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3854135 No.3854135 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw nihilism renders books trivial and pointless

gah dam it!

>> No.3854139

>tfw nihilism makes the trains run on time

>> No.3854157

how did Nietzsche overcome nihilism?

>inb4 "Just do it"

>> No.3854167

But nihilism also renders angst and self-pity meaningless.

>> No.3854181
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Nihilism renders life meaningless, valueless, and purposeless. Not only books but life in itself. That is why nihilism is an impossibility if taken to its truest, deepest action in a person's life.

Meaning, value and purpose is only attained in a higher level where moral absolutes have objective meaning.

Not by chance nihilism is discarded as one grows up mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.

>> No.3854187

You got to go on a journey.

>> No.3854189

We got nihilism.

Has anyone done nullism?

>> No.3854195

>purpose is only attained in a higher level where moral absolutes have objective meaning.

No it isn't. Because it isn't my meaning, it is just "the Others" meaning.

An objective moral value (whatever that incoherent idiocy even means) is pointless to me because it isn't mine.

Nihilism renders objectivity pointless too. Why should I care? I shouldn't, and I don't.

>> No.3854221

why did you make this thread?
you're no better than a babby who cries when his mother is taken away; she probably was after she dropped you on your head for the tenth time

>> No.3854229


I've never really agreed with this, although I'm still fairly young. I think it's just easier to say that some people need meaning to live, others don't.

>> No.3854232

>why did you make this thread?

>implying free-will.

hahaha oh boy

>> No.3854236

>tfw nihilism renders nihilism trivial and pointless

oh yeah

>> No.3854237

Anyway it's not nihilism that makes life purposeless. It's life that in it's meaninglessness brings forth nihilism.
Nihilism is inescapable, thinking that you can escape nihilism with an act of will is the same as thinking that you can change reality with your thought.

>> No.3854239

Nihilism occupies the looking-glass.

>> No.3854243


Not everything circles around your own bellybutton, kiddo.

Sorry to break the news like this, but it is true. One day you'll come up with a strong urge to say "this is not right" but you won't be able to do it because it is all relative... and it will be painful, because it will be your young sister being buggered in the ass by a perv, or your country being oppressed by a dictator, or your dad fucking another man.

>> No.3854245

>>Being this naive.

>> No.3854253

>blaming your worthlessness on determinism
retraction: you're a useless, prematurely aged man who complains for the sake of complaining
end yourself

>> No.3854254

>"this is not right"

Not Right To whom?

To you? Why would I care?
To The Nation? Why would I care?
To Humanity? Why would I care?
To Religion X? Why would I care
To Nature? Why would I care?
To God? Why would I care?

To me? That is when I would care!!!

>> No.3854255

nihilism only addresses ultimate utility. proximate utility still obtains. eating may be an ultimately meaningless act, but proximately, it fills the belly.

>> No.3854259

>because it will be your young sister being buggered in the ass by a perv, or your country being oppressed by a dictator, or your dad fucking another man.

Those could literally all be "objectively moral and good", yet, why would I care?

They are bad to me, and that is all that matters.

>> No.3854261

Assuming we are not pact animals, nihilism works.

>> No.3854262

Men don't need meaning to live as long as they can keep their erections up.
After that when you hit 40 and your life is a 70 hours work week and you start to go balding and your belly covers your cock and no one cares about you, nor finds you interesting, or sexy and you have not amounted in your life to anything and all you have to do is to wait and die, meaning becomes kinda important.

>> No.3854265

It's like nobody ITT read anything on Existentialism

>> No.3854267

>It's like nobody ITT read anything on Existentialism

>implying existentialism provides answers or is useful at all

its like you've never actually read any of it.

>> No.3854269

How is it naive?
I find that thinking of nihilism as a question of personal ethics and not ontological is naive.

>> No.3854278

Thinking of everything is not naive.

>> No.3854280

>implying existentialism provides answers or is useful at all
I hope you're at least trying to be ironic

>> No.3854299

nobody in this thread seems to grasp Zen really well either.

"The Zen of Nihilism and Existentialism" got to get to work on that...

>> No.3854324

But what does Zen have to do with nihilism?
Nihilism is not the fact that you feel bad and depressed. Nihilism is that there is no teleology in nature. How you feel about it is irrelevant.

>> No.3854334


even a teleology in nature wouldn't be a teleology if it wasn't a teleology for the subject as well.

>> No.3854346

I agree.

>> No.3854385

"nihilism" is a word I put into my galvanized pressure cooker, Vrooom! It's gone!

