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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-every-man-is-born-as-many-men-and-dies-as-a-single-one-martin-heidegger-82252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3859271 No.3859271 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys, femanon here.
So I'm a total newbie in philosophy, and I need your help. Yesterday I was reading some philosophers quotes and I came across some guy called Heidegger. He wrote a book called being and time. The point is that I have been trying to read it, but wtf, overall the book seems pointless dificult. Plus the book is not inspirational at all, so I wonder if he's a good philosopher.
So what are your thoughts on old Martin? Also philosophy general I guess

>> No.3859280

Remember that Heidegger is maybe the big basis for what we know as Contemporary Philosophy which made way for eventually Derrida and Foucault etc...
He is pretty HUGE. If you had a specific idea of his that was dfsjfgbigburg to you definitely share.

>> No.3859282

>femanon here

That was quite unnecessary. You'd be best to read Otto Weininger's Sex and Character due to that announcement.

>> No.3859281

why did you have to point out specifically that you were a girl?

>> No.3859289

You are terrible, useless and should probably leave this board for the good of mankind.

Come back when you have read every single philosopher Heidegger was influenced by.

>> No.3859285

There is a different language when it comes to philosophy. It's filled with various terminology that references other philosophical ideas that you need to become accustom to. If they didn't use this language they would be essentially starting from scratch, and they understandably refuse to baby the reader by doing so.
Philosophy is not something that must be inspirational to be good. It must be logical. Philosophy is often gritty and places all aspects of life under a magnifying glass. If you're just looking for inspirational quotes, go read John Green or something.

>> No.3859291

She wanted to get more replies, and sadly it appears to be working.

>> No.3859292

Unwarranted elitism at its finest.

>> No.3859293

>Hey guys, femanon here
>I was reading some philosophers quotes
>the book is not inspirational at all, so I wonder if he's a good philosopher

Go read some Coelho you vapid cunt.

>> No.3859325

Well I don't understand, What's the point of philosophy if it is not going to inspire you? I belive that is what philosophers should aim for: Give people something to belive in. Don't we have science to be logical?.

Fuck off, if you don't like this board you can leave.

>> No.3859327
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Bumping with philosophy

>> No.3859338

> Don't we have science to be logical?

Science is an investigation of the world. It attempts to discover the workings of the phenomena it studies. If this is what you mean by logical, yes. otherwise no.

>> No.3859341

>Hey guys, femanon here.

Sage goes in all fields

>> No.3859344
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>What's the point of philosophy if it is not going to inspire you? I belive that is what philosophers should aim for: Give people something to belive in. Don't we have science to be logical?
Should I laugh or cry or perform both simultaneously?

>> No.3859345

A woman annnnd a retard? That's two things.

>> No.3859351

Philosophy is there to stop us from having stupid opinions. You clearly have not read enough philosophy.

>> No.3859356

>Philosophy is there to stop us from having stupid opinions.

Not necessarily...

>> No.3859358

Read Kierkegaard if you want to be inspired OP. The Sickness Unto Death.

>> No.3859360

No, that's one. They're the same thing. xD

>> No.3859365

>the book doesn't keep my pea sized attention span entertained
>must be a bad philosopher
God, I hate you.

>> No.3859372

>bumping with philosophy
>Well I don't understand, What's the point of philosophy if it is not going to inspire you? I belive that is what philosophers should aim for: Give people something to belive in. Don't we have science to be logical?
>Fuck off, if you don't like this board you can leave.
Please guise this is troll. This is not a female and if it is she is acting stupid on purpose for her sadistic pleasure pls gooby don't reply to this shitty troll thread.

>> No.3859397

What do you mean with phenomena? So philosophy is pretty much useless, why overcomplicate it then...
There is no need to be a meanie. If you want to have a discusion, then bring up some points. You all are true philosophy readers
>Sage goes in all fields
> sage is only on email field
Lurk moar, bro

>> No.3859400


I advise you start with the Greeks, especially Plato and Aristotle, then progress to the Scholastics (probably Anselm and Aquinas to start with) if you want edification and the meaning of life, while still having a defensible and rigorous position.

More contemporary traditions resemble an elaborate and complex demolition- interesting to look at and study, but not something you'd want to really live in the middle of.

>> No.3859409

Thanks bro, i'll do it

>> No.3859413

> People actually bumping this thread

Worst thing is, I don't think this is a troll

>> No.3859415

What the fuck does your gender have to do with it? Go away.

