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/lit/ - Literature

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3840155 No.3840155 [Reply] [Original]

>reading less than 100 pages per day

>> No.3840156

then go read fgt

>> No.3840159
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>implying I've not read already 150

>> No.3840172
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>not having read more than 3 1000 page books so far this year on top of at least 30 other novel length works

>> No.3840203

Not everyone's a NEET, faggot.

>> No.3840224

I got exams. Haven't read any literature for a month.

>> No.3840268

>reads more than 100 pages per day
>can't into grammar
It's "fewer", you suppurating fuckstick.

>> No.3840334

>implying i'm engliz

>> No.3840337


>> No.3840737

>implying that gives you an excuse
Terrible grammar is terrible grammar, bitch.

>> No.3840741

I sure am.

>> No.3840742


>> No.3840745

So you have less than two or three hours leisure time every day?

>> No.3840749
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Not the same guy, but I'm a slow reader. I'm working on it. My reading comprehension is fairly good, but I just can't seem to break the pace at which I read.
>pic related

>> No.3840860

>not having other hobbies than reading
>not having the time to read for up to three or even four days simply because you have so many other hobbies

You guys are a sorry bunch if reading is all you do.

>> No.3840870

How many words is a "page"?

>> No.3840876


1) Not everyone reads that quickly
2) When you're not NEET you might simply be too tired to read
3) this >>3840860. There is more to life than reading.

>> No.3841280


>taking the time to justify your lower reading rate on a literary board, like it actually fucking matters

lol could you be any more insecure?

>> No.3841282

I read like 20 a day? What's wrong with you guys

>> No.3841283 [DELETED] 


your statement has a question mark and your question has a period, what the hell's wrong with YOU?

>> No.3841284

I work 71 hours a week and reading less than 100 pages a day is abysmal.

>> No.3841299

I read an hour after dinner with a cigar. The rest of the time I'm too busy loafing around. Learn to leasure OP.

>> No.3841300

I read ~30 pages a day.
Books deserve to be read as deliberately as they are written.

>> No.3841306

This means you finish a book in 3 days. Where is the enjoyment in that?

>> No.3841321

I read anywhere from 50-100 pages on a busy day. When I have nothing to do I'll read 100-150.

>> No.3841328

I can only read in the train if I can find a seat.

Have a wife and a daughter is not easy, dude

>> No.3841332


>Reading for quantity

Good luck understanding anything

>> No.3841352

lol. Not OP but if I'm reading your average fiction book, 100 pages of comprehension is no problem. Now, it is silly to rush through a non-fiction book unless your a savant.

>> No.3841377

What kind of faggot are you OP. I reprint all my books in 48 font so I read upwards of 1000 pages daily. Get on my level plebeian scum.

>> No.3841387
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>having enough spare time to
>watch a movie like /tv/ recommends
>listen to at least 1 full album like /mu/ recommends
>lift for at least an hour like /fit/ recommends
>read at least 100 pages like /lit/ recommends
i can't do it all people

>> No.3841401


then just listen to /fit/ and /lit/, the only two pursuits that matter

>> No.3841426

Just listen to /mu/ and /lit.

>> No.3841433

>implying /fit/ told you to lift for an hour a day and not ~20 minutes 3 days a week

>> No.3841435

>Reading shitty books.

>> No.3841447
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>not playing yugioh on GBA emulators on your free time

>> No.3841500

Come on, anon. There are synchro and XYZ now,

>> No.3841538

I'm a fairly slow reader, and I get fatigued after about 50 in a single sitting. On really lazy days and/or when I'm like totally into a good story, I've been known to take on 200 a day. I think I read the final Dark Tower book (book 7) in 2 or three sessions over as many days.

But in general, I read in chapter/section increments, provided the book has them. I just started King's "Under the Dome" and it's chopped up into a shit-ton of small chapters (so far). I'll read one or two, then move on to work, or dishes, or taking on some fix-up job around the house, read another couple, then eat, etc..

But I just can't understand folks who will tear up an entire novel in a single sitting/day, like those freaks you'd see on the evening news reading the latest, just-released Harry Potter book in 6 hours at the local Barnes and Noble. Even if I could read and comprehend that much that fast, I highly doubt I'd find it very enjoyable. I like to ruminate over prose, taking the time to get a visual and set my mental mood. I am personally just not capable of doing that once I reach a certain apwws threshold.

To each their own.

>> No.3841540 [DELETED] 


>tfw I can't read a 100 per day

I have dyslexia

>> No.3841546

I read about 50 pages a day and I do just fine.

Not that this thread is serious, but what the hell

>> No.3841547

I only read like 12-18 pages a day

I have a learning disability that makes me struggle with reading.

>> No.3841553

I read mein kampf in two days. Skimmed it and probably only understood about 60 percent of what I reading.

>> No.3841555


I was reading*

>> No.3841556

Prof. Jack Gladney?

fuck outta here, go learn german

>> No.3841572

>tfw slow reader

It takes me a whole month just to read a 500 page book

>> No.3841576

I know that feel bro. Moby Dick took like 3 months. Less because of length, more because of density.

>> No.3841577

>making a mental note of how many pages you've read in a day
>having to externalize the rewards of reading to a number that is practically arbitrary

Hah you fuckin' shitstain. Enjoy your vapid intellectual capital.

>> No.3841870
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>I've not read already 150
>not read already

>> No.3841875
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>> No.3842565
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>comparing pagecounts across books
First they herped,
And then they derped,
And then they all stood still.

>> No.3842570
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>prologue is 40 pages long

>> No.3842608

This. You dont need anything else, rest is pure waste.

>> No.3842609

You need /fa/ too, no sense in framing a beautiful picture in a heap of shit.

>> No.3842612

what are you trying to say, monsieur? that more is more?

>> No.3842613

You probably think whisky is for try hards as well, Merryfriend.

>> No.3842614

I'm reading about 200 pages a day.

I only have a part-time job so no gloating from me.

>> No.3842615
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Read 100 pages of a dictionary 3 times a week.

>> No.3842618

>play zero hours of vidya like /v/ recommends

>> No.3842640

>implying you wont acquire, as a natural consequence, the right sense of beauty and sublime from working on your mind and body

direct discussion of concrete matters, such as beauty, is for inferior minds. it just comes as a consequence.

>> No.3842643

I try to maintain a one book per week, assuming of course that the book is very doable. Life's not all books when not a NEET.

Balance is the key.

>> No.3842670

i have better things to do with half an hour of my time

>> No.3842675

I really doubt that.

>> No.3842676

doubt is a symptom of intelligence, monsieur. therefore, monsieur, you are intelligent.