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3841956 No.3841956 [Reply] [Original]

spoil some books for me

>> No.3841961


>> No.3841962

John dies at the end (kinda)

>> No.3841963

dude what np way

>> No.3841964

dumbpledore kill prijce harry

>> No.3841965

Moby Dick :The boat sinks, the whale lives, everyone but Ishmael dies.

Pynchon's V. :There is no real satisfying conclusion as to V's identity. Stencil dies or something, I don't remember. Benny runs off (literally) with some girl he just met.

The Crying of lot 49 : Again, no real answers here, but the book ends in an auction house where the protag is waiting to see who will "cry" for lot 49, which is a collection of forged stamps related to W.A.S.T.E. which may or may not all be an elaborate prank.

I don't really read plot-centric books, so I don't have much to spoil for you.

>> No.3841997

>I don't really read plot-centric books

You had no reason to post in the thread, then, other than for the opportunity to say that.

Now tell us about how you don't own a TV.

>> No.3842016

No one quotes Iago right.

Fight Club is an afterschool special for those who identify with any of the movie.

Of course the tattooed circus freak criminal is going to stab you in your sleep.

Rules of Attraction: nerds get slutty in college.

Wilde died in poverty trying to be Catholic.

>> No.3842020

Snow was my favorite you bastard ;_;

>> No.3842021

Not at all, he's the only one who doesn't die.

>> No.3842107

120 days of Sodom: everyone dies except de Blangis