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3844287 No.3844287[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no such thing as a good female philosopher?
Is it because women are inferior at thinking critically?

Keyword: good

>> No.3844304

beauvoir had a really nice ass

>> No.3844313

There are exceptions. Most women suck, some are exceptional. I happen to think those exceptions are better than the best men. That's just my taste tho.

>> No.3844318 [DELETED] 


>> No.3844338


>those exceptions are better than the best men

Name one female philosopher who is on the level of Kant.

>> No.3844369

"The nobler and more perfect a thing is, the later and slower is it in reaching maturity. Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty; woman when she is eighteen; but hers is reason of very narrow limitations. This is why women remain children all their lives, for they always see only what is near at hand, cling to the present, take the appearance of a thing for reality, and prefer trifling matters to the most important. It is by virtue of man’s reasoning powers that he does not live in the present only, like the brute, but observes and ponders over the past and future; and from this spring discretion, care, and that anxiety which we so frequently notice in people. The advantages, as well as the disadvantages, that this entails, make woman, in consequence of her weaker reasoning powers, less of a partaker in them. Moreover, she is intellectually short-sighted, for although her intuitive understanding quickly perceives what is near to her, on the other hand her circle of vision is limited and does not embrace anything that is remote; hence everything that is absent or past, or in the future, affects women in a less degree than men. This is why they have greater inclination for extravagance, which sometimes borders on madness"

- Schopenhauer

"Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow."

- Nietzsche

I would also add that women, especially the feminazis that inhabit this board, are intellectually dishonest and lack the conscience & moral virtue that would inhibit any gentleman from carrying on in such a disgusting manner.

>> No.3844391

Men did not believe women could think right, so they never listened to them. Women never believed they could think right because their entire lives they were taught to live as secondary to the man's world. So few exceeded expectations and those who did were oppressed to be forgotten or never had the chance to speak it out. This is not a light matter of prejudice or anything, for most of the history we are considering, it is something as natural as the clothes they are wearing. There is a place for men and a place for women. To say the difference is anything but cultural, historic and social is akin to thinking poor people are lazy or some shit like that.

>> No.3844393

I'm not going to play celebrity worship with you.

Awaiting your complaint.

>> No.3844411


What does it have to do with celebrity worship?

I want you to name one female who was a good philosopher.

>> No.3844412

Obviously historical gender roles account for why there's only so many examples of women philosophers, and those are weighted towards contemporary times where things have loosened up a bit: e.g. Pat Churchland, Susan Haack, G.E.M. Anscomb. All very good philosophers, but I don't any will define or transcend their particular time and school. Also, as much as I hate to say it, Rand isn't going to be forgotten and may come to define a mode of thought of our time. Her philosophy might be shit, but you can't ignore that impact.

>> No.3844419

Where's that Zizek quote on fisting?

>> No.3844421

still alive friend?

hipparchia was the last one

>> No.3844434
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"On the subject of animals, then, the following remarks may be offered. Of the men who came into the world, those who were cowards or led unrighteous lives may with reason be supposed to have changed into the nature of women in the second generation." - Plato

"And it is clear that the rule of the soul over the body, and of the mind and the rational element over the passionate, is natural and expedient...[T]he male is by nature superior, and the female inferior; and the one rules, and the other is ruled; this principle, of necessity, extends to all mankind." - Aristotle

>> No.3844440

Oh, I thought you were going to try.


>> No.3844441

>quotes Nietzsche
stand back everyone, we have a bad ass here!

>> No.3844462

Is this you're first time here? Nietzsche quotes/threads are brought up like every minute.

>> No.3844464


i feel like i talked to you today already goats, sup

>> No.3844478

>who is Emma Goldman

>> No.3844482

does D&E still post here
what about brownbear

I haven't been here in a while

>> No.3844488

Lots of poor people are lazy you idiot. Ever visited /jp/? Ever been to a black ghetto?

>> No.3844492


OP said "good"

>> No.3844496

Yes & no, respectively.

>> No.3844498
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>> No.3844517


>> No.3844529


go2bed schop wop.

