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/lit/ - Literature

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3861118 No.3861118 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ well im about to start college and i want to save money on textbooks
im thinking about downloading them but i dont know where to start?
any advice websites

i dont want physical textbooks i want them on my tablet for convinence

>> No.3861128

Nope. Go to amazon, buy used textbooks. Surround yourself with books. Remember this handy dandy catchphrase: files are for nails, not novels.

>> No.3861125

First you must prove you are not a shill.

>> No.3861281


one line in the URL



>> No.3861300

Stupid question but what is the average quality of a used book sold on amazon?

>> No.3861328

just by the indian edition from ape books

>> No.3861357

You're gonna need your books in class, so unless you have an e-reader or a laptop you can take to class with you downloaded won't do.

If you're good for downloading, for free, I don't have any ideas other than torrent sites, but your not likely to find anything that isn't especially mainstream or used regularly by lots of colleges. You can probably find e-books to buy cheaper than the paper text, though.

If you have to go with books, take some time to locate cheaper options (and don't be afraid of used, even if they're shoddy condition - if your school bookstore even buys books back at the end of your semester you'll get anywhere from 0-10% back). Don't just settle with eBay and Amazon, Google that shit. Valorebooks.com is really good. Got a used copy of a textbook I need that's normally $80 for $20 and they even rent for cheaper than selling used (dunno the length of the rental, but it's probably a semester's length).

Also some colleges have some sort of online forum or page online where students can post books they're selling.

>> No.3861361

Oh, the other thing I meant to mention (just realized you said you do have a tablet) is that while the majority of teachers are good for e-readers/tablets/laptops in class, some can still be a stickler about it. I've had several teachers say they have a no laptop rule 'cause they had too many students fapping away on Facebook during class. Then again, I go to a smaller school where the teachers pay attention. If you're in a big seminar class kinda school they probably won't give a shit.

>> No.3861362

yeah i have a kindle that i got for graduation planing on useing it as a money saver
that was actually really helpfull

id rather have more room for MY books that i enjoy
i like the smell :3

>> No.3861368

idk about you guys, but i usually wait 2 weeks after the start of the semester to see if my prof. is serious about using the book. Often times, I rarely had to use one and when I did I usually shared with a classmate.

>> No.3861367

All schools are different and everyone's experience is different, but I will say this: I took a box and a half of books (not even all of them, just my favorites and some nonfiction I thought might be good sources for open essays) and I touched maybe one of them. I was too busy with my own homework, extracurricular stuff and just fucking relaxing when I wasn't in class or working. Just food for thought (this was freshman experience, realizing I didn't need so many books).

>> No.3861377

well i kinda expected that but the main point here is saveing money and since i will have to use the bus not haveing to carry so much or forgeting them
and well im the type that buys books over a certain period and reads as much as i can after like 3 or more months and one or two smaller books in between
im just poor with a bad back....

>> No.3861387

You'll discover your own best ways of saving money, I can tell you that. Sorry I couldn't suggest better options for downloading free copies (they're just not something pirates go for when there are movies and games people want).

That's for textbooks though. Are you going into English? First couple years of college you're gonna have general-ed bullshit classes, but any lit classes you have will probably be all classics. THOSE you can get for free for easy.

>> No.3861422

acctually engineering but who knows lots of people change but ill probobly stay in stem

well hopefully the pirates see that this is what people need sometimes books are so damn expensive and i think im going to starve before i graduate ....oh god the debt

and yeah im sure i have all/most the classics somewhere

>> No.3861433

>work your ass off at a cheap community college
>get 4.0
>get into fancy liberal arts school with high GPA
>walk out with B.A. from fancy school and half the debt
>employers only look at your B.A.

>> No.3861436

Actually, probably not as good a plan for Engineering as Humanities. Sorry, had a few beers.

>> No.3861467

i am in community to save money
the one im going to has lots of help for transfering
im pinching pennies
well any protips on how to save money and have a decent social life?

>> No.3861519

Sorry for hijacking your thread OP but,
is it worth going to school for Journalism?

I mean the end goal for me is to be a fiction writer, but I feel journalism is a good start. Also didn't hemmingway start as a journalist? Did he go to school?

>> No.3861899

There might be a chance of you finding a textbook on /sci/'s site. https://sites.google.com/site/scienceandmathguide/ The said, there's such a diverse range of Science textbooks out there that it's probably unlikely.