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3841144 No.3841144 [Reply] [Original]

So I just picked this up.
Where should I start?

>> No.3841147

By returning it to the bookstore.

>> No.3841149


>> No.3841154

Just kidding. I personally dislike Lovecraft so I'm trolling. Someone else will give you a better recommendation probably. Summer really has hit me hard, I'm getting off now.

>> No.3841155

Well. The beginning seems a good place to start.

>> No.3841157


Call of Cthulu I'd suggest, something like 25 pages long, easy but entertaining and it really does set the scene for his writing.

>> No.3841158

>Where should I start?
Page 1
advance one page at a time
how hard could it be to read a book

>> No.3841221

Hilarious guys. I was asking if there's a specific work I should start with, as I've never read anything by him before.

>> No.3841264

Page 1

>> No.3841270

Past the intro a few pages look to the top right until you find a "1"

>> No.3841272

The works appear chronologically. Start with The Dunwich Horror or At the Mountains of Madness for his best work. You could just as easily start in the middle to avoid his earlier works from his teenage years

>> No.3841276
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>> No.3841278

Don't listen to these idiots, OP.
The table of contents is optional, but generally recommended for Lovecraft newcomers.

>> No.3841288

OP Here. Just wanted to apologize for having the audacity to not read everything he's ever written in chronological order and assume it's all of the same quality. How silly of me.

>> No.3841323

Generally these things are arranged from well known classic to obscure as fuck as you read on.

>> No.3841722

Call of Cthulhu
The Rats in The Walls
The Music of Erich Zann
The Dunwich Horror
The Color Out of Space
The Shadow Out of Time
At The Mountains of Madness
Shadow Over Innsmouth

That should be a pretty good order to get you started.

>> No.3841725

If you didn't want to read all of Lovecraft's works why did you buy the complete collection?

>> No.3841730

I literally read his complete works cover to cover in order, and was fine. Really almost all of them should be read. There are a bunch of meh works but they're still worth a read anyway. None of them are terribly long anyway.

>> No.3841765
File: 333 KB, 846x773, HP Lovecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have this particular collection so I'm not sure what order it's arranged in, but I'm sure you'd be fine just reading it in the order the book has it.

It may also be a good idea to read one cycle at a time. I'd read the Cthulhu Mythos first and then the Dream Cycle (you can google them for further info)

The picture I posted can be followed for starters as well if you'd prefer.

If you plan on reading every single one of his stories though then I'd just go in the order the collection has them (which is likely chronologically). If you only want to read some stories then read either of the cycles or look up his most well liked stories.

>> No.3841775

The story about kadath is one of my favorites I can't recall the exact name. But start with the call of cthulhu

>> No.3841782
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>> No.3841787

Hey OP, I have the same edition.
If I were you, I'd read the introduction and then start at page 164 and go till the end. Leave out the appendix with the juvenalia for now and go back to the beginning. Once you're done with the rest of the main work, go back and read the appendix and marvel at how unbelievably shitty Lovecraft's writing was when he was 12.

>> No.3841791

Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

>> No.3841813

As a Lovecraft fan, this jpg made me cringe.

>> No.3841825

In all seriousness, start by checking that the copy isn't fucked. I bought three of those (Stephen King, Hemingway, and Jurassic Park) and all three have flaws in quality. The King one is pulling away from the bindings, the hemingway one has fucked up pages that stick (like stuff was spilled on it), and the jurassic park one has pags ripped in half and missing. The worst part is that all were sealed in that shrink wrap shit, meaning they were packaged as such.

>> No.3842046

Mountains Of Moodyness
Lurker at the Threshold

Also page 1, don't be silly OP. Now go get spooked with silly wording.