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3846404 No.3846404 [Reply] [Original]

I suppose my question is this: will Bleeding Edge be Pynchon Lite, or Pynchon Classic? Either Vineland or Gravity's Rainbow. Or, the hitherto unseen Pynchon Pro?

Jesus. Can you imagine that? Even more complex than ATD or GR?

>> No.3846413

Pynchon Lite attempting to recapture Pynchon Classic. I.e. a disaster.

>> No.3846415

"Pynchon Pro" doesn't seem feasible. He's older now, as has been stated many times. It's also only 500 pages so it would be hard to cram a lot in that length.

Plus the excerpts that have been released seem more on the Vineland side, sadly.

I'm assuming it will be better than Inherent Vice and Vineland, but no where near GR and the bunch.

>> No.3846431
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Only 500 pages? Noooooo! I haven't read the excerpts either, so I'm sad if they're not great. Is this going to be a simple, straightforward book? I want obscure things and references.

>> No.3846433


It's not going to be simple; it's Pynchon, for godsakes. But he's not as he was during GR and hasn't had 10 years of obscurity to work with.

I'm expecting "medium." Medium quality, medium pynchon.

>> No.3846434

I put the Goodreads link in to show the page numbers btw.

>> No.3846437
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This literally just came in the mail not ten minutes ago. I've only read V. and Vineland, but enjoyed them thoroughly. M&D, AtD, Inherent Vice, and The Crying of Lot 49 are on my shelves, waiting to be read. What do I read next?

>> No.3846494

Go for it.

But don't be alarmed if you come off the first 100 pages completely bewildered and unsure if you want to continue. That's just where it starts to get good.

>> No.3846501

You're such a shitty person suncock

>> No.3846521

Have you even read Gravity's Rainbow, sunhawk?

Anyway, I hope you guys aren't serious in rating his works on a scale of "quality" and "complexity". GR isn't dense because it was his best work, it was filled with the "obscure things and references" to match its subject and setting. We're no longer living in a time of extreme paranoia, it's nonsensical to expect that in a work written today, or to interpret that loss as a qualitative one, something due to 'age'. And it's silly to expect it in a work examining post-9/11 NYC, you can already clearly see his interpretation of it in the first page of Bleeding Edge, conspiracy might still be an element, but it's a muted and illusive form compared to the frenzied drama engulfing his early career.
What I mean is, if you're going to place his shit on a scale, subject and density are better measures.

>> No.3846548

that face man
>lel i tricked you faggets
he is amazing i love him

>> No.3846554

Hey, that's the same edition I have.