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/lit/ - Literature

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3846895 No.3846895[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>submitted my manuscript to five literary agents and a publisher
>know that pic related is going to happen, but still have to wait weeks on end for a response

I know some of you have felt the same feels. What sort of untold agonies should I expect?

>> No.3846901
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Have you ever poured your heart and soul into a love letter and sent it to the one person you thought you'd ever have a chance with in life?

Think of it like doing that, and then they never write back, look you in the eye, or acknowledge your existence.

>> No.3846905

so you spent hundreds of hours making something.

when no one ever accepts it, here's how you put it into perspective:

realize you could have spent that exact same amount of time doing something productive, learning a trade, or just generally improving your life.

>> No.3846937

>Creating art isn't productive
Put on your dancing socks and get ready to rock, it's tip-top lel o'clock!

>> No.3846939

A guy did this at my highschool, except it was an email and she forwarded it to everybody.

>> No.3846944


lol what high school because I did that

>> No.3846950

It's what happens when you try to enter a competitive industry. What's your work about?

>> No.3846954

It's the most typical thing you could ever lay your eyes on. A sci-fi / fantasy religious dystopia with steampunk elements

>> No.3846960

Welp you're fuked. Go join the federal reserve or something or else face with bwcoming a hobo philosoph.

>> No.3846962

You'll get a lot of automatic responses saying "we read so and so but found it doesn't suit our tastes kind regards etc."
If they like it but you're still not good enough then they might send you something. I got an encouraging letter from a publisher giving me some advice and discussing my characters a little bit which was really nice feedback.
Watch our for joint or vanity publishers though. The first time I sent out my manuscript I sent it to a whole bunch of different places without checking them out. Within a few weeks I got an e-mail saying how fantastic my book was etc etc they'd love to publish it. I did all this detailing and went over editing it with them and then they told me I'd have to pay £500 to have it published and would only receive royalties after 1000 copies were sold.

>> No.3846966

Well, good luck. At least you have got this far, never been in the situation personally because i can't write.

>> No.3846972

Yeah, I'm looking out for those sorts of fucks. Made sure to research everyone I've submitted my work to. I don't want to be cheated. I really wish I could just give my work out for free, but I've got to make Jew gold somehow, or else I can't keep writing.

>> No.3846980

Do Journalism or write book reviews. That's what I do. I got an intern gig at a magazine and then went on to write freelance article for them which are easy to pump out and get in the cash flow. Then I started reviewing books for free (a couple of sites will add you to their reader panel if you express an interest) before I built up a portfolio and started getting a little bit of cash for every review I made.
That'll improve your writing and keep enough cash flowing in so you can keep writing what you really want to write.

>> No.3846987
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sorry op

>> No.3847002

What is this from?

>> No.3847005

It's a stupid forced meme

>> No.3847007

>A sci-fi / fantasy religious dystopia with steampunk elements

crrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrIIIIInnnnnnnnnnGGGGeee o'clock

>> No.3847009

A meme born from interview threads on /pol/

>Looking at resume
>See Straight White Male aged 18-35
>Into the trash it goes

>> No.3847013

>A sci-fi / fantasy religious dystopia with steampunk elements
What the fuck were you expecting? Do something original.

>> No.3847049
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>not bringing the book out at your own expense

you some kind of pleb anon?

>> No.3847069

>vanity publishing
Excuse me while I clean up all of this vomit.

>> No.3847075
File: 1.23 MB, 160x120, oooo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A sci-fi / fantasy religious dystopia with steampunk elements
>MFW it's keeper of the light by AJ Sonder
At least she put it on the kindle store

>> No.3847089

I just read the summary. No. It's not as bad as I'm making it out to be, it just isn't a setting I can really elaborate on here.

>> No.3847098

>Implying your drivel is any better than hers.

>> No.3847102

Just trust me on this one. I might get rejected, but there are far worse things out there.

>> No.3847116

Why don't you post your query letter and let us take a look at how terrible it is.

>Heck some of us might even want to read it

>> No.3847118

Because that's a pretty personal thing to show. If it's accepted I'll post it as an example, but if it isn't, it'll go back to the drawing board for the next submission set.

>> No.3847129

You're a faggot, and worst than that, you're a poseur. You just want to write a bestseller and run around telling everyone that you are a LITERARY GENIUS when in reality you're just a little pansy who can't handle that you're just another shitty sci-fi writer.

>It's too personal to show
>trying to get it published so it'll be available to hundreds of thousands of anonymous people and book reviewers.

Maybe you should just write fanfiction in your spare time and work on getting a real job. Your dreams are garbage, and you know it.

>I know because my brother did the same thing, he's still enjoying a basement at mom's while he's trying to bang out episodes of doctor who with different names.
>Everyone is ashamed of him.

>> No.3847131

Aw, c'mon!

>> No.3847134

Please note OP that this is all /lit/ is waiting for. Doesn't matter if you post the next Iliad, some douche like this guy is going to get on his critical high horse about it with plenty of personal non sequiturs.

>> No.3847154

>You're a faggot, and worst than that, you're a poseur. You just want to write a bestseller and run around telling everyone that you are a LITERARY GENIUS when in reality you're just a little pansy who can't handle that you're just another shitty sci-fi writer.

>implying I just don't want to write a series and have fun writing
I just don't think showing you guys my cover letter is very productive. Nice shot at psychoanalysis, though.

>> No.3847174

I like how you responded to that. I am thinking/starting to write my own book, and that comment and this thread in general kind of crushed me. Now I never thought to write full time, more of a in my spare time sort of thing. But still lol.

>> No.3847176

It's only discouraging if you let it be. I don't feel bad that my work is going to get rejected. I knew it would happen from the start.

>> No.3847184

How do you write dialogue and make the story flow?

>> No.3847200

Linearly? I don't really understand the question.

>> No.3847440

To be fair, Gertrude Stein published Three Lives on her own.

>> No.3847448


Not all of us do it linearly. I write by going back mid chapter to flesh out appropriate events taking place in the past, and switch to the current 'present' simply by marking dates.

>> No.3847552

>that my work is going to get rejected
>knew it would happen from the start

Why the defeatist attitude, anon. That other guy was rude but he's right in that you are being a pansy. You're a writer, act like one. Don't be so timid and too self effacing or you'll never be a published and successful writer.

>> No.3847564


I've never got why they used Penn for it, I mean the only reason I can think of is that he comes off as a pompous fuck.