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/lit/ - Literature

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3861420 No.3861420 [Reply] [Original]

is it fair to say that you (yes you) developed your "patrician" taste as a reaction to your insecurities (being fat/neckbeard/virgin/lonely), rather than having had it develop organically? be honest

otherwise why are you here? have you realized that this is just a shitty form of escapism? why aren't you in the "real" world, realizing yourself?

>> No.3861449

no, of course not

i am glorious
superior tropical rainforest elite race confirmed

worship the edge lord

>> No.3861448


>> No.3861453

Because realizations of high degrees are found alone. Though, social interactions are great ways to open opportunities of thought.

>> No.3861457

I've always felt that my taste at certain moments was impeccable until my inevitable retrospective episodes reveal my younger selves to be faggots. For example, I loved AC/DC up until the time I was in probably 9th grade. Loved them. Knew all the words, could play some of the songs, mourned the fact that Bon Scott died before I was born, etc. Now I listen to AC/DC with increasing rarity, and usually for reasons of sentimentality. So no, my taste has never been borne out of insecurities. If anything, it was born out of desire and curiosity for what else lay beyond. I think it's kind of pointless to call someone's cultural preferences a construct of some desire to "fit in." You'll never know if you're right and they'll lose a couple hours of sleep at the most if they're hypersensitive. People's tastes change, especially with the help of education and further exposure to culture.
Someone at an art museum walks in and sees a man standing in front of an enormous Rothko, absorbed by the colors. "What a poser, nobody could actually like Rothko," says the visitor, before advancing on to stand in front of a titanic Michelangelo. The security guard sees the visitor awed by the painting to the point of becoming short of breath. "Nobody could actually be that affected by that, it's just a boring Bible scene," thinks the guard, who walks into the next room to look at The Problem We All Live With by Rockwell. She cries, thinking of the hardships her mother endured as a black child growing up in the late 1950s. After work, she tells her friends about how much the painting affected her and they insult her for trying to make them feel stupid. See what I mean?

>> No.3861459

Truly because I have no friends by choice because I push people away and by nature I'am an introvert and only see relationship's as way to get what I want or need from people.
Secondly this place makes me want I read and I enjoy hearing reviews from a community's perspective.

>> No.3861462

/lit/ functions as a form of escapism from actually reading... truly, monsieur, the irony is so sharp that one could cut it with a knife.

>> No.3861468

As a young child my favorite film was Eraserhead and my favorite genre of music was classical. I was born a patrician, but had it beaten out of me by my peers and adults. I didn't have to develop the taste I have, I had to rediscover it.

>> No.3861469

What if I told you /lit/ is just a pre-pump for getting into the feelin of reading and a place for people to discuss what thu just read or argue. What if I told you it was no different than a bookclub just more vulgar.

>> No.3861470
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>> No.3861475

I come here to think about reading, therefore I don't.

>> No.3861492

i'm sure that for some people it does and in hindsight perhaps i've been too hasty in making such a blanket statement. but looking at my own life, and judging from many of the "discussions" on this board it makes me think that this is just another form of rationalization/psychological equilibrium-balancing

>> No.3861493

I read, therefore I am.

>> No.3861503

>"patrician" taste

No-one uses that word seriously here, right?

>> No.3861507

I don't think that's why, as I'm already pretty comfortable and established otherwise. Long-term relationship with plenty of sex, good family relationships, etc.

I don't read for escapism. If you meant /lit/, I've been trying to stay off it as much as possible.

>> No.3861518

Why did you come to lit in the first place?

>> No.3861525

Nope. Mine developed organically.
Plus, everyone has insecurities, and no one has all the answers. Books are an experience which I wouldn't go without for the world.

>> No.3861529

I have pleb taste, so, no.

>> No.3861578

Realization in meatspace is exactly as valuable as realization here

>> No.3861607

>s it fair to say that you (yes you) developed your "patrician" taste as a reaction to your insecurities (being fat/neckbeard/virgin/lonely), rather than having had it develop organically
No, and don't try to psychoanalyze anonymous people over the internet.

>> No.3861644

>why aren't you in the "real" world, realizing yourself?
I fear half of 4chan would be off on a killing spree if they were "realizing" theirself... so perhaps OP's advice is a bad idea

>> No.3861687

>being fat/neckbeard/virgin/lonely

to be honest, that's around 75% of the entire world population.

>> No.3861688

It is nice to see that this photo is still in circulation. And yes

>> No.3861697

Why did you say monsieur.

>> No.3861702

I just like getting trolled into responding to threads

>> No.3861711
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There's no way you're the real monsieur guy on here. But if you're going to mimic him, at least do it well.

>> No.3861715

I don't really read books because I play too many video games

and I don't give a shit about having "patrician" taste and look down on pretentious people

that said I'm able to enjoy classical literature, and I never had to force myself to enjoy it

>> No.3861749


i came here first because i had read one or two good books but because i came from a family of morons who dont read i had no one to tell me what the good books were so i came here for that first (actually i came to /book/ first but that was before there was a /lit/)

now that ive read all the books /lit/ knows about and completed an english major besides, i just come here to act stupid. if i want serious literary discussion i go to raddit because theyre much more intelligent or at least they act much more intelligent. would you believe i have had entire conversations where no one calls me a faggot? did you know you could do that?

