Bruno Latour.

>Say fuck it and move to new york to become a management consultant with Deloitte for 100k a year.

>> No.3863300

>100k a year

way to sell out to the man, man.

i really don't care though. You've found a job to support you so that's good.

>> No.3863304

>"management consultant"

Do you regret never doing or knowing anything that was an actual thing?

>> No.3863306

once you make enough money you can do whatever the hell you want.

>> No.3863311

When I first applied for college I got accepted with a couple of scholarships for physics. I said fuck that and I moved to Europe to study philosophy for free.
I really hope you weren't implying that analytic philosophy, or even worse ancient philosophy, are in any way better.

>Implying I ever had an integrity.

>> No.3863314
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>better than ancient philosophy

They're frauds. You based your academic career on intentional frauds.

>> No.3863327

I based my academic career on what would get me laid.

>> No.3863355

Doesn't even attempt to bullshit you. What a boss.

>> No.3863376


>> No.3863395


maybe they are just better critics than you? it happens.

>> No.3863400


that's usually my excuse.

>> No.3863404

You majored in philosophy and work for Deloitte now?

How? Is there even a way?

>> No.3863409
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>going to grad for english

>> No.3863416

well the great thing is, without mommy and daddy and money the real world hits them like a ton o' bricks, so my "not" peer group's "achievements" basically flattened out in young adulthood. Within a year or two I could probably overtake them, but I'm not really all that sure I want to get deep in the rat race instead of being grateful for what good fortune and fun I'm finding as I ascend from lower-class to lower-middle-class.

>> No.3863469

I had some experience in business and public administration started by holding those panels on education. Also an ok math knowledge (you can get it by reading one of those math for business texts). Sent a résumé (they look for new grads of any major) and got an interview.

>> No.3863492

Philosophy gets you laid?

pls respond, this is important because i'll start my philosophy major next year

>> No.3863497

no, it doesn't. What gets you laid is talking to women and knowing how to speak with them, form emotional bonds then persuade them to let you fuck them. But that requires a brain and seeing as you have none, I doubt you will get much pussy.

>> No.3863499

eh bro, you're 10 x more worthless than the rats you're comparing yourself to. They might do stupid things but at least they have integrity of character and aren't a jealous cunt like yourself.

>> No.3863498

Does philosophy give me a brain?

pls respond because etc.

>> No.3863501

no, you have a brain but it takes time to figure out the social groups etc. Why do you want to get laid so bad anyway? I mean if you take care of your body, get into a good career path then you'll get laid through marriage. It might not be the quick way but its the less retarded way to go, tough titties.

>> No.3863503

If you study continental philosophy and you can kinda be a show off about it, it will get you other girls that nerd about it. If you do analytic philosophy forget it.

>> No.3863504

>I mean if you take care of your body, get into a good career path then you'll get laid through marriage.
pfffft lame

>> No.3863505


actually none of that is true, typically. these things are kept in closed circuits for the most part--transmitted through through genes like a weak chin--and you and I aren't really allowed in.

your lower-class to lower-middle class dig is spot-on, though. that's more like the stuff we get.

>> No.3863508

Marriage is top retarded way to get to titties.

>> No.3863510


jealousy or righteous indignation u decide.

>> No.3863516

Nope. They were manipulative dicks, very little integrity to speak of. I was jealous until I ya know, found my own shit to get into and stopped caring as much. A good life is the best revenge. That said I do get a somewhat morbid kick out of watching people in the middle-class struggle through things that are second-nature to hardboiled poor motherfuckers.

>> No.3863533

"Moral indignation is envy with a halo."
--H.G. Wells (1866-1946)

As if there's a difference.

>> No.3863547



>> No.3863556

Deny your maker

>> No.3863586

So even if you get a humanities major, as long as you do the right preparation, you can get a good job out of college?

>> No.3863593

Yeah. As long as you have stuff to show in your résumé no one cares.

>> No.3863595

Yes. Businesses hire people who can sell themselves, not nameless, faceless diploma wielders.

You may need to be creative in adapting your skills to their needs, or gain new skills, but there's no reason that an English BA dooms you to Hardee's. Many jobs require a nonspecific 4 year degree. Make those jobs your bitch. Go for things that might be tangentially related to where you want to go and start getting there.

4/10, got some of us to respond. Go be social darwinist/moral absolutist somewhere dumber.

>> No.3863597

i got kicked out of the english department for saying criticism can go beyond opinions. had to see the dean of english, got told i was supercilious. migrated to philosophy, never looked back. fuck studying english unless its poetry, which is the only form that requires proper study to appreciate and be good at.

>> No.3863601

>Many jobs require a nonspecific 4 year degree.

This, so much this. All the idiots saying
>hurr majoring in X
have no idea what they're talking about. It really doesn't make much of a difference what you choose unless you're looking at a very specific program.

>> No.3863604

You sound like a stuck-up asshole. I don't think I'd like you in real life.

>> No.3863608


>more opinions

>> No.3863621

Bro dont get a liberal arts degree unless you have elilte talent. Than again if you have elite talent why waste your time at school? Moral of the story dont get a shitty degree

>> No.3863624

>i got kicked out of the english department for saying criticism can go beyond opinions
Looks like you made the number one mistake of /lit/ and forgot that /lit/ isn't actually an authority on anything and the ideas that are either propagated or shunned here are received very differently by real scholars Real scholars aren't teenagers and undergrads on the internet

>> No.3863627

better advice: get a degree that will net you a positive return on investment. There are 2 year programs for associate's that end up making more than some BAs/BSs/MAs/whatever.

All education is meant to do is to open your eyes to opportunities. There are no guarantees, either way.

>> No.3863629

>if you have elite talent why waste your time at school?

Because it's a comfortable place where I can work on my projects, meet people and make connections, date girls, learn interesting things, and live a relaxed life on my parent's money and various scolarships while I get a degree?

Why the fuck wouldn't I want to do that? I'm getting a full ride at grad school ATM+an easy TA gig to keep me in spending money. You jelly, bro.

>> No.3863633

The biggest mistake anyone can make is believing or at least not severely scrutinizing the things they read here. /lit/ has its head up its own ass in a lot of ways.

>> No.3863634

College with no/little debt is totally fucking sweet.

Pell Grants help a lot if you're poor, btdubs.
Also, go to school in-state if you're poor/frugal.
Also, if going for a four year, start with community college and transfer that shit, if you're poor/frugal.

>> No.3863671
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>well-dressed Classics majors classin' it up
>hold bacchanals, murder some farmer
>I'm too poor to hang out with them

Secret History feels.

>> No.3863675

I have literally beaten-up every Gary Oak I've encountered in life. It's only a momentary comfort.

>> No.3863681



>> No.3863684

>tfw my ego is repeatedly crushed by my Gary Oak
>he doesn't even consider himself my rival because he's so far ahead of me

>> No.3863965

Don't worry m8, he'll get obliterated by a Giovanni somewhere along the way.

>> No.3864039

>tfw my life is like The Secret History sometimes

>> No.3864097

I published a novel which won an award during my second year of university.

I took a creative writing module becauseI heart it's easy to get good grades, and the teacher treated me lke shit.

He's published a collection of short stories n the 70s or some shit and kept asking my opinion sarcastically once he suggested something to the class

>> No.3864120

>i got kicked out of the english department for saying criticism can go beyond opinions

lel, this is true though

>> No.3864127

I ascribe it to me being lazy.

>> No.3864336
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Wait what how? And teach me.