>> No.3859429

I graduated in phil. Heidegger is indeed very nuanced and difficult, and frankly impossible to understand or appreciate if you don't have a healthy background in philosophy prior to taking his works up. Starting with Heidegger is like starting your car then shifting into fifth. Start with Plato, work your way up. The Existentialists are relatively accessible as well, despite the fact Heidegger is often clumped with them.

>Well I don't understand, What's the point of philosophy if it is not going to inspire you? I belive that is what philosophers should aim for: Give people something to belive in. Don't we have science to be logical?.
Science is a type of philosophy. Logic, depending who you ask, is a type of philosophy as well, applied in almost every field, including most of philosophy.

>> No.3859440

I am not a troll, stop trying to derail this thread with your shitposting. You guys need to learn to listen to all the opinions if you want to make good philosophy. Anyways, any comments on heidegger are still welcome, I'm still interested on him

>> No.3859442

>So philosophy is pretty much useless
as is art, religion and to an extent math

>> No.3859470

> he wrote a book called being and time

It's actually called Being on Time.

Bad translations over the years have instilled a common misconception that the seminal work is titled Being and Time (whatever that means) but this is false.

You need to be a german to really understand the work. It's all about organization and a willingness to work according to the German national schedule or "zeitgeist" as they call it.. Heidegger argues that its very important for DASEIN (which means human being in german) to be punctual and hardworking. You'll constantly see him referencing hammers and peasants who have good work ethic.

It's a little more complicated and subtle than that but you can see why it appealed to the Nazis so much.

Hope this helps.

>> No.3859475

Well thanks a lot! I should read my dad's Introduction to philosophy, I remember copying many things from the last chapters and posting the text on facebook, that made me look so smart! I always found that book boring, whenever I look at it I just start yawning, I cant help it! But I guess I'm needing it, so...
Btww my dad is also a philosophy phd, he teaches here in a massachusetts university

>> No.3859477

>hey guys femanon here

anyone who didnt sage or ignore this thread needs to leave /lit/

>> No.3859478


>> No.3859480


quality b8 m8

>> No.3859483
File: 239 KB, 800x600, 1366171655696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this whole thread isn't a ruse created by some misogynist projecting his shortcomings on to an imaginary female subject to justify the anti-feminism Fox News and /pol/ have inculcated into him

Go home y'all, this thread is closed.

>> No.3859487


>> No.3859493

Alright, serious reply here.

Don't listen to anyone else. Read a bit of Kierkegaard and read The Tao Te Ching and the Book of Tea.

When you're comfortable with those, don't read Being and Time but read some lectures of Heidegger or a good anthology like Selected Writings of Heidi.

Heidegger loved the Taoists. He said that Lao Tzu had said everything he was trying to say in philosophy and he borrowed the term "being in the world" directly from a german translation of The Book of Tea.

Heidegger took Aristotle and Kierkegaard and found a way to extrapolate Taoism out of them.

>> No.3859550

So, Heidegger isn't really the easiest folk to start with... You should better start with Sartre, who was an existentialist like Heidegger but unlike the germanbro he wrote some novels. If you want some christian rambling read Kierkegaard, but he is whiny as fuck and tries to force you into Religion.
Besides, if you don't know what words like ontology, metaphisics, teleology, gnoseology etc. mean you should start from the Greeks; Socrates, the pedomaster and his loli Plato, whose loli was Aristoteles. From there you can skip the whole nasty christian medieval shit and crash into the 17th century with the rationalists Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz. Next step is the british empirism with Locke and Hobbes.
And now you can try to master the german masterminds: Kant, Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Marx, Wittgenstein.
This should take you some time

You're welcome

>> No.3859560

That is a nice strawman OP.
Girls suck, amirite? heheh

>> No.3859588
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>Hey guys, femanon here.
>So I'm a total newbie in philosophy

10/10 made my week.

>> No.3859614

>make good philosophy

>> No.3859721

Philosophy is not linear. Thus Heidegger is not a linear thinker either.

Furthermore philosophy isn't fully unified. Heidegger's views of the world could be seen as very opinionated to some and very objective by others. Either way, his work is not the cornerstone of philosophy or the key behind philosophy.

He gets a lot of things wrong about the world. Like when he tries to say we should trascend the subject to object relationship what he means is we have to get beyond language. However this is innately impossible as no one is argueing that we need to get beyond language to comprehend things. He fails in understanding linguistics to a certain degree and I wouldn't personally recommend him to anyone. But then again that is just my opinion.