You have to admit that "there is no teleology in nature" is pretty Zen, Inviting one to observe things and absorb them as they are, without searching out causes and effects and personal or holistic relevance. Being within the instant of existence, uncaring whether it is the first or the last, or only another link in an infinity of links.

>> No.3854389


You're not a nihilist, you're just a troll.

>> No.3854407

The troll is the opposite of a nihilist.

>> No.3854418

a Zen troll however, might manifest the aspect of a nihilist in order to draw the contrast of the nihilists own inner contradictions into sharp relief.

>> No.3854420

Yeah but that's why I don't see why zen is an alternative to nihilism. It's a way of coping to it in the same way that religious revival and self-medication have been.

I understand, thanks to Heidegger, that one of the marks of nihilism is cancelling itself. Similarly to how some are so alienated that don't even realize their alienation.

But still...thinking that the whole nihilism is about being an edgy teenager and saying "nothing matter, muh depression" is reductive of the importance of this event and situation.

>> No.3854422

you got me

>> No.3854426

Zen isn't an alternative, it's a complement. It reinforces and validates the nihilistic ideas.

"There is no meaning, There is no purpose, No consequence is of consequence, No outcome preferable to any other. And these things are excellent, and all is beauty."

>> No.3854428

Yeah I agree. I understand better what you meant, thank you.

>> No.3854438

There is no dovetailing. Back off.

>> No.3854442

No trouble. As Herakles said to the blacksmith: "Your hammer is a tool in your hands, my strength is a tool in mine, but we are both of us tools of destiny and destiny is blind."

>> No.3854445

no dovetailing is implied. or necessary. implications are a trap of meaning.

>> No.3854449

>but we are both of us tools of destiny and destiny is blind
And then they fucked. What a pick up line.

>> No.3854456

now you're starting to see it. Read some li po and some Omar, and call me in the morning,

>> No.3854463

>tfw you can finally stop reading things out of a sense of obligation but only read what you want to

Good feel.

>> No.3854469

He didn't, he went mad and was a plant for ten years until he became a multiple stroke victim and checked out.

>> No.3854491

>how did Nietzsche overcome nihilism?
he wrote books telling other people to overcome nihilism

>> No.3854493
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>>skipping his dementia, which perhaps was there ever since he was writing all his edgy teenage nonsense
>>top lel

>> No.3854512

>edgy teenage nonsense

pick one.

>> No.3854590
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>shitting on a great man just to get some reactions

>> No.3855004

This is my view on nihilism. Nietzsche thought the only way to overcome nihilism was doing the best of us. But I think having to do the best of mine is being an slave of myself.
>If I have to work hardly everyday because I'm afraid of failing, I'm being a slave. Only If I enjoyed my work, or If I can live happily I should be living. A chinese who works 15 hours a day to mantain himself is not a untermench, is a slave of himself


>> No.3855043 [DELETED] 

>li po
>it's li bo

>> No.3855046

>li po
It's Li Bai

>> No.3855060

>not having a fetish about fecal matter over famous people

>> No.3855130


>> No.3855147

What if you just genuinely enjoy all of the meaningless aspects of life?

If nihilism makes everything meaningless it just means you think you're too good for this meaningless world. It makes you look like a dick.

Enjoy a fucking ice cream or something. It's selfish but at least you aren't acting like you have attained some higher level of being.

>> No.3855331


you're welcome

of course, tylenol isn't enough for me, but abusing prescription pain killers does the trick quite nicely

>> No.3855365

No matter how much you deny it. Deep in your heart you know it's true.

Fear of the truth, no matter how painful or humiliating, is a letzte mensch trait.

>> No.3855369


Enjoyment is not the point. I kinda like angsty nihilists. Since nihilism isn't true, it shows that they can still sense something's wrong on a more fundamental level than pleasure/pain. Much worse to be a numb nihilist.

>> No.3855375

>Valuelessness is a value in itself.

Like saying have 0 dollars is having a dollar in itself.

English isn't ur forte

>> No.3855374

Nihilism is silly. Valuelessness is a value in itself.

>> No.3855377

And insight isn't yours.

>> No.3855394

>You have to admit that "there is no teleology in nature" is pretty Zen, and absorb them as they are, without searching out causes and effects and personal or holistic relevance. Being within the instant of existence, uncaring whether it is the first or the last, or only another link in an infinity of links.

But to have formal, final, material and efficient cause is constitutive of everything. To neglect the lot is not to observe at all. Nihilism is for people who don't get enough Aristotle in their philosophical diet.

