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/lit/ - Literature

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3852924 No.3852924 [Reply] [Original]

I am creating a world inhabited solely by women. Men do exist, but live in the underground as pariahs, solely used for maintaining the hydraulic machinery sustaining the world on the surface and for farming sperm for insemination purposes.

How does that world look like, c/lit/s? How is their inhabitants' day to day life? What do they do for entertainment? Where do they gather? What do they believe in?

Do your best.

>> No.3852938

Dildos sales break records each year

>> No.3852954


But dildos would be representations of the male phallus, which is frowned upon.

So, dildos cannot be the sex toy authorized by the Female Council. Tribadism reigns supreme.

>> No.3852958

>But dildos would be representations of the male phallus, which is frowned upon.
Wouldn't that apply to everything erect then?
Wouldn't it make more sense if the women's advanced society was subterranean instead?

>> No.3852957


>> No.3852962

all the cars look even more like fat women than they already do.

and they're japanese.

>> No.3852971


That is a good point. How would that impact pencils, sausages, bananas, etc.?

>> No.3852978

ITT: OP manifests his weird repressed femdom fetish that he's in denial of into a misogynist story.

>> No.3852980

that world probably looks a lot like /lit/

>> No.3852986

Or a lot of technology - rockets, automobiles, anything that uses pistons, pipes, pedals etc

>> No.3852996

Herland (1915), Charlotte Perkins Gilman.

>> No.3852997

So like... a wierd fetishizes version of the time machine?

>> No.3853003

>This is so orignal omg the girls at the feminist circle will love it

>> No.3853005

So Original OP

>> No.3853007
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Morlocks and Eloi but from the feminist perspective

>> No.3853021

Are you writing this for /r9k/?

>> No.3853038


Meh, that is another story. What I have in mind is nothing sci-fi with mysterious and unexplained chromosome killing plagues or stuff.

I am envisioning a hardcore, political action phenomenon in which men are purposefully and systematically... er, removed.

No post-apocalyptic stuff.

>> No.3853042


No, I am writing a novel.

>> No.3853046


YA dutch book by Thea Beckman


It's actually really good.

>> No.3853049
File: 121 KB, 240x249, Yall_niggas_postin_in_a_troll_thread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts picture of Sasha Grey
>Says something ridiculously outlandish
>Totally Legit writing a novel about getting men removed from society
You'd have better luck there, they'll argue about anything.

>> No.3853071

So Y: The Last Man?

>> No.3853074


This is /lit/ right? So, am I the only real writer in this shithole?

You go back to >>>/b/ numbnuts.

>> No.3853078


No, not really. Do you even read?

>> No.3853080

what happens to male newborns?

>> No.3853085

Came to say this.
It's like Time Machine, but instead of socialism it's feminism.

>> No.3853098
File: 48 KB, 533x594, lolwut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sasha Grey
>Only real writer on /lit/ has terribly cliche fanfiction ideas of a 16 year old rape victim feminist.
>This is totally legit
For this reply I think I'll use a classic meme.

>> No.3853137

Haha I want to read more of this.

>> No.3853151


Sent to the underground to work or exiled.

>> No.3853155

anyone remember the episode of 'Sliders' like this?

>> No.3853169

You do realize that this is an impossible idea because there is no way men would allow this to happen. That and never in recorded history has there ever been a time that this happened.

Amazons don't count, because they were make believe...

Also the entire basis of your idea is basically what that myth was all about.

>> No.3853171
File: 26 KB, 94x106, 1279965007303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, am I the only real writer in this shithole?
>real writer
>writing a squirming bag of fetishes labelled "political commentary"

>> No.3853173
File: 39 KB, 600x450, skeptical_hippo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using this classic meme to show my disapproval of this thread.
>And the fact that it's an obvious troll.
>What's next a black version of the turner diaries?

>> No.3853176

The most important law in a female country would be:
'Thou shall not hurt my feelings.'

>> No.3853177
File: 308 KB, 495x371, 1371268995370.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw misogynist
>tfw you roleplay NWO matriarchal femdom with your girlfriend
>tfw she treats you like a chattel slave
>tfw your dick weeps the tears of angels

>> No.3853185

>You do realize that this is an impossible idea because there is no way men would allow this to happen.

I don't know, I think you could sell it by explaining that the men don't see themselves as pariahs, they consider the part of the world they inhabit as the important bit (after all, it has all the hydraulics in it, so it HAS to be the important bit) and the women's world is considered an irrelevant hinterland where nothing important is ever done.