>> No.3859722

Please be in London

>> No.3859723

Expert trollosopher 10/10

>> No.3859730

also I highly doubt you will get an intelligible commentary from anyone here. Have you noticed how few people actually read everything then think about what they wrote and then respond?

Very few do that here, they are just shit posters the lot of them. I wouldn't ask /b/ what heidegger is, bad idea.

>> No.3859735

and the audience you have here is so close to /b/ in intellect that I don't think they are all that bright. They just post comment then laugh then do something else, trying to take their life seriously would be a major accomplishment for them. Don't pressure them to do that.

>> No.3859760

>I'm being eloquent because you said you were female. I'm so nice and smart! I can't think of anything, except everyone else is dumb. Look at me!

>> No.3859769

>quit trolling. This isn't /b/. And also how do I know it's not a 40 year old neckbeard virgin? How can you discertain who is truly behind the screen without physically concrete evidence?

>> No.3859790

I don't think you have a mentality that's ready for him yet OP. Philosophy is mankind's quest of understanding all things in the universe whether or not they like what they hear, it's not meant to be a source of inspiration. If I were you I wouldn't worry about it at this moment in your life, but when you find yourself skeptical and alienated and in need of questions without answers then come back to philosophy.

>> No.3859808

"In having a mood, Dasein is always disclosed moodwise as that entity to which it has been delivered over to the Being which, in existing, it has to be. 'To be disclosed' does not mean 'to be known as this sort of thing'. And even in the most indifferent and inoffensive everydayness the Being of Dasein can burst forth as a naked 'that it is and has to be'. The pure 'that it is' shows itself, but the 'whence' and the 'whither' remain in darkness. The fact that it is just as everyday a matter for Dasein not to 'give in' to such moods--in other words, not to follow up their disclosure and allow itself to be brought before that which is disclosed--is no evidence against the phenomenological facts of the case, in which the Being of the 'there' is disclosed moodwise in its 'that-it-is'; it is rather evidence for it..."

>> No.3859826

someones jimmies have been rustled woosh here that breeze? that is the jimmies being rustled across the universe.

>> No.3860056

how do you guys not realize that OP is a rusemaster

>> No.3860060

how do you guys not realize that OP is a rusemaster
everything he/she is saying is designed to make you guys angry

>> No.3860072
File: 195 KB, 960x718, 1355775975054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit are there more of these

anyway anyone who's been here long enough to use "femanon" isn't going to use "Hey guys, femanon here" in the OP
or is pretty dumb and I really don't care about her anyway
OP is exploring his feminine ego thru trolling for dose defense mechanisms (I'm not a fag, I was only pretending... etc)

"Today is a gift... that's why it's called the present! :-)" —Martin Heidegger

>> No.3860075


>> No.3860102

It's not the board we don't like, it's people that think they can just dive right into the works of people like Heidegger and Nietzsche without any basic understanding of the people who preceded them.

Also, obvious troll is obvious.

>> No.3860151

>That fucking quote
I'd answer this
>Sometimes people don't want to hear your babbling because they don't want to waste time

>> No.3862442

The English translation is unbelievably difficult.

>> No.3862446

And you can't just post something from Being and Time out of context to people, who haven't read the preceding chapters, and expect them to understand anything.

>> No.3862455

> be femanon
> reading old philosophers
> horrible sexist comments
> into the trash it goes

This has happened with Hume, Schopenhauer, and a few others.

also i decided to use my trip for this thread since it was made for attention whoring.

>> No.3862492

>Hey guys, femanon here.
naw fuck off you cunt. get ur tits out you bitch

>> No.3862499

>getting rused this hard

>> No.3862503
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>some bad ideas
>disregard entire authorship

Top lel.

>> No.3862510

I didn't say there ideas are wrong, I'm just not going to waste my time reading their bullshit. Modern analytical philosophy has made them obsolete anyway.

>> No.3862515

Holy shit I've only read the OP in this thread but I've already had enough, just leave.

>> No.3862559
File: 86 KB, 337x332, 1311891537282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is pretty funny.

/lit/ most days
> tfw no gf
> how do you guys find a cute girl who reads?
300 replies guaranteed

suddenly a girl appears!
> how into philosophy? i want to read!

my sides. /lit/s virginity is as easy to spot as /pol/'s mullet

>> No.3862586
File: 246 KB, 639x472, laughing looney toons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Today is a gift... that's why it's called the present! :-)" —Martin Heidegger