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3849990 No.3849990 [Reply] [Original]

Good? No spoilers pls

>> No.3849997


Just sparknotes it and save yourself the work.

cost-benefit analysis doesn't favor actually reading it, since its simply a plot driven book. You can get the plot quickly via summaries.

>> No.3850011
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>cost-benefit analysis doesn't favor actually reading it, since its simply a plot driven book. You can get the plot quickly via summaries.

Because no one would read a book for the enjoyment of doing so. Please, be more pleb. Strain as hard as you can, till a big vein pops out on your forehead. Then take a few deep breaths and Be. More. Pleb.

>> No.3850015

don't do that
(although i will admit some parts are arduous)
There's something to be said the scope of it all

>> No.3850017

>Because no one would read a book for the enjoyment of doing so

This assumes enjoyment where there is none to be had. Give it a try for yourself and see how exciting the first 150 pages are.

Even Tolstoy didn't like it that much, he didn't really like most of his fiction actually, and preferred his religious writings and historical books more, like the one about Joan of Arc. I agree with him.

>> No.3850020

It's been widely considered one of the greatest novels ever, so I would say so. Whether you'll like it is another matter.

>> No.3850023

whats the name of the work?
might read it sometime

>> No.3850032

I woud say read it but take lots of brakes. Read it on and off for a year. I read it straight through in a month or so and it was kind of a drag. I really enjoyed some parts but others were pretty boring.

>mfw the last 50 pages of a 1000+ page historical epic is some shitty philosophy

>> No.3850035

make sure to get a good translation, thats the main thing with russians. also if youre looking for something shorter, his short stories are excellent.

>> No.3850041

>This assumes enjoyment where there is none to be had. Give it a try for yourself and see how exciting the first 150 pages are.
I've read it, along with the rest of Tolstoy's canon. Stop assuming everyone's as dense as yourself. Just because you found it confusing doesn't mean those familiar with the style and the history surrounding it weren't fascinated on their way through the pages.

I think your literary opinions would be more appropriate there: >>>/b/

>> No.3850046

>Just because you found it confusing

Boring =/= confusing.

It's a regular story, nothing to it.

>> No.3850062

>It's a regular story, nothing to it.

Believing that shows exactly how you don't understand it at all.

>> No.3850902

So, what kind of motherfucker ties a bear to a police officer?

>> No.3851078


it's a straight story by all accounts, like a fantasy novel without any magic. go figure.

>> No.3851111


One of the best (or maybe the best) books I have ever read.

If you are interested, here is a link to reviews on amazon that I wrote: one of them is about War and Peace. As it was a book that really loved, I struggled to make a good review.

The link:


>> No.3851121


If War and Peace is not an wonderfully interesting and aesthetically powerful book, so please tell me what are your favorite books?

I do not think any other work overcomes the banquet of humanity provided by War and Peace, but I'm curious to know what kind of books you like.

>> No.3851141
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I really liked it. Watch out though because there's better and worse translations of it. This is one I liked and people seem to agree that it's good.

>> No.3851144

Probably Shakespeare is the only one that might be better.

>> No.3851152

That would explain Tolstoys hatred for him

>> No.3851183

hahahaha Yeah, true.

>> No.3851185
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>> No.3851193

dat coming to terms with death during a fascinating dream sequence

dat characterization of napoleon

dat pierre

dat tangled, deliberately anti-climactic philosophical treatise

>> No.3851348


Dat teenage costume party in a snowy and silver moonlight night.

>> No.3851393

>tfw no qtpi Natasha gf

>> No.3851431

But she'll try to run away with some dickwad and hate you for it for no reason, only to come to love you again while you are on your deathbed and eventually get fat and marry your best friend after you pass.

Do you truly want that, anon?

>> No.3851448

she's a fucking whore.

>> No.3851450

That's the Garnett translation, right?

>> No.3851488

holy shit that feel

>> No.3851620

Nothing else by Tolstoy even comes close, though it's still very good for the most part.

>> No.3851630

Everyone tells me Anna Karenina is better, though

>> No.3851712

War and Peace is immortal.
Anna Karenina is a really good novel about adultery.

>> No.3851887

It's important to understand that he's really influenced by Schopenhauer. It's also not really a novel, more of a history. I think the most important idea I took away from W&P is that subjectivity is resolved within multiplicity.

Also, remember that Tolstoy was challenging the idea of a man of destiny, like Napoleon.

>> No.3852005

war scenes are kinda boring
peace scenes are good.

>> No.3852432

nice job avoiding spoilers

>> No.3852738
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>mfw the carriage ride