>> No.3855433


>> No.3855438
File: 202 KB, 450x635, evolves from fichte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to admit that "there is no teleology in nature"

Nature is itself a progressive unfolding teleology.

>> No.3855537


Oh I am sorry, did I ravaged your golden calf with the petal of a rose? Me bad.

>> No.3856247


>> No.3856264

It's all Maya, basically. The trap of the world. And also of the flesh, in that the mind is also a thing of flesh, an aspect of itself that it manifests like the aspect of a waterfall is manifestation of stone and water and light and time.

There's nothing wrong with searching for meaning, anymore than there's anything wrong with collecting butterflies, but don't let it make you angsty and depressed because you'll never get them all. You're trying to carry home the waterfall.

>> No.3856318

There are no real living nihilists. Even so called "nihilists" eat when they are hungry.

>> No.3856327
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>being this sociopathic
you belong in a garbage can

>> No.3856328

>hurpa durpa, no atheasts in teh fox hole!!!!!

>> No.3856332
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captcha: faeces onamat

>> No.3856335

>There's nothing wrong with searching for meaning, anymore than there's anything wrong with collecting butterflies, but don't let it make you angsty and depressed because you'll never get them all. You're trying to carry home the waterfall.
Well.. this is kinda beautiful

>> No.3856338

Seriously though, a real nihilist would kill himself. If you live life just for the brief moments of pleasure you're a hedonist.

>> No.3856359

nihilism is fucking poison for the mind. It closes off your thoughts to other possibilities.

>> No.3856367


Basically, in a nutshell. But we all need when we're teenagers something to grab onto and channel all that angst.

The dangerous thing is when maturing never happens and people stay there, stranded for ever.

>> No.3856391

Stop using the 'nihilist teen' argument, you dunce. It shows your ignorance

>> No.3856395


Oh son, au contraire, if you would chat among intellectual circles (and by that I mean philosophy professors at prestigious universities) you would know with how much contempt nihilism is seen.

It is, basically, giving up on the search for truth.

>> No.3856404

It's not that teens are the only ones into nihilism, it's that they're the ones who miss the point of it, focusing on the negative, pessimistic meaningless concept and not realizing how positive, validating and life-affirming it can be. Basically, if you look up at the cold, indifferent stars, in their trillions, and contemplate the vast and endless stretches of time before and after you, and realize how small and meaningless and insignificant your role and the role of any human being is in it all, and this realization doesn't put a spring into your step and a song into your heart, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.3856410

No, because we are all a testament to it's truth. We grew out of it and so will you. I thought the same thing when I saw people using the arguement a few years ago.

>> No.3856412

nietzsche has nothing to do with nihlism let alone suffering from it lol

>> No.3856471

So if college professors don't like you shouldn't like it either?

>and realize how small and meaningless and insignificant your role and the role of any human being is in it all
There you go

This doesn't prove anything either

>> No.3856475


We don't dislike it. We just consider it, well, too basic.

>> No.3856723
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captcha: onliti secure

>> No.3857301

There's no reason to assume that a lack of beliefs lead to the preference of one act over the other.

>> No.3857341

You didn't grow out of it. You just stopped thinking of it. You don't "grow out" of an ontological situation. You don't out think it. At best you stop thinking about it.

That is why >>3856395 does not understand the deep meaning of Nietzsche's statement that the search for truth has it's root in an original Lie. Basically what he says is that those professors decide to disregard the status of things so that they can keep their jobs or their moral high-ground or narcissism (like the fact that scientists today don't want to realize that they are basically exalted engineers and not seekers of truth).

>> No.3857350
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Nihilism is just fine when you stop mourning the godhead and such.

>> No.3857353

I don't think that you can do much with aristotelian causes unless you presuppose like aristotle an original nous.

>> No.3857361

Meh, it's not like you are coming with up with anything better or more sophisticated.
I mean most moral realist theories border on retardation when they are not just "we still should try hard to reason out morals!"

>> No.3857378

>if you would chat among intellectual circles (and by that I mean philosophy professors at prestigious universities) you would know with how much contempt nihilism is seen.

Probably like a buzz cut is seen at the annual hair dresser's convention. The people live of sophisms, they can't accept nihilism. Their lawn furniture is at stake.

>> No.3857401



>> No.3858469


You can't think of much of anything without a nous.

>> No.3858473

yeah whats that old expression "it's hard to make a man understand something that his livelihood depends on him not understanding" who said that shit was it nietzche no i dont think so cant remember tho

>> No.3858483


The world is real and things, insofar as they have being, have meaning. But that goes for human beings too. To fail to apprehend that final cause when you should be pursuing it is to be cut off from the possibility of achieving it.