NOTE: This isn't "Ha, the bitches are wrong, it's the men that are actually important!" It's just two groups who both consider themselves to be the center of the universe, and since the other group is separated fromm them, well then the other group must be the strange outsiders living on the distant edge of the world.

>> No.3853188

> I think you could sell it by explaining that the men don't see themselves as pariahs, they consider the part of the world they inhabit as the important bit (after all, it has all the hydraulics in it, so it HAS to be the important bit) and the women's world is considered an irrelevant hinterland where nothing important is ever done.

Is this post a commentary or not

Because this is the actual real world, men do 99.99999% of all real work so they can feel manly and important, and women fart around doing nothing other than spending men's money

>> No.3853198

Then there you go. Since all the real work is done by men, and all the real work is underground working on hydraulics (I do question how you can run an entire planetary society without using any non-hydraulic technology, but that's besides the point) it therefore follows that all the men must be underground.

The situation isn't merely not implausible, it's inevitable!

>> No.3853216

>Because this is the actual real world, men do 99.99999% of all real work so they can feel manly and important, and women fart around doing nothing other than spending men's money

Lrn to feminisation of labour

>> No.3853221

I read that too. Are you Dutch?

>> No.3853236
File: 188 KB, 462x384, ughthose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your mother must love you

>> No.3853248

i'm the only male on the surface fucking them all

>> No.3853251

why not write a book about how the stepford wives are the pinicale of feminism. They sit around all way while the men work, but instead of being submissive, all the men are emotionally castrated, and spend all their time playing world of warcraft, while the women have "Open" relationships where only they are allowed to have sex with strapping young bucks.
>Maybe make them black guys to really enforce the cuckcuckcuckold fetish


>> No.3853286


This is brilliant. You've got the groove of the story right there.

Do you think ti would be too outlandish if the men living underground would be all eunuchs?

>> No.3853348

How do you farm sperm from eunuchs?

>> No.3853358


What if they froze sperm from previous men?

>> No.3853369

That'll lead to some incestous birth defects after a few generations brah

>> No.3853371

Why is this thread allowed? Imagine if it was only men in the world or only whites.
dumbass idea anyways.

>> No.3853381

I think a better idea would be to use the old Brain-In-A-Jar idea, where you can keep individual human organs alive and functioning outside of a body, and apply it to balls.

So all the men get turned into eunuchs, but the balls aren't simply thrown away, they're kept alive and floating in jars of special fluid, and are hooked up to various tubes that feed them synthetic blood with oxygen and nutrients, and other tubes drain the sperm as it is produced.

>> No.3853387

You just take their dick, retard.

>> No.3853399

But they're eunuchs. They don't have dicks.

>> No.3853430

Watch TOS episode 'Spock's Brain'. It has the same premise.

>> No.3853434
File: 106 KB, 400x400, 1366250271976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you need a blurb for the cover
>It's Assemblywomen-meets-Metropolis in the mind of an angry virgin!

other than that A Boy and His Dog already employed the chthonic sperm farm motif so yea

what if for a plot twist it turned out that industry was fully automated years ago and the men spend their whole lives doing useless work because somebody told them labor was a 'virtue' (also did u know virtu comes from Sumerian 'birku,' meaning knee, a euphemism for penis which later came to mean "masculine spirit, virility, erectness"; I'm not really sure of the citation but it makes the "took an arrow to the knee" so fahnny meme a little more fahnny)

>> No.3853442
File: 94 KB, 400x300, zoidberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sasha Grey
>Based Feminism
>Only writer on /lit/
>unoriginal fanfic by rape victim

>> No.3853443

you know a lot of people don't like sasha grey or hate her but i think shes cool

>> No.3853498

>complain in any way about women
>loser nerd gross creepy emasculated not virile do you even want to get laid grow up

Fight the good fight. Fight the fight for orthodoxy of thought, enforced by argumentum ad baculum vaginarum.

>> No.3853505

>using virginity as a male-shaming tactic
You're a real adult and you impress me.

>> No.3853523

So... in this alternate reality, the atom bomb is never used.. the war goes on for many more years. Most of the men are dead and only the women are left to fight. Throw in some crazy feminist leader that wins the war for the allies. This crazy bitch leader then decides that men have caused all the wars in the past, almost killed themselves and are no longer capable of looking after themselves. Women of the world are united into one nation due to a charasmatic leader and shared enemy.

>> No.3853591
File: 72 KB, 600x1000, snoopy_dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is brilliant! Thanks bro