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3852237 No.3852237 [Reply] [Original]

The essentials of living are cheap and beyond them, most things are encumbrances.

Why are you still living materialistic, unfulfilling lives, /lit/?

>> No.3852240


>> No.3852239

It's more fun

>> No.3852242
File: 16 KB, 307x320, 539484348748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw air conditioning is an encumbrance

>> No.3852245
File: 1.83 MB, 1862x2311, buttchin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nature's wants are small, while those of opinion are limitless. Imagine that you've piled, up all that a veritable host of rich men ever possessed, that fortune has carried you far beyond the bounds of wealth so far as any private individual is concerned, building you a roof of gold and clothing you in royal purple, conducting you to such a height of opulence and luxury that you hide the earth with marble floors - putting you in a position not merely to own, but to walk all over treasures - throw in sculptures, paintings, all that has been produced at tremendous pains by all the arts to satisfy extravagance: all these things will only induce in you a craving for even bigger things. Natural desires are limited; those which spring from false opinions have nowhere to stop, for falsity has no point of termination.

Seneca, epistulae 16

>> No.3852250


>Electricity bill
>tfw you start sweating like a pig every time you go outside and the temperature's over 68 degrees

>> No.3852254
File: 7 KB, 218x231, 1362386458821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the mosquito population has long been responsible for the spiritual devolution of the american people

>> No.3852258

i am living a materialistic, fulfilling life, op.

>> No.3852266
File: 24 KB, 170x226, mysterious polish philosopher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day.

>> No.3852269


Uh huh. And the Internet is what? Nature's little porn repository?

>> No.3852271
File: 111 KB, 900x675, figma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meaning of life is to collect as many animu girl figurines as possible

>> No.3852276

if you do not dedicate your life to becoming /fit/ you do not know shit.

>> No.3852278

Funny that you post a picture of Louis C.K., since he made that joke about how humans weren't meant to live on Earth, one reason being that we have to stay inside in perfectly temperature controlled rooms at all times.

>> No.3852291

could you rationalise why this is so?
not intending to sound condescending, just curious as to what belief you hold and if it applies to me
thank you

>> No.3852295

Those all look like shit. Way to cheap out.

Pleb as fuck.

>> No.3852296

Plutarch in Life of Cato the Elder says something very similar.
Them based ancients.

>> No.3852321

It's because he has devoted a lot of time and effort to becoming fit and therefore, if that's not important, he's wasted his time.

>> No.3852332

They're not mine I just found that pic in a google image search.

>> No.3852340

What else is there?

Intellectual fulfillment? How do you measure intelligence? The great political philosophers (I don't want to derail this thread with examples) could not do a simple derivative; great mathematic minds cannot make coherent philosophical arguments. I can measure my physical development in pounds, and it shows visually.

Spiritual fulfillment? Please.

>> No.3852495

why does something have to be measurable to be of value?
do you need to compare yourself to others? have you rationalised that because theres no scale to compare intelligence that it renders muscle important because you can physically measure it?

>> No.3852500

a postintellectual. i like it

>> No.3852587

>Spiritual fulfillment? Please.
yeah, nice argument there mr empty existence.

>> No.3854548

I collect welfare and have a good financial buffer. I live frugally and with the excess money I allow myself some nice things. It's very fulfilling. Consumerism is only shit if you work for it.

>> No.3854589

Glad to hear you're getting my money's worth.

>> No.3854601

To separate spirit and being is a simple mistake, but one deadly to spirit and being both. The spirit and being of all things are one and the same - to condemn material acquisition because it is material acquisition, rather than because it is material acquisition for the sake of being material acquisition, is to condemn the zeitgeist of culture and society itself, and to condemn the tools that allow oneself to expand being and spirit.

>> No.3854612
File: 91 KB, 425x466, futuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. It's the civil way of course. It's the modern alternative to banditry. Community, Identity, Stability.

>> No.3854643


>great mathematic minds cannot make coherent philosophical arguments.

Wittgenstein, Frege, Leibniz

>> No.3854657

Frege and Leibniz are cunts. Luddy Dubs is #rektmode retort though.

>> No.3854701

I hate that these dipshit comedians have managed to develop into some sort ofsource of bite-size insight for the average middlebrow idiot. Low comedian culture, about as low as art can go, is such a disrespect to humor, one of our most strong, complex and useful expressive forms. It plays a major role in everything from Beckett to Pynchon, and Louis CK's diluted, safe self-deprecative edginess isn't half as exciting or worthwhile as Lenny Bruce's 50 years earlier.

>> No.3854737


>Spiritual fulfillment? Please.

This is where your post took a nosedive.

A /fit/ and spiritual approach to life should be your goal. Spirituality doesn't necessarily mean sticking to doctrine, it means establishing balance and harmony.

>> No.3854749

Define a postintellectual.

>> No.3854821

Couldnt the same argument being made by that /fit/ guy be made for materialistic lifestyle. After all the acquisition of possessions is both measurable and shown visually

>> No.3854825

Becase pussy feels good to my cock.
Anymore questions?