Of course there's nothing wrong with searching for meaning, but I should say that there's something quite wrong/disordered about not doing so.

The zen approach just seems like so much lotus-eating nonsense to me.

>> No.3858739

i grant it's hard to see past the New Age hype, but it' is a search for meaning in a sense. It's a search for understanding and acceptance of things as they are. Its an avoidance of artificial and merely perceived causes and patterns and rules. The need to pursue a final cause, or an ultimate anything, is outside zen. It's a pathway, as opposed to a method of resolving problems. That said, the idea that there's an ultimate and final cause you can eventually find, or that there is an underlying harmony in nature that you can access and become part of or whatever, is pretty much seen as nonsense. Shapes on the wall of a cave, cast by the light of the world and interpreted by desire. Maya, in other words.

>> No.3859106


The zen approach, it seems to me, is just to give up. It doesn't help to see through the shadows, but merely attempts not to care whether there's anything behind them at all.

Like I said, it's the philosophical equivalent of lotus-eating (as in, the tribe from the Odyssey), or taking a mental tranquilizer. Zen is a philosophy of epistemic and metaphysical despair which just seems wholly unwarranted.

The result is that one is turned into merely the shadow of a man, too smug and self-satisfied to try to be anything more than a shadow and to actually fulfill the intrinsic ends of his human nature. The tendency to disguise this kind of despair and dullness of the soul as enlightenment is what disgusts me about much Eastern philosophy.

Of course, the main thing is that it's ultimately self-refuting. There's a very particular and unjustified metaphysical system that underlies this despair, which on Zen itself one has no reason to accept.

>> No.3859114

You totally misunderstand Zen. It's about never giving up. It's about the unending path toward the ever receding goal, as much as it is about passively awaiting it is also about striving. Because to walk away is to approach, and to submit is to command.

Smugness is not permitted, despair is dealt with and dullness is seen as a challenge.

It is an acceptance not of one path, but of all paths, and a rejection of despair. The epistems, the metaphysical systems are cobwebs in the wind, erased erased and rebuilt like melitng snowflakes, each as unique, and as indistinguishable from one another, as individual fingerprints.

If you see despair, dullness, smugness and self-sastisfaction in Zen, then you are not looking at it. These things are as much maya as the belief that zen tries to remove complexity or capture the harmonies of nature. You can learn more about zen by studying chemistry or chaos theory.

How did you arrive at such distorted concepts?

>> No.3859118

Nietzsche wanted you to be nihilistic so you could become an Übermensch, not a cynical pussy.

>> No.3859125


Real übermensch suck cock.

>> No.3859152

Let's become übermenschen together.

>> No.3859214


It's hard to see how it's about anything other than giving up. To admit that there is a goal at all rather than incoherent chaos is to take the view that there is an intelligible end to human existence, but the way that one understands that end is precisely by the whole web of metaphysics that Zen seeks to reject.

I see despair and dullness in Zen in its low view of the intellect. I don't mean that it despairs in the sense of negative emotion. Indeed, precisely insofar as it extinguishes that emotion does it embrace a deeper defect. It is an intellectual despair in the sense that it is fundamentally pessimistic about the possibilities of the intellect to achieve its intrinsic end, ie, to arrive at truth.

The broadmindedness that comes from carelessness with the truth (since all truth-claims are maya) is a form of what I call dullness- there is no sharpening of the mind and soul toward an end, only endless meaningless intellectual flux. To settle for such a base system when there are superior philosophies is the self-satisfaction born of the despair I talked about earlier.

I don't think my impression is too horribly distorted. The basic anti-metaphysical premise of the philosophy dooms it from the outset.

>> No.3859237
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>I'm a nihilist
>I refuse to enjoy anything because that would be unnihilistic and nihilists are cool and deep
Realizing nothing matters and everything is pointless actually makes it easier to enjoy things.

>> No.3859241

False equivalence.

>> No.3859249

If you are really a nihilist you'll go bang a bunch of smack and leave the rest of us to reality.

Thanks in advance.

>> No.3859265

But you're basically saying that optimism is pessimistic, complacent awareness is denial.

The idea that there is no final truth, that is universally valid and cotradicts all others doesn't deny the turths "along the path" their contextual validity, or the different "webs" of metaphysical and epistemological rationales there vlaidity either. It just doesn't play favorites. And remember that while maya is illusion, it is still real: just not what it has been inferred to represent, or to imply.