>> No.3844549
File: 110 KB, 483x725, 1368054735872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nietzsche also claimed that Copernicus was wrong and that atomic structures don't exist because they betray visual evidence. Also, using Nietzsche to justify an argument about the inferiority of women is pretty misguided at best. Please refer to his commentary on "the whip" and his assertion that the perfect woman is a higher type of human than the perfect man. One day you'll grow out of your edginess and stop taking everything Nietzsche says at face value. I doubt you'll ever grow out of your unfounded misogyny though because you're clearly a sexually dejected, pseudo-intellectual neckbeard. U mad?

>> No.3844561

I suggest you read The Second Sex, that will answer your question and many more.

>> No.3844571

Well, women have only really been allowed to be philosophers for, like, the past couple centuries. And for the past half century almost all of them have been utterly infatuated with the depraved and deprived school of postmodernism and poststructuralism. So that's only, like, a century and a half where very much even half decent philosophizing could have gone on. Taking this into account, it shouldn't be entirely surprising that there haven't been many quality female philosophers.

>> No.3844581
File: 209 KB, 500x502, vin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laying most low, summertime ataraxia, general dolce far niente. Don't know what day it is most of the time, delicious eternal present dwelling. Until you asked I had no idea how well I'm doing. "The right way to go easy is to forget the right way, and forget that the going is easy" etc.

Where did we talk?

>> No.3844608

You Philosophers give her flowers and she does not even accept them to be thrown away.

I, who 'play with words' - give her weeds and she puts it in her now most favorite and expensive vase; for she would do the same and I would accept it - as she 'plays with words'.

>> No.3844628

>Nietzsche also claimed that Copernicus was wrong and that atomic structures don't exist because they betray visual evidence

What? I know he criticized ancient atomism, but that's not the same thing as modern atomism. Also, what did he mean when he said Copernicus was wrong? Did Nietzsche believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth?

>> No.3844649


you know i'm kinda fairly certain that you're about 4 other distinct entities on /lit/, but whatever,
this is gonna be a wild summer for stanislav. leaving for europe in 2 days, will be gone for two months.
prowl sessions throughout based balkans,
won't be poasting for a while

>> No.3844651

It's because women aren't as afraid of death as men are.

>> No.3844658
File: 154 KB, 328x366, Rejoice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>won't be poasting for a while

>> No.3844663

I'm pretty sure I am, but I'm not sure of we're agreeing on which ones.

Enjoy the motherland and see you next season Stanford, i'm off tae me kip.

>> No.3844670

Nietzsche privileged sensualism over abstract logic. He saw the Copernican revolution as an event which harkened the arduous march toward the belittlement of man. I suppose he does not say Copernicus was wrong outright but he certainly found Copernican insights offensive. Concerning atomism, he gave Bošković a lot of shit and Bošković is pretty much of father of modern atomic theory.

>> No.3844692

Hannah Arendt and Simone de Beauvoir were easily 2 of the greatest philosophers of the 20th century.

>> No.3844696

i dont think it has to do with intelligence. i know many women smarter than me, including women philosophers.

it doesnt seem crazy to suggest that there arent famous women philosophers because women were never encouraged to try to be famous philosophers. when it comes to distinguishing the most famous intellectuals in history, chances are you are going to come across people who were competitive and intent on making a name for themselves, something women were usually not encouraged to do, lest they, among other things, humiliate the men. also, women have never really had the same incentives as men to excel in fields such as philosophy.

i guess its kind of like asking why there aren't any good black hockey players in the NHL. its not that white people are more athletic; its just that hockey was never a part of black culture.

that being said, i dont doubt that a black guy here or there could be a good hockey player.

>> No.3844701 [SPOILER] 
File: 89 KB, 465x465, 1358738260397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best was female

>> No.3844706

people who claim things like OP claimed are basically totally uninterested in objective or disinterested appraisals, so it's probably best to just ignore them

their arguments are pretty much always in bad faith in one way or another

>> No.3844708

why is there only one good male philosopher?

>> No.3844711
File: 41 KB, 206x181, another classic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here I was hoping to see Simone's behind hidden under that spoiler.

Well ok, but your initial statement made it seem like Nietzsche was actually a moron.

>> No.3844732

>women are inferior at thinking

It is because women are raised to be inferior at thinking in general.

Nothing to do with pussies or dicks, nor with hormones or hair, just with the way we understand those differences and what we decide to build from them.

So are they inferior? Yes, but the verb to be is being used differently than in a phrase like "the elephant is big". The whole point lays in this grammatical difference.

>> No.3844744

>akin to thinking poor people are poor because they are lazy