>> No.3861755

you forgot a full-stop in your first sentence.

>> No.3861760



>> No.3861843

Not sure I'd call my taste "patrician". Actually, I'm quite sure I'd be considered a pleb by quite a few residents of /lit/. Also, I'm not aware of any insecurities.

As for why I'm here? To lurk, mostly. I like to observe. To see people express their opinions and argue anonymously about a variety of topics. Literature just happens to be the topic that stroke my fancy recently.

I'm independent and financially self-sufficient in every way in the "real" world. As long as this remains true, I reserve the right to indulge in any form of escapism I well damn please.

>> No.3861854

i am in the real world. i came to 4chan (well, i've only ever been on /lit/) when i was 23. so i already graduated college, had a job, had years of reading behind me/tastebuilding, etc.

i wouldn't say many people are going for "patrician" taste on this board so much as they just like being mean for the sake of it (which is common in young, insecure people).

>> No.3861867


you feel you have earned a life that you have the right to escape

thats really sad

>> No.3861884

To some degree but I wouldn't say its because of my insecurities. Ever since like junior year of highschool I had a continually growing reading list but hadn't read a book since middleschool. The year after I graduated I had an extremely difficult break up. Originally my escapism was watching Star Trek all day for about a month and when I ran out of episodes I read Childhood's end. After about 4 more sf novels I started cracking at my mental lit fic list.

However, I developed a patrician taste in movies and music for the most part organically.

All art is escapism

>> No.3861885

>9/10 face
>skinny, but muscular. Bodybuilding. Have a six pack.
>left high school with a 3.9 taking AP classes
>overcame my social neurosis in high school
>read because enjoy it and also enjoy writing
Fuck you, op.

>> No.3861888


Cool anonymous post on an internet forum.

I suppose the irony is lost on you.

>> No.3861897

As long as the jailors of reality aren't strong enough to keep me permanently bound, I WILL keep escaping for as long as I can get away with.

>> No.3861905

Put anything of yours here, and a hundred eyes will scan it fastidiously for the most minor of flaws and then direct the spotlight right at those blemishes for the world to see. Then the eyes will sink slowly back into the shadows, having sated their mad desires for bringing others down.

>> No.3861913


>> No.3861912

>tfw too busy writing to read

>> No.3861914


you arent in a film you should stop talking like one its weird

>> No.3861917

There is genuine escapism in literature, but it's not found in books where you actively reflect on the content and find meaningful substance to nourish/nurture your own world views on.

Masturbation literature to me is any fantasy or science fiction that is easily accesible and fun.
Those I read for escapism.

>> No.3861919

True, I do tend to get unnecessarily dramatic sometimes. Sorry, not a native English speaker.

>> No.3861936
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>> No.3861946

One of the reasons I used to read books was to hope to appear smart, and even now when I'm on the train I sometimes hope someone will see what I'm reading and comment on this. I used to think this was my arrogance, but when I read a John Green book and still hoped someone would talk to me, I realised it was because I'm lonely and attention seeking.

>> No.3861952

Sort of, yes.

I needed new sources for good literature and I returned here after 40 days and 40 nights after it was launched to get some recommendations from the wikia. I can't get myself to trust good reads and I haven't the time to read up what critics are crazing over these days. So I need to cut the bullshit and see what's good.

I'm surprised I really can read for pleasure. I thought it was just because I was interested in the books because of their plot. It's always a selling point for a child.

>> No.3862209

I'm completely a pleb, so no.

>> No.3862332

To talk about books. I have a couple other forums that end up working better for that now. I used to come to 4chan in the years 2004-2007, and one day a couple of years ago I saw /lit/ referenced somewhere, recognized the forward slashes and thought a literature board had been made. So I came to it.

>> No.3862337

I'm genuinely interested in ideas.

>> No.3862342

I guess it is my upbringing.
I have artists family and literature was always something I was encouraged to try.

>> No.3862387

I came here because I had entry-level taste in lit. As my taste slowly develops beyond /lit/'s general discussion, I come here less and less often. I don't go to /tv/ anymore because our tastes are too different now, I don't want to talk about any of the films they want to, and they don't want to talk about the ones I want to. /mu/ I still drop in for last fm 3x3's or to make a sharethread sometimes, but don't put much respect in any of their recommendations. I'm still getting through /lit/'s canon, though most of the lit I find myself interested in fall outside of it, as they should. I come to 4chan because I don't like the social climates of identity based internet communities, 4chan's anonymity provides a clarity of opinion and sense of humor I prefer, with pent up egos being safely shoveled into a few easily ignorable tripfags on every board. I utilize an internet forum with these mediums because it makes sense, they're mostly consumed through the internet and computer as well. Something like theatre I've little access to because of its physical limitations.

>> No.3862418

I've always read, and I read what I like. I often like things that give me something to chew on. As a younger man that was mostly fuel for the imagination, and then fuel for the creative passions, and then fuel for the intellectual passions, and so on. Social life is something I've engaged in and enjoyed, but I go through phases where it drains me, and I just want to be alone with a good book. I deal with people enough at work, and when spending time the family, and so on.

We all always think we would be happier if we were just doing x instead, and often fail to really internalize how honestly broken everyone doing x also is. Just because your mom told you to get out an play with the neighborhood kids doesn't mean you should internalize that as the best way to live life.