The idea that there are many, perhaps an infinite number of intelligble ends to human existence does not imply that all are equal, or all valid, or desireable. Nor that anyone is not. Also, it does not seek to deny the patterns that shape chaos; merely that chaos, with a pattern, is still chaos.

Telling truth from falsehood, or the real from illusion, requires sharpness of the senses, agility oif the intellect, and a quiet mind. When there are many truths it is no easier to discern their differences from the many falsehoods than when there is one.

remember that despair is forbidden, self-satisfaction is mortified and pessimism is rigorously avoided in even the simplest forms of zen. If nothing else, they are traps of the world, and symptoms of the unquiet mind.

and the idea that an unfinished and incomplete intellect must always fall short is no more a deterent to the struggle within the self for awareness than the fact that a man can never run faster than a cheetah means he need not run at all. The attainment of any ideal is futile, but the rising and advancing toward it, the aspiring to imitate it's characterisitics, this is human nature, and human destiny, though the goal must always recede. This is not negation: it is affirmation. And Nietzsche could have told you that (and did).

>> No.3859276

If you enjoy something you describe some kind of value to it.

Then you're not a nihilist.

Humans can't be nihilistic.

>> No.3859286

That's wonderful, because that wasn't my intention.
But you're also wrong, because the subjective value you're placing onto an object or activity is not objective and therefore, still meaningless.

>> No.3859317

I think you may be confusing "Meaninglessness" with "Irrelevance"

>> No.3859353


>The idea that there is no final truth, that is universally valid and cotradicts all others

Is self-contradictory, and therefore a poor foundation upon which to deny any other competing philosophy, much less toss them the crumbs of "contextual" validity.

>The idea that there are many, perhaps an infinite number of intelligble ends to human existence does not imply that all are equal, or all valid, or desireable. Nor that anyone is not.

Of course it does, if one doesn't understand human nature one has no basis for distinguishing these ends from each other. To understand human nature is to understand that the range of intelligible ends for human beings is limited (and thus given being and definition). But that's metaphysics, and requires the tools of metaphysics to understand. To despair of metaphysics is to lose any hope of understanding the good for human beings.

Now, I agree that the ends one understands as inherent in human nature may not be achieved in this life, and that one ought to strive for them nevertheless. But it seems to me that in understanding human nature as such, one must abandon the premise of despair in the possibility of metaphysics, and therefore abandon Zen (as is right and proper).

I'm not sure that Nietzsche had much to say on human purpose. That which he "affirmed" was, as far as I can tell, striving for striving's sake, which is a crude account of human nature by any measure- man has more definite ends than that.

>> No.3859399

As far as i can tell we agree on most things, i never said that the infinity of human ends needed to be an uncircumscribed infinity, and the tools of metaphysics are no more rejeceted (or despaired of) than any tool.

you still seem to think that zen is somehow involved with despair, which i keep saying it avoids, negates and otherwise eschews and discourages (running out of synonyms). We also agree that manking has many more ends than simply striving toward an unachievable ideal, perhaps an infinite (though perhaps a circumscribed infinite) number,

I'm not sure why you think the idea that a single universal truth is necessary for a non despair-inducing metaphysics, or why you seem to want to through despair and surrender into the idea of zen. Perhaps you misunderstand the doctirne of acceptance?

>> No.3859446


>I'm not sure why you think the idea that a single universal truth is necessary for a non despair-inducing metaphysics, or why you seem to want to through despair and surrender into the idea of zen.

The rejection of truth is not a cause of despair, but its product. If there is a truth at all, then it cannot fail to be singular (as in, there cannot be alternate truths that entail its negation) and universal. To believe that we cannot attain even some of these truths is despair- such despair is not to be emotionally disturbed (at least, not necessarily), but is rather an unwarranted lack of faith in our ability to understand the world.

I don't doubt that zen discourages the shallow emotional despair that people may experience sometimes as angst. But I would argue that it seems to replace this despair with the sort I describe above.

>> No.3859479

I think i see the problem. There is no need to reject truth, if it becomes evident, or if the path you have followed arrives at your destination and you discover that there are other paths also leading there, there is no need to depai of having found the "true" one. Nor if you find your path leads otheres to different destinations or fails to lead them there, should you reject it either.

and the attainment of one truth does not have to negate others, though it may if that's how you want to look at it. and to realize you may never reach, or may never entirely arrive at, any particular answer, or comprehend (in the literal sense) the entirety of a single truth, alos isn;t a cause for despair: just because you have not stood on top of the mountain does not mean that the mountain is unclimable, or unclimbed. And being at only one side of a stream does not negate the possiblity that you are on the right side.